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Obama Fraud Challenger, Jailed 1 Year, Breaks Silence About Harassment & Intimidation

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  • Obama Fraud Challenger, Jailed 1 Year, Breaks Silence About Harassment & Intimidation

    Obama Fraud Challenger Jailed For Year Breaks Silence About Harassment And Intimidation

    Birther Report



    Defending the US Constitution the Hard Way
    By Jim O'Neill @ Canada Free Press

    “When the United States collapses, Saudi Arabia is going to be at the mercy of its neighbors. Why not work to make sure all your neighbors are sympathetic to your cause? Let me ask you, in all of the Arab Spring countries that have been overthrown so far, who has risen up to be the new government?”

    “The Muslim Brotherhood,” said Harvath.

    “Which is loyal to which kinds of Muslims? The Shia Iranians, or the Sunni Saudis?”

    “The Sunni Saudis, of course. Iran is Saudi Arabia’s greatest enemy.”

    “The Saudis aren’t stupid. In fact, they’re quite cunning. They didn’t bother taking their ultimatum to America’s politicians, who are subject to reelection and the whims of the masses. They went over their heads and straight to the ultimate defender of the dollar, the Federal Reserve.”

    Brad Thor “Hidden Order”

    “I would like my story to be known so that what happened to me will not happen to another veteran standing by his oath to protect the US Constitution.”

    Harry Butler (in an email to the author)

    Harry Butler is not someone that you have heard of, but you will. You do not know the story of his arrest by federal agents, but you should. He should not have spent a year in prison for trying to defend the US Constitution, but he did.

    Harry and I go way back—in the early 1970s we served together in the same Underwater Demolition (UDT-21) platoon, and later served together in SEAL 2 (in different platoons).

    After leaving the service Harry went on to fly as a Captain for Gulfstream Aerospace. I could name-drop here like you would not believe (sultans, former presidents, movie stars, etc.), suffice it to say that Harry has flown VIPs all over the world, and acquired a rock solid reputation for dependability and trustworthiness along the way.

    So how does a former SEAL and world-class pilot end up being grabbed by federal agents and locked away for a year? Good question. I will try to answer it in this article. (The prisons that Harry spent time in were “in the middle of nowhere” with few inmates. He has described them as looking brand new—“mostly vacant and eerie; possibly FEMA camps”).

    I have known about Harry’s experiences for a while now, but I have been reluctant to draw attention to them because of his less than good health, and the fact that he has already paid a pretty steep price for attempting to defend the US Constitution. When I say that Harry is not in the best of health that’s the truth of it, but you might want to take that with a grain of salt. He informs me that when the Secret Service showed up to arrest him (at a hospital) “it took 12 agents, security guards, and hospital aides half-an-hour to subdue me—they were just lucky they caught this old, sick, clapped out SEAL on a bad day.”

    Recently Harry called into a radio talk show that featured Mike Zullo as a guest, and spilled the beans, so to speak. That being the case, I told Harry that probably the most prudent thing for him to do at this point would be to disseminate his story as widely and quickly as he can—and that is why I am writing this article now. (As many of you know, Mike Zullo is the lead investigator for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s (Joe Arpaio) Cold Case Posse which has been investigating Obama’s birth certificate(s).

    I won’t be going into Harry’s case in any depth in this article. My main concern at this time is to raise public awareness about him, and what he has gone through—and why. The “what” is harassment and intimidation by the US federal government, including being locked away in a cell for a year. The “why” is because he attempted to defend and uphold the US Constitution, as he, and I, and millions of others have solemnly sworn we would do.

    Specifically, Harry challenged Obama’s legitimacy to be POTUS, and he did this before Obama was sworn in as President for the first time in 2008. [...] - Continued at Canada Free Press.

    Breaking: The Post & Email Contacts Former Navy SEAL Imprisoned for a Year after Speaking Out About Obama


    By Sharon Rondeau @ The Post & Email

    On Friday, July 12, a caller to Carl Gallups’ “Freedom Friday” radio show identified himself as “Harry Butler” and claimed that he was imprisoned for a year as a result of comments he made... [...] - Continued at Post & Email.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman