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Et Tu, Trey Gowdy? -- Obama Ballot Challenge, GeorgeM

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  • Et Tu, Trey Gowdy? -- Obama Ballot Challenge, GeorgeM

    Et Tu, Trey Gowdy?

    Obama Ballot Challenge



    from “OMAD” …

    I thought my Representative, Trey Gowdy, may have had some balls, but it looks like he is hiding in the shadows just like the rest of them. Here is a letter I sent him, followed by his response, followed by my response to him ( waiting on an answer ):

    Rep. Gowdy,

    Shortly after Congress returns from its summer recess, your colleague, Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas, is going to bring up the issue of document fraud committed by the Obama administration in relation to the April 2011 online release of President Obamas birth certificate. I urge you to support him in this matter.

    First of all, do not be swayed by the typical response of the mainstream media that this is a “birther” issue- meaning that “birthers” claim he is not a US citizen, Hawaii has said he has a Hawaiian birth certificate, etc.. That is not the issue. Of course he is a citizen and he does have a Hawaii birth certificate. However, Hawaii issues birth certificates to those born out of the United States. Even under current law ( Hawaii Statute 338-17.8) someone born in a foreign country ( no matter how long ago ) can walk into the registrars office in Hawaii and as long as they can show that one of the parents was a resident of Hawaii for one year prior to their birth, they are issued a birth certificate. This has severe national security consequences, since birth certificates are the primary documents used to obtain other documents such as US passports. However, that is an issue for another day.

    Now back to the issue of the document fraud. Yes, his attorneys ( from Perkins Coie law firm) were given a birth certificate of Mr. Obama . However, that is not what the White House presented online. What they presented was a total digital fabrication. This has been determined by an extensive 2 year investigation by Sheriff Arpaios Cold Case Posse team. Numerous document experts have come to the same conclusion. What was presented online was a completely digitally created “document”. It never existed in the real world. One expert is a court certified expert from Hawaii named Reed Hayes. His CV is too long to list here. All you really need to know is that he is the document expert that the law firm that has been representing Obama in all of the eligibility cases – Perkins Coi- has used in other cases they have tried. In other words, the expert from Obamas own law firm, has determined it is a fake. Why present an obvious digitally created fake when you have a legitimate one from Hawaii? The only conclusion is what is presented on the legitimate BC does not match what is presented on the digitally created fake put online by the White House.

    In addition to the digitally created birth certificate, there is also the issue of the forged Selective Service registration card that was released to the public. On that card is a 2 digit date stamp. Former Postmasters General have testified ( including the one from the Hawaii post office that Obama supposedly filled out his card ) that a 2 digit stamp was NEVER used. It was ALWAYS a 4 digit stamp. Sheriff Arpios team showed how the fake ’80 stamp was made using an existing and readily available 2008 stamp. What is more disturbing is that there is an electronic record in the Selective Service database for Mr. Obama. If the registration card is a forgery – as it has been shown to be – and that he never registered with Selective Service ( by the way, he headed a movement at Occidental college that encouraged people not to register with the Selective Service ), then this shows that there has been tampering with federal electronic records. This is another issue that demands immediate action on the grounds of national security.

    There have been some of your colleagues that have said they are aware of the matter but “do we really want to spend our time on this when we have other important issues such as health care, taxes, etc”. Well, I would argue that if Congress has the time to hold extensive hearings on the use of steroids in major league baseball or whether the federal government should cover the cost of condoms for college students, then it can find some time to investigate an assault on our Constitution and the possible usurpation of the office of the presidency.

    You are one of the few congressman that have been in the forefront of confronting the administration in their obstruction and obfuscation of the facts regarding Benghazi and the IRS scandals instead of cowering in the shadows. As my representative in Congress, I urge you to call upon Rep. Stockman, look at all the evidence that has been presented to him, and support him to your fullest extent with the same fortitude you have in going after the Benghazi and IRS issues in his endeavor to expose the truth. This issue is just as important , and I would argue more important, than the Benghazi and IRS issues. This cuts to the core of our republic.

    His response :

    Thank you for contacting me about President Obama’s right to hold the office of the presidency. I appreciate hearing from you.

    Like you, I believe the Constitution must be our nation’s guiding document, including its provisions specifying the requirements that must be met for an individual to hold the office of President. President Obama was qualified to run for this office by the Federal Election Commission, and courts have dismissed all lawsuits challenging his status as a natural born citizen of the United States. As such, I believe President Obama to be the legitimately elected leader of our nation.

    Thank you again for contacting me, and please do not hesitate to do so in the future. It is an honor to serve you and the 4th Congressional District.

    (signed)Trey Gowdy
    Member of Congress
    My response ( let’s see if I get an answer ):

    Rep. Gowdy,

    You obviously did not read my letter to you. I did not question his right to hold the Office of the Presidency. This is obviously a form letter your office is sending out. The issue is his office presenting a forged document to the public as a legitimate document. That is a crime. It is called fraud. This was determined by a law enforcement investigation. There is also the issue of the forged Selective Service registration card and the fact that there is an electronic record in the Selective Service system. If he had a legitimate card, he would not have to present a forged one. This raises the issue of possible tampering with federal records, another serious crime.

    I would appreciate a responsive answer from your office concerning these two issues and not a form letter that has nothing to do with what I requested of you.

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman