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The Lip TV Attacks Birthers; The Viewers Slam Hosts And Unsubscribe In Droves

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  • The Lip TV Attacks Birthers; The Viewers Slam Hosts And Unsubscribe In Droves

    Backlash: The Lip TV Attacks Birthers; The Viewers Slam Hosts And Unsubscribe In Droves

    Birther Report



    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via TheLipTV. Hat tip SA. )

    Sample of some of the comments subscribers are leaving at the video:

    " For a journalist in independent media why in the world will you not be objective and review the evidence?! I have now been turned off by this channel...I thought you were more open minded, didn't realize this was a Liberal channel! Don't you realize that "IF" this guy is a fraud everything he has signed into law in null and void?! He has an agenda and you are just another one of the sleeping mindless sheep! Unsubscribing, sorry " [.]

    " The retards in this clip refer to the 'birthers',... as the un educated? CORRECTION, have to be UN-EDUCATED to believe the fake document presented to the public! I am UN-SUBBING this channel,....I hate stupidity that attacks truth. These mentally handicapped LIARS belong on main stream Tv, with the rest of the soul-less, actors. " [.]

    " It won't go to rest because it's not bullshit. There is compelling evidence that Obama isn't eligible to hold the Presidency. " [.]

    " the birth cert. released to the public was proven fake in minutes. idiots. " [.]

    " We know for a fact that his birth certificate was 100% a fake " [.]

    " Funny how you clowns got slapped down by most of your viewers on this one. " [.]

    - Many more at TheLipTV. Give 'em some lip.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman