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LOL: Obama Protested By Birthers In Florida; Met With "Kenyan Go Home" Sign

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  • LOL: Obama Protested By Birthers In Florida; Met With "Kenyan Go Home" Sign

    LOL: Obama Protested By Birthers In Florida; Met With "Kenyan Go Home" Sign

    Birther Report


    Obama Protested By Birthers In Florida
    By Paige Lavender @ Huffington Post

    President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle were met with signs saying "Obama lies" and "Kenyan Go Home" ahead of a speech in Florida on Saturday.

    According to a White House pool report, the president's motorcade was pulling into the Hilton Orlando where the Disabled American Veterans are holding their convention when it passed about 50 protesters on both sides of the street. The protesters -- "many of them older and most of them white," according to the report -- were holding birther signs and signs calling to "Impeach Obama. [...]

    UPDATE: ..., a photo of the "Kenyan Go Home" sign, via BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski: [...] Huffington Post.

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    B. Steadman