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FR Thread: Xerox 7655 Overview Picture (Obot claims to replicate Obama LFBC pdf...)

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  • FR Thread: Xerox 7655 Overview Picture (Obot claims to replicate Obama LFBC pdf...)

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Xerox 7655 Overview Picture (Obot claims to replicate Obama LFBC pdf w/floating signature)', which was started 8/7/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references a 8/6/2013 post by 'NBC' on 'Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored - http://nativeborncitizen.wordpress.c...rview-picture/

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    The following image is a composite created by scanning the WH LFBC using Xerox WorkCentre 7655 upside down using the automatic feeder. The resulting file was opened in Preview, the image rotated 180 degrees and printed to PDF. The resulting PDF was opened in preview, the layers unlocked and moved to the side. In addition, a close up of the signature was ‘blown up’ to show how the background layer, not surprisingly, has filled in some of the white that resulted from the separation of the background and foreground layers.

    Note how for example the signature block is fully separated.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

    To: Cold Case Posse Supporter; null and void; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

    “So are you believing that NBC has debunked Zullo’s claims?”

    I am taking a forensic approach here neither “believing” nor advocating NBC’s claims as true but rather trying to accurately state NBC’s claims and letting others with expertise assess those claims.

    NBC claims to have replicated every pdf anomaly with the exception of the “halos” and has put up a pdf file to prove it. He has also posted his extensive record of trial and error in getting to the equipment and workflow that he claims results in the replicated pdf. If his claims are false, then it is up to debunkers to attack his pdf, IMO.

    Zullo has always said that he would withdraw his claim that the WH pdf “never existed as a paper document” if someone could show a “one-touch” replication. NBC claims to have shown a three step replication which meets Zullo’s essential challenge, if true, IMO.

    As to the curvature issue, that would have existed on the hard copy LFBC that NBC claims was fed into the Xerox so the curvature is not an artifact of compression.

    198 posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 2:56:46 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: butterdezillion

    I’ve been lurking over at Fogblower and found a claim at a link posted there that Xerox has known for a long time that “character substitution” could result from using the lowest image quality setting. The machine even warns the user that this is possible! So this recent finding that an 8 was being replaced with 6, etc., didn’t pop up coincident with the CCP putting pressure on Barry.

    Posted by spicyjeff

    I’ve contacted the researcher and pointed out on our affected device that I can replicate the problem with, that this only happens when the image quality is set to “Normal” (the lowest setting). When set to this level a specific warning does state that “character substitution” may occur. Why anyone at Xerox thought this was acceptable in any form for a scanner is beyond me.

    But when the device is set to either of the next two higher levels, “High” and “Highest” respectively, the warning is not displayed and through testing we’ve confirmed the character substitution does not take place.

    Last edited by spicyjeff on Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:46 pm

    261 posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 9:16:55 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

    To: BigGuy22

    No, you’ve got it wrong and you’re subjecting us to a red herring.

    The State of Hawaii says which records are considered prima facia evidence, and late and/or altered (having major administrative amendments, not typos or bloopers) are NOT prima facie evidence. If a claim is made on a prima facie document the registrar legally presumes it to be true, according to evidentiary standards. But Hawaii statute says that the probative/evidentiary value of a late and/or altered BC must be determined in the administrative or judicial setting in which it is presented as evidence - NOT by the registrar. The State of Hawaii can make no legal presumptions about the truth of the claims on those records. If asked to verify those claims they would not be able to. All they could verify is that a record exists. They could verify that the claims are found on their record. They could NOT verify that any of those claims are legally presumed to be true. And that is exactly how Onaka handled the verification requests.

    (This is also why a worker in his office privately told a caller that they would never issue a verification for Obama and that was why they had to stonewall EVERYBODY’s requests for verifications - so there would be no questions asked as to why they wouldn’t issue a verification for Obama. This is also why Janice Okubo gave a legally-binding response to my UIPA request by saying that there aren’t any forms for a letter of verification because they don’t issue them any more. The reason they don’t issue them any more is because of what the other office worker said: if they issued verifications for anybody it would raise questions as to why they would never issue a verification of facts for Obama. Onaka, his office worker, Janice Okubo, the months-long delay by Deputy AG Jill Nagamine regarding Bennett’s request... it is all consistent. They were all 4 adamant that HI was NOT going to issue verifications.)

    THAT is why Onaka would not verify anything - and why he made sure his signature was accompanied by initials and why he wouldn’t put his own raised seal to authenticate his signature and certification. In effect, he had his fingers crossed behind his back just to make sure he couldn’t be held legally accountable if somebody interpreted this letter as actually verifying the TRUTH of any of the submitted claims.

    When a record is prima facia evidence it is legally presumed to be true, unless there is evidence to overcome that presumption. Obama’s BC is NOT prima facia evidence. If it was, Onaka would have had to verify each of the things Bennett specifically asked him to verify.

    As it stands it is OBAMA who has the legal burden of proof if he wants to use his non-valid HI BC as proof of his birth facts. The hard thing for him will be explaining how he could use a valid BC from somewhere else his whole life long and now claim that the HI BC is accurate and the BC he was using before was wrong all along. He can’t have it both ways. Either he was using a fake BC his whole life long, or he’s using one now. Either way, he’s a crook and so are all the people who are covering for him.

    And actually, Full Faith and Credit is only codified as applying to judicial decisions and legislative actions, not to individual records such as vital records. One state or territory can refuse to accept the vital records of another. The feds sure do. I think it’s the feds who won’t accept Puerto Rican BC’s because of the proven fraud, and there’s also at least one county in one of the states whose BC’s the feds won’t accept because of the documented fraud there. To be honest, after what I’ve seen from the HDOH, I’m not sure ANY state should be accepting the vital records of Hawaii, and that may be a big part of why they don’t want to show the microfilms to anybody...

    288 posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 11:10:40 PM by butterdezillion (,)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-14-2013, 02:41 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

      To: ConstantSkeptic

      If it was prima facie evidence then why wouldn’t Onaka say that Barack Hussein Obama, II, male, was born on Aug 4, 1961 in Honolulu on the island of Oahu to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama? Why would he not verify that the White House image is a “true and accurate representation of the original record on file”?

      Ken Bennett said Onaka didn’t verify the birthdate because he made a mistake, but Onaka’s own certifying statement says that his answer was pursuant to HRS 338-14.3 (which says he must provide a verification upon request, provided that verifying something is certification that it is the way that the birth really happened.) Bennett assumed that Onaka’s verification was NOT accurate, because the verification failed to verify the birth date (and gender, and island of birth, and mother’s name, and father’s name, and city of birth.... in fact, it failed to verify every fact submitted on the application form, which CANNOT be interpreted to simply be asking for verification that the claims are found on a (possibly non-valid) birth certificate.

      463 posted on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:42:03 PM by butterdezillion (,)

      To: Fred Nerks

      The only thing he verified as true is that they have a birth certificate for a Barack Hussein Obama, II.

      As far as I can tell, Verna Lee was the local registrar for all of Oahu.

      The 1960-64 birth index has been altered to include certain hand-picked non-valid records so we have no idea which names on it are from valid BC’s and which are from non-valid BC’s.

      466 posted on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:26:00 PM by butterdezillion (,)

      To: Fred Nerks

      At this point there is some kind of record for a Barack Hussein Obama, II. Whether it ever existed in 1961 is another question, which Onaka’s verification doesn’t answer. What Onaka’s verification does reveal is that they have a record which makes the same claims that are on the White House image but there is some kind of problem with the record that renders it non-valid.

      I’ve been watching Onaka. He had tried his level-best to stay as far away as possible from this issue - until the verification request. When basically put under oath because of the requirements of HRS 338-14.3 he THREE TIMES did what was necessary to keep from issuing a legally-certified verification of any birth facts. The other leaders at the HDOh staked their reputations on there being a record, but Onaka’s only communications regarding the issue were the letters of verification, and he made sure there was lots of room for plausible deniability on possible perjury charges.

      473 posted on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 10:18:42 PM by butterdezillion (,)

      To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

      I listened to Fogblower Reality Check’s 2-hour blog radio program featuring guest blogger, NBC.

      First, NBC is a male, probably middle-aged and with a European accent that my ear couldn’t identify.

      NBC says he has NO credentials in document investigation or forensics, but says he is an accomplished scientist who is dedicated to and deeply respectful of the scientific method. This appears to me to be the case.

      NBC refused to join in on in any ad hominem birther-bashing with the other three panel members and said that prior to his investigation he thought it was perfectly respectable to speculate whether the WH LFBC pdf had been forged (I thought the other Fogblowers were going to throw him off the program when NBC said this, but they bit their tongues).

      NBC also said that if Zullo’s team could prove scientifically that the image was forged upstream from being copied or in Reed Hayes so-far hidden report, he was perfectly willing to accept that! (More heart-burn for the other Fogblowers!)

      NBC says he only became interested in the LFBC pdf about three months ago because a German named Gunther, IIRC, got him interested in it. He has worked on it as an enjoyable intellectual challenge and not for any need to refute Zullo’s team.

      He said earlier claims that MRC was responsible for the pdf anomalies were only speculative and now he feels that his investigation with step-by-step replication instructions is definitive, except for some remaining issues with the “halo” effect that he regards as minor.

      He said that the halo seems to be associated with the green security paper (supposedly on the original from HI) and properties of that paper which were intended to make it hard to copy.

      NBC welcomed getting “good questions” from several FReepers on this thread and was happy to answer them and seemed willing to continue to do so if they were sincere.

      483 posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 1:08:16 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Fred Nerks

      If the BC they have, with information that matches the White House image, is a fabricated BC at the request of law enforcement, the record they had to cover up could claim anything, including a different name. But the critical point is that the document that originally existed for Barack Hussein Obama, II has to be non-valid.

      485 posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 9:37:57 AM by butterdezillion (,)
      Last edited by bsteadman; 08-14-2013, 03:14 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

        To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

        **BREAKING PING**

        Zullo’s pdf expert, Garrett Papit (who collaborated with Mara Zebest), is now collaborating with Obot blogger “NBC” to the extent of helping him to try to get to the bottom of the mysterious halos on the WH LFBC pdf!


        begin NBC blog post

        “Some interesting new developments. Dr C discovered a document resembling the WH LFBC PDF but without halos. I have been trying to create such a document myself, so this is a very welcome contribution.

        “It was emailed to Dr C by Garrett Papit who also declined to comment on the Xerox ‘forger’ issue:

        ‘Unfortunately I’m not at liberty to discuss it at this point. But sit tight. It will be covered in due time. … Once I am allowed to discuss it I will be more than happy to address your points.’

        “It is good to hear that others may be looking at this issue as well so that we may be able to resolve the claims in the next few weeks.

        “He has access to a Xerox WorkCentre 7655

        “He wrote a supplemental report for the Cold Case Posse”

        end NBC blog post

        535 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 12:59:50 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Seizethecarp

        I have only just now read the Garrett Papit research paper written for Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse

        “Comprehensive Analysis, Obama LFBC PDF file”

        The one main point that NBC appears to have claimed to debunk in Papit’s paper is that MRC (and Papit DOES discuss MRC compression in great detail)...MRC “should” only create ONE 1-bit (black) text layer and that nearly all the text and lines as well as the date stamps and signature stamps “should” be contained in that one layer.

        NBC has not yet refuted Papit’s claim that there should be NO halos.

        Papit explains:

        “The presence of a white halo around the text, and white space beneath the text, on the White House file is inconsistent with optimization or a simple scan. Under normal circumstances, a scanned document will not result in an image that has a white halo around the lettering. Similarly, optimization will not arbitrarily add a white halo or insert white space beneath the text layer. In order to generate such a halo, a user would have to take deliberate action, such as applying an unsharp mask, within a graphics editing program such as Photoshop. Manual editing with such an application would dramatically erode the provenance of this document.”

        In this paper, Papit says he created a “control document” described below and this is what it appears he sent to NBC because it was explicitly created to not have the halos that are in the WH pdf but would NOT have been on the original IF THERE WAS ONE. The WH pdf copy cannot be used to simulate an original because it already HAS Halos, thus the need to create a control simulated original without halos:

        Papit: “In order to adequately test and analyze the effects of optimization, a control document was created that would be as close as possible to a birth certificate issued by the Hawaii Department of Health. The form data would have been printed onto green safety paper, and then the date stamp and registrar stamp would be manually added via a traditional ink stamp to certify the document.”

        536 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:20:09 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

        To: Seizethecarp

        Did Garrett regularly use the 7655? If so, maybe he could show us the copies he made on the 7655 in April of 2011 that had the same phenomena. When he was collaborating with the CCP did he try out the 7655 to see if it would give these effects? Funny that neither he nor anybody else - when examining documents down to the pixel level - never noticed any number substitutions or other strange phenomena now being brought up.

        Maybe we all need to find out whether the Kinko’s or other copy places where we may have had copies made before 2013 used a 7655, and we should look at those copies and see if there are number substitutions in those older copies, or if the number substitutions only started appearing recently.

        543 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 9:41:16 AM by butterdezillion (,)

        To: Seizethecarp

        I’m scrambling like crazy to get a million things done. So if you or anybody else can double-check my understanding of this, it would be very helpful.

        Number substitutions happen on what machines? Do they happen on the default setting for the machine, or do you have to lower the quality and file size to get number substitutions? Did Xerox set up warnings for the user to know that substitutions could occur with those particular settings?

        What settings are required to create an automatic clipping mask that takes off the outer edges of the scanned document? What settings create multiple layers, and are the layers created reproducible each time, or are they seemingly random? For instance, you lay the paper on the bed of the scanner. Then you press scan 5 different times, one right after the other, changing nothing and not even opening the lid of the scanner. Do all 5 scans give you the same layers - a reproducible result you would expect from a machine carrying out exact algorithms in a controlled setting? If you save a scan on the 7655 without previewing it, is the saved file different than if you preview it on the 7655 before saving it? If you send the scan directly in an email is it in PDF format? If they open it on a PC will they be able to move around pieces of content? If they open it on a Mac will they?

        If you import a digital file to the copier does the copier make layers out of a digital file as well, before printing it?

        547 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 12:19:32 PM by butterdezillion (,)
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

          To: Red Steel

          “How large in kilobytes was the pdf file for Obama’s White House BC?”

          If I open the following link and right-click for “properties” I get 376 kb for the WH LFBC pdf

          Garrett Papit’s report that he wrote for the CCP explains the extreme compression levels that can be achieved by MRC:

          BTW, NBC put up a blog post just for you, RS! It is pretty content-free so I won’t reproduce it on FR.


          557 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 7:01:06 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: butterdezillion; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; ...

          Below are NBC’s responses to butterdezillion:


          Butterdezillion questions

          Posted on August 15, 2013 by NBC

          Butterdezilion: I’m scrambling like crazy to get a million things done. So if you or anybody else can double-check my understanding of this, it would be very helpful.

          NBC: I will see what I can do

          Butterdezilion: Number substitutions happen on what machines? Do they happen on the default setting for the machine, or do you have to lower the quality and file size to get number substitutions? Did Xerox set up warnings for the user to know that substitutions could occur with those particular settings?

          NBC: Yes, there were warnings but not always obvious. Xerox released a list of affected scanners

          Butterdezilion: What settings are required to create an automatic clipping mask that takes off the outer edges of the scanned document? What settings create multiple layers, and are the layers created reproducible each time, or are they seemingly random? For instance, you lay the paper on the bed of the scanner. Then you press scan 5 different times, one right after the other, changing nothing and not even opening the lid of the scanner. Do all 5 scans give you the same layers – a reproducible result you would expect from a machine carrying out exact algorithms in a controlled setting?

          NBC: No, they do not repeat between scans even if you leave the document on the scanner. The layers are not random as the obvious ones repeat: Signature, date stamp(s). The algorithm is susceptible to minor variations in how a color is interpreted and once a difference happens, its effects can cascade across the object. The settings are the ‘default’ setting on the machine but they can be changed by the administrator I presume. In some instances, the Xerox actually created the same mysterious speckled images that so far had remained unexplained. It is actually a known issue. Good thing is that its effects remain mostly invisible to the human eye.

          Butterdezilion: If you save a scan on the 7655 without previewing it, is the saved file different than if you preview it on the 7655 before saving it? If you send the scan directly in an email is it in PDF format? If they open it on a PC will they be able to move around pieces of content? If they open it on a Mac will they?

          NBC: Yes, they are very different. The Xerox created file has a lot of differences with the final document, most notably, the JBIG2 compression. Since Preview saves it to a lower PDF standard (1.3) it cannot create the same file. The resulting files however look extremely similar at the PDF object level. The ability to move around objects depends on the software. Illustrator does it both on Mac and Windows.

          Butterdezilion: If you import a digital file to the copier does the copier make layers out of a digital file as well, before printing it?

          NBC: I am not sure if the copier supports this workflow. When printing, the computer creates a printing stream and typically does not send the document across the network. To a printer, there are just no layers. Remember that the foreground objects are just bitmasks that get printed on top of the background.

          564 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 8:30:58 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: bluecat6; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

          Here is the substantive part of NBC’s reply to bluecat6:



          Posted on August 16, 2013 by NBC

          Bluecat6: Guthries is even bigger than the image after the clipping mask is removed. And the two ‘dots’ on the right side of the backgroup with the clipping mask do not show up in her ‘photo’.

          NBC: You have to be careful because you are now looking at a document which is scaled based on the distance of the camera. You can calibrate this by measuring a known distance on the PDF or jpeg such as the length of one of the boxes on the LFBC.

          Bluecat6: All three are physically different and can easily be verified by the cross hatch pattern.

          NBC: That is correct, remember that the Xerox removed 0.12” of borders, which explains why the photographs show more information.

          Bluecat6: But clipping mask was applied to create an 8 1/2 by 11 document. The background is wider. How is this if the original document was only 8 1/2” wide? How or why would a document ‘grow’ by being scanned only then to have clipping mask applied to ‘shrink’ it back to 8 1/2?

          NBC: It was not the clipping mask, but the edge erase. This has puzzled me a bit as well but if you carefully count the weave marks, you will see that it starts to make sense. Note that the clipping mask does not remove data, it just hides it.

          572 posted on Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:01:47 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: Cold Case Posse Supporter; null and void; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

          Thanks for the ping to Gallups update on Zullo’s reaction to the claims that the LFBC can be replicated on a Xerox.

          Transcript beginning @27:30

          Gallups: If we discover where he was or was not born in this process and, by the way, we WILL discover that and, by the way,...I’ve got to be careful here...we pretty much already know...

          Transcript beginning @ 37:28

          Gallups: You were asking about the Xerox machine. Here’s the thing. The Obamabots are DYING for me or Zullo to talk about what we know about that. They think they’ve found the goose that laid the golden egg and they’re dying to know what we know about it! Well, Zullo and I, we are NOT going to expose...this is a part of a criminal investigation and when it comes before Congress then Congress will know everything, but I can tell you IT IS OF NO CONCERN! And you’ve got to ask yourself, why would these guys five years into this all of a sudden say “oh we’ve got a particular machine that can do these things”? I mean, just think about what they’re doing and the timing of what they’re doing.

          605 posted on Friday, August 16, 2013 12:27:46 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

          To: Seizethecarp

          “And you’ve got to ask yourself, why would these guys five years into this all of a sudden say ‘oh we’ve got a particular machine that can do these things’?”

          Why would HI DOH refuse SOS Bennett a routine document when that same document is publicly posted?

          The answer to these questions is the same: lie stacked upon lie stacked upon lie.

          Now just hear Obama’s smug arrogant petulant voice in your head, “I never said I was a natural born citizen”

          609 posted on 08/15/2013 9:42:58 PM PDT by Ray76 ( Common sense immigration reform: Enforce Existing Law)
          Last edited by bsteadman; 08-16-2013, 07:42 PM.
          B. Steadman


          • #6
            CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

            To: bluecat6; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

            “In fact why fly anyone out at all - even for a actual physical document. US Post Office is and was in operation.”

            I have always regarded this as possible “tell” (fraud tip-off) because knowingly sending forged documents through the US Mail is a serious felony form of “mail fraud”!

            Sending Barry’s personal lawyer out to HI to pick up the “document” removes any HI official from potential liability for mail fraud.


            18 U.S.C. § 1341 provides:
            Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a Presidential declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.[2]

            644 posted on Friday, August 16, 2013 5:20:12 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

            To: Seizethecarp; LucyT

            I have said from the beginning I never believed anyone flew anywhere. If thee was two certified copies they would have been on display for all to see, not just one chosen reporter to claim “I felt the raised seal!” The PDF’s were generated in HI and easily could of and probably were emailed.

            651 posted on Friday, August 16, 2013 8:06:14 PM by GregNH (If you can't fight, please find a good place to hide!)
            B. Steadman


            • #7
              CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

              To: W. Kevin Vicklund

              The date on the bottom of that document is 4/25/2011. The copy was made before the press gaggle (see ) ; the copies were stapled together (see ) Strange that there aren’t any staple marks on the photo. The PDF wasn’t made until 12:11:23PM on 4-27 - almost exactly 2 minutes after the long-form PDF was made. It has the same properties as the long-form (Mac OS x 10.6.7 and PDF Version 1.3)

              They created that page on the computer in order to print it out with the headers. But the PDF was not created on the Mac until after the gaggle.

              The site doesn’t have a copy of the long-form printout they made for the press. And for good reason. That can’t be a scan in black and white, because the cross-hatches at the far left got picked up in the scan. But just on the top part of the page. There is a clear line where the BC portion stops and the certification portion - with no cross-hatches - begins. That can’t be explained by a photocopier/scanner, even if the copier/scanner was set to black/white. And especially it can’t be explained if the scan was set to be so sensitive that it picked up print from a page behind the page being scanned but didn’t pick up any of the cross-hatches in the certification portion of the copy.

              That “white copy” of the long-form is a dead giveaway of funny business because it has a distinct line where the cross-hatches end.

              I did some experimenting with contrast and brightness on what I know to be a scan of a genuine HDOH vital record, as well as on the White House image. When it is set to black-and-white there are NO cross-hatches that show up on either one. Anywhere. No matter what contrast I use.

              When it’s not in black and white, I can use constrast and brightness to get the cross-hatches to turn a light yellow, but some of the print also disappears when I do that. Of course, that’s especially difficult with the White House image because I can’t get most of the print to show up in Word anyway. Most of the letters are white. This is the only document I have EVER had that happen with.

              673 posted on Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:14:53 PM by butterdezillion (,)

              To: 4Zoltan

              It wouldn’t matter how long anybody knew each other. The way the method works is by using trusted sources - like using Miki Booth’s credibility in order to have her friend pass off a BC that was recently given to her by the HDOh, with a “date issued” from 1995. Miki thought the BC copy really was issued in 1995. Ah Nee knew it was not. Because Miki was the connection to WND, they thought it was credible - plus the seal showed that t was from the HDOH, it was just an HDOH fabrication, similar to Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate or the 1960-64 birth index.

              People know I’m for real and have connections with Zullo. And there have been people who tried to use me to get to Zullo. If they can trick me and I pass something on to Zullo, they can use it to distract and/or slam Zullo. That’s what Zullo has been dealing with. U;ve been VERY careful with what I’ve recommended to Zullo.

              The Fogbowers have admitted to fabricating documents and trying to get them to Orly. Somebody real gave information to Orly about Obama’s foreign student aid and Orly paraded it before the world so that the regime was able to expunge those records before her trusting source ever got the proof in hand. It’s a very dirty “game”. A LOT of deception.

              674 posted on Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:30:16 PM by butterdezillion (,)

              To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

              Blogger NBC has a new post up showing a pdf created by a Xerox that he claims has “halos, x-ray effect and identical pixel elements.”


