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Sheriff Unleashed: Manchurian Candidate Obama Groomed By Commie; Multiple Aliases

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  • Sheriff Unleashed: Manchurian Candidate Obama Groomed By Commie; Multiple Aliases

    Sheriff Unleashed: Manchurian Candidate Obama Groomed By Commie; Multiple Aliases

    Birther Report



    Video: Sheriff Mack Unleashed: Manchurian Candidate Obama AKA Soetoro Groomed By Commie; Only President Ever To Use Multiple Aliases

    Sheriff Richard Mack's State of the Union: ( video embedded below )

    'We don't know who he [Obama] is. We don't know where he is from. I'm not positive he [Obama] knows.'

    Sheriff Joe Obama fraud presentation at the CSPOA Convention 'was the biggest attended class we had' during the entire convention.

    Whoever created the Obama birth certificate was most likely 'a young computer tech' and did it in 'rush'.

    'The birth certificate the White House released is a fraud, a fake, and a lie.'

    'He [Obama] used his dad's name... Barry [Lolo Soetoro] Soetoro. That's Obama's name that he used to go to college... Media gives Obama free ride... We know he used an alias. The only president ever to use an AKA.'

    Manchurian Candidate Obama 'raised up... groomed for this' by Communist Frank Marshall Davis. 'This was no accident... This was all devised and planned. And here he is, doing what he was told, doing what he was raised to do. Destroy America!'

    Sheriff Mack says Donald Trump 'should be investigated' for calling for the 'illegal assassination' of NSA whistleblower Snowden.

    ( Video Aired 6/25/2013 Via The Liberty Defined. )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman