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Must Read: To Conservatives That Dismissed Birther Concerns; How’s That Working Out?

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  • Must Read: To Conservatives That Dismissed Birther Concerns; How’s That Working Out?

    Must Read: To Conservatives That Dismissed Birther Concerns; How’s That Working Out?

    Birther Report



    Conservatives Dismissed Birther Concerns To Tackle Obama On “Serious Issues” – How’s That Working Out?

    By Susan Harris @ Freedom Outpost

    In a recent Freedom Outpost article by Tim Brown, we learned that Obama’s presidential eligibility appeal will finally be ruled on by Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama Supreme Court.

    As we look back, we see a long road strewn with the wreckage of a divided Conservative base. We see some Conservatives that can be likened to the kindly driver who, in a quest to prove his generosity and fairness, waves a car into traffic and directly into an accident — then drives on feeling no responsibility for the crash.

    In the same way, Conservatives who refused to acknowledge there was a problem with Obama’s birth certificate have continued to feel no responsibility for failing to defend Article II of the Constitution; and no remorse for attacking those who did. We watched them cite newspaper birth announcements, and a short form certificate, as proof enough. Eventually they accepted a long form certificate that experts and scientists agree was faked. “It’s not a winning issue,” was their mantra. Liberals so successfully mocked so-called “birthers,” that many Conservatives slunk off embarrassed and distancing themselves from those who continued to assert the issue had grave Constitutional ramifications.

    Many of us knew that the Democrats long-awaited, unblemished red heifer had been groomed to take our country into Socialism within two terms, but unfortunately for everyone, we couldn’t unite to stand and say, “You shall not pass.”

    Five years into the presidency and steeped in scandals and corruption, those who scoffed at “birthers” got what they wanted. They wanted to tackle Obama on the “serious” issues. The point of those who could see through the lies surrounding his birth certificate was that they didn’t want to tackle him on the serious issues. They never wanted him to get that far because they feared when he did, it would be too late to save the country.

    To the Conservatives who wanted to “take the high road” and engage Obama on his own terms and merits, now is your chance. Try to expose his abuse of the Patriot Act or peel back the layers of lies on Benghazi. Try to get beyond the “Cincinnati office” and find who was really responsible for the IRS targeting of so many Conservative groups that it may have played even a small role in the outcome of the 2012 election.

    Carol Davidson, the head of integration and media targeting for the 2012 Obama campaign, spoke on the Fox News special Your Secret’s Out. Speaking in generalities of “the cave,” a central Obama campaign hub that manipulated the voting public, she said: “The cave was where we put the analysts…Multiple analysts were in that room,” doing “more like top secret work right? So, you know, you don’t want…people coming by seeing what was on the screens of everyone. And we actually, during the election, didn’t want people to know that the group even existed.” Why the secrecy? Could it be because they knew Americans wouldn’t appreciate their President dissecting and evaluating them in a way that no elected official has ever stooped to before?

    In the cave, they worked on determining who the persuadable voters were in the battleground states. They successfully blitzed television networks that Republicans dismissed as irrelevant. Meanwhile the IRS was standing on the necks of Conservative groups who naively thought they were contenders in a fair fight.

    Davidson developed something called the “optimizer,” to let her know what television shows the target audience was watching and when. Obligingly, cable companies sold out our privacy to assist. “We were able to get the data from our vendors, ingest the data into our system, and at the same time pair that data to the voter file data,” Davidson said. John Roberts, host of the show, told her some people might find it creepy that there “was that much data out there about them,” only to learn it was used in a political campaign. In a valley girl accent dripping with the words “like” and “right?” Davidson answered, “To me at the end of the day you get e-mails or direct mail sent to your house all the time that like, you didn’t know the person who sent them to you and they still knew your name…Is it just a difference, or is it really a concern about invading your life?”

    Note to Ms. Davidson: Like, it really is a concern about invading our lives. Right? [...] Continued at Freedom Outpost.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman