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Birthers Raid Audit IRS Rally: Obama CT Social Security Number; Audit The BC

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  • Birthers Raid Audit IRS Rally: Obama CT Social Security Number; Audit The BC

    Birthers Raid Audit IRS Rally: Obama CT Social Security Number Passed Out; Audit The BC

    Birther Report



    Birthers Raid Audit The IRS Rally: Obama Tax Return With Connecticut Social Security Number Handed Out; Audit The BC

    The Tea Party Returns to Capitol Hill
    Excerpts Via Betsy Woodruff @ National Review

    There aren’t many places where Orly Taitz is a celebrity. But on the West Lawn of the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon, Taitz — the Moses of the birther movement — signed at least a few autographs. She was there along with a crowd that filled the lawn for the “Audit the IRS” rally, an event that some expected to be the biggest tea-party gathering since 2010. The event, which sprawled over four hours and countless speeches, drew tour buses full of anti-tax activists and coincided conveniently with an earlier press conference hosted by Republicans who oppose the Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration bill.

    In a way, it was a smorgasbord of what’s left of a movement that had its heyday during the early years of President Obama’s first term. While the Tea Party began as a group with a narrow focus (opposing tax hikes and the Affordable Care Act, in particular), the afternoon’s attendees represented a variety of the concerns now found on the right, from opposition to abortion and the Common Core to birtherism and militias. Common targets, besides the obvious, included prominent members of the current Republican establishment — Senator John McCain, Senator Marco Rubio, and Speaker of the House John Boehner. [...]

    But it wasn’t just media darlings. A litany of tea-party leaders detailed their interactions with the IRS to a highly sympathetic audience; one attendee carried a sign that said, “The IRS is the Belly of The Beast.” Another expressed a more Taitzian sentiment, reading, “NEXT TIME . . . ELECT AN AMERICAN.” [IMAGE ... ] A third, on a slightly glummer note, said “America Is F.U.B.A.R.! Thanks to OBAMA – Dictator-in-Chief.” [...] - National Review Online.

    Report from PPSIMMONS/CGM Operative at IRS RALLY!
    From David M. Small

    The t-shirt went over pretty well at the rally. I only got to the "Audit the IRS" rally, not the immigration rally. I also met Orly Taitz at the rally. She was handing out copies of Obama's tax return with his social security number visible [IMAGE ... ]. I introduced myself to her, showed off my shirt I told her I was a fan, but she didn't seem to want to have any conversation with me at all... I wonder if it had anything to do with the website I printed on the t-shirt? [...] - PPSIMMONS.

    Update info on DC rally today and interviews tomorrow
    Via Dr. Orly Taitz

    I just came home from DC. I will provide a more detailed report tomorrow, hopefully will have pictures too. I provided the evidence of Obama’s stolen SSN and forged IDs to Senator Ted Cruz, as well as FOX reporters Bill Thomas and Steve Shehovan (I am not sure about the spelling of his last name), as well as NBC and CNN reporters and smaller stations as well. I spent 5 hours discussing Obama’s forged IDs with an Associated Press reporter. [...] - Dr. Orly Taitz.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-21-2013, 09:30 PM.
    B. Steadman