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Republican National Committee Telemarketer: No Secret Obama Foreigner & Muslim

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  • Republican National Committee Telemarketer: No Secret Obama Foreigner & Muslim

    Republican National Committee Telemarketer: No Secret Obama Foreigner & Muslim; They Know

    Birther Report



    RNC Caller Said “It’s No Secret” Obama “A Foreigner”
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Aug. 18, 2013) — On Saturday, August 17, a caller from the Republican National Committee (RNC) contacted The Post & Email asking for a donation. While we politely declined, stating that we are registered Independents, we took the opportunity to ask the caller why the Republican Party will not act on the issue of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image purported to be Obama’s which has been displayed on the White House website for more than two years.

    The caller, who was a female, appeared surprised at the revelation that the image was a forgery. “I’ve never heard that,” she told us. We then informed her that the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse has been investigating the matter for nearly two years and declared the image and Obama’s Selective Service registration form to be “computer-generated forgeries.”

    However, when we told her that the posse has said that there is no evidence that Obama is even a U.S citizen, let alone “natural born” as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution to serve as president, she said, “It’s no secret. He’s a foreigner; he’s a Muslim.”

    We then asked why, if the Republicans are aware that a possible foreign national is usurping the office of the president and commander-in-chief, they refuse to act. The caller replied, “They know, they know. But they’re afraid of losing their jobs.”

    We responded that most people in America do not have jobs because of the abysmal economy and facing home foreclosure after having lost virtually all of their income. The caller then stated that she believes that Obama is purposely destroying the U.S. economy.

    We then related to her the story of former Rep. Allen West, who, after having seen the Cold Case Posse’s evidence of fraud and forgery of the birth certificate at CPAC in March, refused to assist in bringing the crime to the attention of the American people because of his “future political aspirations.” We asked whether or not the Republicans have the “courage” to stand up and demand accountability from Obama and those who propelled him into power, ignoring the constitutional requirements for the highest office in the land and the crimes which were committed.

    She again acknowledged that “they know” but could not say why the Republicans will not act. Her response then was, “Well, we can’t have more years of liberal leadership.”

    West has since called Obama “a usurper and charlatan.”

    The Post & Email stated that to be fair, three Republican congressmen appear to have acknowledged that the forgery calls for further probing: Reps. Ted Yoho, Steve Stockman, and Lou Barletta, to which she responded, “Oh, that’s good.”

    We spent a total of 11 minutes on the call, at which time the telemarketer said she feared she would “get in trouble” for the lengthy conversation. She again solicited us for a donation, which we declined to give. “We would be happy to support you if the Republicans would do something about the forgery,” we told her.

    We wished her a pleasant evening and thanked her for her time, to which she responded that she was “intrigued” by what we had told her about the Cold Case Posse investigation. We repeated the name of the posse’s website and that of The Post & Email, which has been one of the few media outlets to have investigated and reported on the Obama eligibility/identity issue.

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    My comment:

    I, of course, don't know all the details regarding the true relationship between the telemarketer described in the article and the RNC.

    I suspect, like many telemarketers, she does not actually work for the company or organization that she is representing, which in this case is the RNC. That is, she is very likely working in a cubicle in front of a computer in a remote business that employs a large staff of telemarketers and which is located hundreds or perhaps even thousands of miles away from RNC headquarters.

    She is likely working temporarily on a paid project for the RNC but she collects her paycheck from the telemarketing firm. Next week, for example, she may be working on a totally non-related project for some other company or organization.

    It is important to remember that telemarketers try very hard to convince their 'potential customers' that they do actually do work exclusively for the company or organization which they are representing. They provide a very personal and efficient service and they can save the represented company a lot of money since they are not on the represented company's payroll as full-time employees with all the usual permanent employee benefits.

    I suspect that, in this case, the telemarketer was actually relating her own opinions regarding Obama and perhaps those of her telemarketer friends at the call-center, and not necessarily those of the RNC.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-19-2013, 04:32 PM.
    B. Steadman

