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Sad: WWL Radio Host Seeks Proof That Obama Is Not A U.S. Citizen; All Over The Map

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  • Sad: WWL Radio Host Seeks Proof That Obama Is Not A U.S. Citizen; All Over The Map

    Sad: WWL Radio Host Seeks Proof That Obama Is Not A U.S. Citizen; All Over The Map

    Birther Report



    Scoot Blog: Have Republican leaders let down the ?Birthers??
    By Scoot @ WWL

    Maybe it is something we should have known all along: Right-wing rocker Ted Nugent is a ‘birther!’

    Last week, during one of his many anti-Obama rants, Nugent referred to President Obama’s “phony birth certificate” and then implied that Obama is a Muslim. Nugent was reacting to President Obama suggesting that some Republicans are spending too much time on what Obama called, the “phony scandals” of his administration.

    Ted Nugent’s top reference to the claim that Barak Obama is not a U.S. citizen is Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio was one of the most outspoken public figures in suggesting that Obama’s birth certificate was a fake and that Obama was not born on U.S. soil.

    The sheriff insisted that Obama was not born in the U.S., even after the White House released Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Sheriff Arpaio and countless far-right radio talk show hosts have been among the loudest ‘birther’ voices, which seemed to quiet down in 2011. The anti-Obama website, WND, continues to fuel the ‘birther’ and other conspiracies about Barak Obama.

    If Barak Obama was not born on U.S. soil and has presented a phony birth certificate, then one question remains – why have the most powerful Republican leaders not pursued this controversy? Is it fair to say that the Republican Party’s top leaders have turned their backs on the conservative ‘birthers’ in America? And why would they do that?

    I often speak about the “United States of Hysteria,” a nation within a nation that quickly becomes hysterical over certain issues. In my opinion, ‘birthers’ are citizens in the U.S.H. and have been riled up mostly by ridiculous and baseless Internet chat and blogs from those people who seem desperate to believe that any and all suspicions about Barak Obama are true.

    ‘Birthers’ should be more concerned about the leaders of the party they align themselves most closely with, rather than condemn what they call the ‘liberal media.’ If you are a ‘birther,’ where is your outage over the Republican Party’s abject failure to reveal that Barak Obama is not a U.S. citizen and should not be President of the United States? Unless, Republicans, too, are part of a big conspiracy!

    For those who will be quick to criticize me for defending President Obama – let me set the record straight – this is not an attempt to defend Obama as much as it is an effort to defend myself as a radio talk show host. Criticism is something that is part of my business, but I try to avoid setting myself up for easy criticism by promoting a cause that has no legitimate credibility or force behind it.

    During the election last year, ‘Birthers’ discredited the Republican Party with their dedication to a condemning campaign that was easily countered with facts. But that doesn’t mean there are not still many who refuse to believe the facts. Just because you don’t want something to be true, doesn’t mean it’s not true.

    And if it was determined that Barak Obama is not a U.S. citizen, John McCain or Mitt Romney would not be president. VP Joe Biden would become president and with a swift signature he would keep in place every bill signed by President Obama.

    Ted Nugent and all the other ‘birthers’ should focus their attention on legitimate criticism of the Obama Administration and not the phony claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii. I’m convinced that if there were photos of Obama’s head crowning during birth, there would still be those refusing to accept a truth they don’t want to be true.

    And if you do have proof that Barak Obama is not a citizen – would you please forward it to my email address: I would love to have that breaking news on my show first! - WWL AM/FM. - Hat tip Free Republic.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman