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Godfather Politics: Obama’s Birther Issue Heating Up And Congress Getting Interested

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  • Godfather Politics: Obama’s Birther Issue Heating Up And Congress Getting Interested

    Godfather Politics: Obama’s Birther Issue Heating Up And Congress Getting Interested

    Birther Report



    Obama’s Birther Issue Heating Up and Congress Getting Interested
    By Dave Jolly @ Godfather Politics

    Finally the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States is gathering some long needed interest. The issue was raised during the 2008 presidential campaign by Bill Clinton until Obama’s supporters threatened the life of Chelsea Clinton, forcing Bill and Hillary to suddenly stop pushing the issue.

    A number of people since then continued to pursue and challenge Obama’s eligibility based upon the lack of credible documentation proving that he was born in America. There have been a number of lawsuits that Obama’s lawyers have successfully won, some by placing undue pressure on those involved. Other lawsuits went before Democratic appointed judges that ruled on party lines rather than the law.

    Now there is a lawsuit in front of the Alabama Supreme Court to question to authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, Selective Service Registration Card and his questionable Social Security number. Newly elected Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is presiding over the current birther case and Moore is not a friend of Obama and has spoken against his eligibility in the past.

    A large part of the case before the Alabama Supreme Court comes from the investigations conducted by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department’s Cold Case Posse, headed up by Mike Zullo. Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio have made public much of the evidence they have discovered that proves that the White House issued birth certificate is a forgery, which is a felony crime and the public purporting of that document is also a felony crime of fraud.

    In his investigations, Zullo found that the officials in Hawaii have been intentionally hiding the supposed original birth certificate so much so that anyone else born around the same time cannot even access their own birth records because they have been sealed up with Obama’s. In fact, Zullo points out that Obama refuses to release any of the following in addition to his real birth certificate:

    “The marriage license of his father (Barack Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham), name change records (Barry Soetero to Barack Hussein Obama), adoption records, records of his and his mother’s repatriation as U.S. citizens from Indonesia, baptism records, Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) records, Punahou School financial aid or school records, Occidental College financial aid records, Harvard Law School records, Columbia senior thesis, Columbia College records, record with Illinois State Bar Association, files from his terms as an Illinois state senator, his law client list, medical records and passport records.”

    The underlying question is what is Obama hiding by refusing to allow any of this information to be made public? The only conclusion one can make is that they prove that he was born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and was an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim.

    Zullo recently gave a presentation at the annual convention of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association that was held in St. Charles, Missouri, just outside of St. Louis. A number of those attended were shocked by the evidence Zullo and his team had gathered. [...] - Continued at Godfather Politics. See the full video in HD ...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman