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When Barack Obama is removed ... the constitution line of succession will not hold

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  • When Barack Obama is removed ... the constitution line of succession will not hold

    When Barack Obama is removed, and he must be removed (if not, our nation will be defeated), “the constitutional line of succession to the Oval Office will not hold in this case.”

    Obama Ballot Challenge



    This is a long and rambling, but very good blog posting by ?. It draws some of the same conclusions we have… that there is an ineligible enemy of the American People in the White House, that he could only have gotten there and stayed there with massive help from powerful, utterly corrupt people.

    Seen on …..

    I was at first a bit surprised when Jackie Chan said,

    “The U.S. government is the most corrupt government in the world.”

    But then I immediately put all the recent scandals into context with the fact that Edward Snowden was in Hong Kong when he exposed the willful violations of Article 4 of our Constitution, and realized that Jackie Chan is absolutely correct. But those in the “U.S. government” are a great deal more than corrupt: They are in fact an oligarchy of communists aiding Russian and Chinese communists and the Muslims in an attempt to destroy our military and Israel.

    NOTE: This is even evidenced by the fact that Snowden left China and that Putin said Snowden “must stop his work aimed at harming our American partners“ if he wants to stay in Russia. Who are Putin’s partners? They are Obama and other co-conspirators in the “U.S. government,” not the American People.

    In a publication regarding Obama’s ineligibility to hold the Office of President written by J.B. Williams (Can Obama Be Impeached) he writes:

    “Nobody wants to touch this matter with a ten foot pole, because the constitutional crisis created by Obama and the Democrat Party are of monumental proportions. The constitutional line of succession to the Oval Office will not hold in this case as every individual in that line of succession was one way or another, involved and complicit i[n] the most egregious fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.”

    NOTE. The fact is that numerous members of Congress planned long ago to ignore evidence of Obama’s ineligibility, no matter what: They have absolutely no intention of formally investigating whether or not Obama is constitutionally qualified to be a president, and if they did — Obama would expose them all. This is also why the courts have dismissed so many lawsuits regarding Obama’s acts of fraud against the American people: If any court proceeds with a case against Obama then the judge in that court moves against Chief Justice John G. Roberts who has twice unlawfully sworn Obama in as “President”. Even though Obama has taken oaths for the Office of President, he was ineligible to take the oaths, and is therefore not the “President” of the United States.

    In response to Mr. Williams publication, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D., in a publication (Thought Must Precede Action) writes:

    “Consider the remedy of impeachment. This depends entirely upon Congress. But Congress has already had two separate opportunities, each required by the selfsame statute, in which to address the issue of Mr. Obama’s ineligibility for “the Office of President”—and both times refused, to a man and woman, to take any action whatsoever. As I explained in detail in my NewsWithViews commentary entitled “In the Shadow of Nemesis” (8 December 2008), when Congress convened in 2008 to count the votes for President that had been cast in the Electoral College, only one Representative and one Senator needed to object to a single Elector’s vote for Mr. Obama on the ground of his possible ineligibility for “the Office of President” in order to compel some kind of immediate Congressional inquiry into the matter. Nevertheless, not one Member of Congress did so—even though each one of them could have interposed as many objections as there were Electors’ votes to be tallied. The same result obtained in 2012. Worse yet, many Members of Congress participated in that process in both 2008 and 2012 in the very same deaf, dumb, craven, and feckless manner.”

    NOTE: According to Dr. Vieira Obama cannot be impeached, because only a president can be impeached. If Congress were to start the impeachment process it would be a false claim that he has been the “President”.

    No member of Congress is by law elected to violate, alienate or supplant our Constitution with informal laws. The same goes for Supreme Court justices: Our U.S. Constitution is the constitutional rule of law in our United States and only formal laws, (i.e., laws that are in full agreement with the U.S. Constitution), may be implemented. Every representative, senator, federal and state executive and judicial officer within the United States is absolutely bound by this Constitution. You say you want to work for government, then you had better plan on adhering to our Constitution, otherwise you can expect a very harsh removal from office. The fact is that everything that has been done to violate, alienate and supplant our Constitution since its adoption on September 17, 1787 is utterly void.


    View the complete Obama Ballot Challenge post at:

    View the complete original article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-08-2013, 05:02 PM.
    B. Steadman