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Are Obama’s attorneys trying to influence Judge Henry Wingate in MS challenge?

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  • Are Obama’s attorneys trying to influence Judge Henry Wingate in MS challenge?

    Are Obama’s attorneys trying to make a last ditch effort to influence Judge Henry Wingate in Taitz et al v Democratic party of MS, Obama et al?

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Today I received an order from Judge Wingate in MS, which states that Judge Wingate is about ready to issue an order on outstanding motions. The judge proceeded to write that Samuel Begley, attorney for Barack Obama and the Democratic party of MS suddenly called the chambers and asked to allow his clients to file a supplemental brief containing an additional authority, additional opinion. Judge Wingate stated that he did not talk to Begley and did not ask for this opinion, but he will allow it to be filed and I will have an opportunity to respond.

    I never saw something like this before. The last hearing in this case was 9 months ago. Suddenly, when the judge is ready to issue his order, Obama and Dem party want to file another brief. I am wondering, whether Begley found out from someone working in the court house that Judge Wingate is about to issue his order and that there is something in this order, that is negative, detrimental to his clients, and therefore he is making a last ditch effort to influence the judge? See the order below.

    This case is important as it contains a RICO (racketeering influenced corrupt organizations) cause of action.

    I feel very confident that if ruled based on law and fact, the court should allow to at least proceed on RICO cause of action. For RICO I do not have to be a Presidential candidate and did not have to file by a certain deadline, so I do not see any way for the court to state that there is no standing or jurisdiction. In my pleadings I described a RICO, where Obama and a number of governmental employees engaged in a conspiracy to place Obama on the ballot using fraud, fabricated IDs and a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425. Regardless, of whether I will ultimately succeed getting any compensation in RICO, at the very minimum there is standing and jurisdiction to proceed further to discovery. Also, I read RICO decisions of the 5th Circuit in New Orleans, they ruled in favor of allowing parties to proceed with private RICO after the District court initially denied such right. We will see what ultimately transpires.

    .................................................. ........

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    More rotten stench in the courts and the ' mis - administration ' .