              “August 18 Today has been another great day. Two new PDF’s were found that were scanned on Xerox. They show the YCbCr comment and align at 8 bit boundaries.”


              “The Museum PDF”

              Posted on August 19, 2013 by NBC

              “The document is an 11×17 scan, in ‘portrait’, so no messy rotations but several features have been checked. The YCbCr comment string is, once again, present. The Quantization Matrices are the same and the foreground images align. The document also shows halos, x-ray effect and identical pixel elements.”

              675 posted on Sunday, August 18, 2013 9:33:14 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
              B. Steadman


              • #8
                CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

                To: edge919

                “Amazing how this person keeps coming up with evidence to support the theory ... almost miraculous.”

                From what I can see, NBC is not showing evidence to support any theory. He is making claims of fact that are falsifiable.

                If NBC’s claims prove to be true and can be replicated by others, then the claims serve to falsify the claims of Zullo’s team that certain specific artifacts in the WH LFBC “cannot be replicated on any known copier.”

                Zullo has stated that inability to replicate the artifacts supports a claim that the WH LFBC never existed as a paper document and therefor MUST have been forged electronically.

                Obviously, this particular claim of proof of forgery by Zullo fails (is falsified) if NBC has succeeded in demonstrating that these artifacts can be replicated.

                The truth is the truth and regardless of how long it took for someone to demonstrate it (if NBC has) it is what it is.

                Proving Barry’s LFBC to be a forgery, if it is a forgery, will have to rely on OTHER claims that cannot be falsified and/or other evidence.

                690 posted on Monday, August 19, 2013 1:26:23 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                To: Seizethecarp

                Anything can be replicated when you can write an algorithm to do it. Proving that they can get a machine to do these things now is a far cry from proving that these machines did these things on their own in April of 2011.

                691 posted on Monday, August 19, 2013 7:33:26 AM by butterdezillion (,)
                B. Steadman


                • #9
                  CONTINUED: Excerpts from the thread

                  To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                  (H/T NBC)

                  On Wed. 8/21 Carl Gallups was on the blog radio program “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” with guest Miki Booth and Fogblower “Reality Check” (RC) called in @ 37:55


                  Reality Check began telling Carl how the WH pdf was made from a hard copy on a Xerox WorkCentre, but the host thought it was John Woodson and cut him off.

                  Gallups said he knew who Reality Check was and exactly what he was talking about. Gallups, again, said that Zullo’s team had “no concern” about the Xerox WorkCenter claim and that Zullo knew “all about that” and was “way down the road past that” and that this was Obot “disinformation.”

                  Gallups said that Zullo had no intention of directly addressing the Obot claims as that would enable further disinformation efforts.

                  Of special interest, right after Carl got cut off, the host, Michael, said that one of his collaborators had just attended a Ted Cruz presentation and succeeded in passing a “Sheriff’s package” (Arpaio/Zullo video presentations and AL court affidavit, IIRC) to BOTH Ted Cruz’s dad, Raphael and to Jim DeMint, and that they both seemed glad to receive the package.

                  723 posted on Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:00:10 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                  To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                  In the interview Wed 8/21 Carl Gallups also said that he has researched the identity of Fogblower Obot “Reality Check” and believes he is Professor Richard Rockwell, a sociology professor at U. Conn. Some voice in the background on the radio broadcast said no, maybe a caller, but Gallups seemed fairly confident that this is the guy:


                  If true, Rockwell is at the executive director of a public opinion research firm, “Roper Center”

                  Helping Obots to attempt manage public opinion regarding Barry’s eligibility could be a sideline of his...

                  BTW, when Gallups says that NBC’s findings regarding Xerox WorkCentre copying are “of no concern” to the CCP and the CCP “has moved beyond that,” I take that to mean that they had already found some of the same things that NBC has published, but that substantial additional evidence unrelated to mechanical reproduction of a copy has proved that the WH LFBC pdf image is STILL a forgery!

                  I suspect CCP has determined it is a forgery not because of the layers and duplicate letters, but because of information on the BC that they are confident they have proved to be false...especially the Kapiolani Hospital being claimed as the birth location. Gallups keeps going back to that like the cat that ate the canary. He sounds like he knows something!

                  The radio show host confirms that he, too, was made privy to some of Zullo’s additional criminal investigation results that he helped present to his congressman and he surprised by the still undisclosed information that CCP has found.

                  At the end of the radio interview Gallups says something like “These Obots are in for a horrific surprise. Obots better fasten their seatbelts because there’s a rough ride ahead. It’s going to get very hot for them!”

                  Of course, Obots remain unimpressed and are complaining, as Gallups says, that Zullo isn’t telling them what he has as can be seen in the comments section of blogger NBC’s post on this radio program:


                  726 posted on Friday, August 23, 2013 2:13:41 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                  To: 4Zoltan

                  “Folks, hang on this is going to be a hot, hot summer”

                  In 2012, the Media made sure that it was Romney who was burned at the stake, NOT Barry!

                  IMO, only when Barry’s own party turns decisively against him (stock market collapse or foreign policy disaster or both) will things move against Barry.

                  By October 15, Barry will be the most hated president in US history, IMO, as the Obamacare fiasco explodes!

                  731 posted on Friday, August 23, 2013 12:01:24 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                  B. Steadman


                  • #10
                    CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

                    To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                    NBC has now put up a blog post spinning a comment made by Mark Gillar on his Tea Party Hour of Power program (link not yet found by me).

                    There is a comment on this NBC blog post attributed to Mark Gillar (seems genuine to me) which rebuts NBC’s spin...

                    “Mark Gillar – From 100% certain to 1% certain”


                    Mark Gillar says:

                    August 25, 2013 at 23:48

                    If this is an example of the type of inductive leaps you take when you do you research, I’m not at all surprised that you think you’ve cleared up all of the anomalies in the LFBC PDF. My point in making the statement about a 99% genuine dollar bill still be counterfeit is that you don’t get to claim victory after explaining some of the anomalies. You have to explain them all.

                    THIS WAS IN NO WAY MEANT TO IMPLY THAT OBAMA’S LFBC PDF WAS 99% GENUINE. It was merely meant to make the point that a document is either genuine or counterfeit. There is no in-between. Saying the LFBC is mostly genuine is like saying that a woman is mostly pregnant. A lady is either pregnant or not. A document is either genuine or counterfeit.

                    I have also not formally announced which of your findings I think may be accurate and which I think are not. Frankly, your list of the yet to be explained anomalies is far from complete.

                    Is this an example of how your thought process works? Agreeing that the document went through Xerox at some point in its life, is not the same as me agreeing with all of your findings. My quote regarding the dollar bill also would not lead most people to believe that I or anyone else believes the Obama LFBC PDF is 99% genuine. It was an example meant to explain a concept. Sorry if you didn’t get that.

                    782 posted on Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:56:15 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                    To: Seizethecarp

                    Here is what NBC quotes Mark Gillar as saying...which NBC then tried to spin and Gillar appears to have responded to:

                    MG: “For two years every single anomaly pointing toward the forgery of Obama’s LFBC has been dismissed by OBOTS as something could have been caused by the specific scanner used to scan in the LFBC PDF.

                    “With the exact machine now known and plenty of 1961 LFBCs at their disposal, the CCP now knows where the scanner anomalies end and the indisputable signs of forgery begin. As one CCP expert said, a dollar bill that is 99% genuine is still counterfeit.”

                    784 posted on Monday, August 26, 2013 12:54:52 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                    To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                    “Does this mean the CCP accepts NBCs results?

                    “According to the CCP what are the anomalies caused by the scanner versus those caused by forgery?

                    “Does the CCP concede that their experts were wrong about MRC bwing a source for the digital anomalies?”

                    Zullo, Gillar and Gallups have all explicitly stated that NBC’s claims to date are NOT 100% EXCULPATORY. Partially exculpatory is NOT fully exculpatory (take note Fogblower Butterfly Bilderberg, Esq) as explained clearly by Gillar.

                    The CCP team are NOT going to reveal which subset of anomalies out of their universe of evidence and identified LFBC anomalies (MRC, typographic or other) have been explained/replicated by NBC.

                    Nor are they going to reveal what additional evidence CCP has to support an alternate birth location and birth narrative quite apart from the LFBC. CCP is intimating strongly that this additional as yet unreleased evidence provides conclusive proof of LFBC forgery. -
                    (bold and color emphasis added)

                    Given recent revelation of Barry’s abuse of the IRS to attack the Tea Party and abuse of the FBI to spy on journalists and the ability of NSA to spy on any of Barry’s enemies at will combined with some horrific suspicious deaths, Zullo and CCP appear to have gotten the message in the past few weeks that they need to stop blabbing about who they are trying to enlist to support a congressional investigation.

                    Barry’s minions have $$ millions of dollars and vicious operatives who can find out who is talking to CCP and try to crush them preemptively.

                    790 posted on Monday, August 26, 2013 12:18:51 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
                    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-26-2013, 06:40 PM.
                    B. Steadman


                    • #11
                      CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

                      To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                      A new PPSimmons Radio audio is up on BirtherReport.

                      Per Carl Gallups:

                      “The Zullo investigation is now looking into persons of interest”...from among the Obots and Fogblowers claiming to have debunked ALL of Zullo’s claims. Gallups admits that “several” anomalies may have been explained, but not all, including some “condemning” ones!

                      “Team Arpaio: Obamabots Now SUSPECTS?!
                      Obots going CRAZY over Obama Fraud Case!”


                      @9:52: Gallups: There is no machine anywhere in the world that exists wherein a birth certificate can be placed in it, the button pushed one time, and every one of the anomalies that’s on the Obama birth certificate that can be replicated exactly, and especially some of the most condemning anomalies. And that’s as far as I’m gonna go. There is no machine that exists that does that.

                      The Obamabots may have found a machine that produces SEVERAL anomalies that appear to be similar to those on the Obama birth certificate, but that does not derail this investigation. But let me tell you what it does do. It opens up a whole other branch of the investigation. That’s for certain.

                      @11:09 Gallups: I can tell you this. The Zullo investigation is now looking at persons of interest...specific people...specifically because of the Obamabots going frenetically crazy over this so-called Xerox machine “evidence.” So, the bottom line is, again, it is of no concern.

                      They can keep printing their little articles and their little news rags and talk to themselves on their little party-line BlogSpot radio programs with 10 or 20 people as they scream among themselves. They can continue to call into the real radio programs and try to derail the conversation, but that’s all they can do.

                      In the meantime a whole different line of investigation has been opened now.

                      I think that these guys need to just keep on talking. I think that it’s very interesting...some of the information they are exposing...and they don’t even know it!

                      944 posted on Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:41:03 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                      To: butterdezillion

                      “How does the MDEC verification rule out the White House information matching a legally non-valid BC at the HDOH?”

                      I’m not sure I understand your question. There is NO authority outside Hawaii capable of declaring an HDOH BC to be non-valid other than either a criminal investigation by the FBI (that is out due to Holder) or a congressional investigation.

                      What Zullo and Arpaio are trying to do is to get a congressional investigation going that can crack the criminal conspiracy to hide whatever it is that HI is hiding in Barry’s vital records.

                      The Hawaii governor, legislature, and courts as well as the US DOJ, Senate and Executive branch are ALL going to protect Barry to the death, so only House committees are left to pursue a criminal investigation. They will only do that if the claimed evidence of the CCP is as bullet-proof as Zullo says it is. The public evidence of the CCP was NOT persuasive before the election and NBC’s claims further undermine the CCP, if true.

                      That leaves the as-yet undisclosed “new conclusive, shocking, irrefutable evidence” claimed by Zullo and Gallups as having any chance of persuading congressmen to launch a criminal investigation. It had better be a lot more persuasive than their pdf anomaly claims!

                      950 posted on Friday, August 30, 2013 1:47:16 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
                      B. Steadman


                      • #12
                        CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

                        To: butterdezillion

                        “There is a reason the NSA is monitoring private citizens’ communications. It has nothing to do with national security, and everything to do with sustaining the 2008 coup that put into office a foreign enemy combatant.”

                        The end justifies the means for these Fabian crony-state socialists on a mission. Whatever they can do and hide, they do with impunity. There is no check and balance separation of powers and the IG’s and whistle-blowers are destroyed one at a time while partisan allies are protected.

                        975 posted on Tuesday, September 03, 2013 2:39:59 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                        To: butterdezillion; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; ...

                        Whatever safeguards and unauthorized access detection, tracking and audit trail the NSA thought they had, Snowden blew through it all and said that a huge number of other “contract analysts” not even under full control of the US gov’t could access real-time e-mail, Google, Facebook and cellphone traffic subject to only their own personal ethics.

                        I believe that Snowden was a Russian intelligence asset dating from his time in Geneva and that he was placed with the help of other Russian mole assets in NSA into position where he could do the most damage.

                        Any one of Barry’s OFA minions could similarly have been secreted into NSA even before he was elected to funnel opposition research the Chicago Thug HQ for appropriate countermeasures.

                        I think Zullo is beginning to realize that he needs to shut up and stop feeding tidbits “birthers” to keep their spirits up because it is only tipping off the Chicago Thugs as to who to go after next. Gallups’ Friday show will be a lot less interesting, but the chances for success will be improved!

                        978 posted on Tuesday, September 03, 2013 3:31:27 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
                        B. Steadman


                        • #13
                          CONTINUED: Excerpts from thread

                          To: LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; Fantasywriter; ...

                          ping to Carl Gallups reporting that an Obot called up Zullo (Gallups didn’t give the name but it was obviously Fogblower “Reality Check” (RC)). The Obot demanded to know whether he was a “person of interest,” as intimated by Gallups.


                          Zullo had Gallups secretly come on the line for the call.

                          RC told Zullo that he can replicate the LFBC pdf with several button pushes and Zullo invites him to identify himself and personally demonstrate this claim backed up by an affidavit. RC declines and goes off on Zullo.

                          Gallups says that Zullo has been investigating an Obot “person of interest” and has found very interesting connections between this Obot (likely RC) and some VIPs (on the other side).

                          982 posted on Friday, September 06, 2013 9:54:16 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

                          To: Flotsam_Jetsome

                          “If he’s referring to former Fannie Mae chief James Johnson’s paid agitators, that’s nothing new.”

                          That sounds about right for what Gallups is intimating: a possible connection between RC and the White House basement...or some basement in Chicago!

                          984 posted on Friday, September 06, 2013 11:09:27 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:
                          B. Steadman

