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A Birther By Any Other Name; Further Proof Journalism Is Dead In America

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  • A Birther By Any Other Name; Further Proof Journalism Is Dead In America

    Ralston Reports: A Birther By Any Other Name; Further Proof Journalism Is Dead In America

    Birther Report



    A birther by any other name
    By Jon Ralston @ Ralston Reports

    Wayne Allyn Root is upset.

    Root, scheduled this weekend to be an “honored guest” with the No. 3 man in the House, Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Joe Heck, has demanded I retract the “libelous” claim that he is a birther. I raised the issue in advance of House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s trip to Las Vegas on Saturday to appear at a major GOP event.

    Root, through his lawyer, who has an interesting history of his own (I’ll get to that), says he is not a birther, even has declared himself not to be one, so I must correct the record. Or else, I suppose.

    Well, I don’t like being called an obnoxious jerk, but some people may think so and they have every right to say so. Root and his lawyer may not understand the concept of the First Amendment, commentary on public figures and protected political speech, but I do.

    Besides, I think someone who claims the president of the United States was a foreign-exchange student is a birther. If Root and his lawyer need a dictionary to define what “foreign” means, let me be of service.

    My guess is Root doesn't like the birther label because he believes it might hurt his future failed political ambitions. (He has already run for vice president on the Libertarian ticket. That went well.)

    But, in my opinion, if you say the president was a foreign-exchange student, call him a “Manchurian candidate,” raise questions about how he got into Columbia despite having no evidence and use the national stage to make such allegations, then I say you are a birther. [...] - Continued at Ralston Reports.

    I'd rather be a birther than a whack job "journalist" that only resorts to labels and name-calling...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman