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Movement to impeach Obama snowballing -- WND, Garth Kant

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  • Movement to impeach Obama snowballing -- WND, Garth Kant

    Movement to impeach Obama snowballing

    'Energy is crazy high' as groups explode in all 50 states


    Garth Kant


    WASHINGTON – The “Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment” movement is suddenly sweeping the nation.

    WND first reported on the booming movement in July, and now the group claims it has mushroomed to 40,000 members across America to become “the largest grassroots movement in the nation” in the few weeks since it was launched in June.

    The group’s national website has links to Facebook pages of groups in all 50 states, plus Washington, D.C.

    And it is on those Facebook pages that organizers recruit and inform, while fellow members share their experiences and bond, as the group’s Internet-age version of grassroots democracy takes root and flourishes in cyberspace and on the streets.

    The clout of “Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment” is growing so fast, Press Secretary Jennifer Hitt told WND, “We would like to get to the point we can help fund a 2016 candidate. The movement started with the main Facebook page, grew to the state Facebook pages, and now we are trying to get most people to register on our state forums on the website,”

    Hitt said the buzz isn’t limited to one area: “It’s nationwide. The energy is crazy high.”

    Protesters in Arizona brave the rain

    That energy crackles in comments on the Alabama site, which boasts 1,005 members.

    • “Members, what a wonderful problem I have!! I am so excited to announce we have an influx of new members from all over the state. In order to keep everyone in their area, I have created pages for each area group. Please join the group closest to you.
    • “Me (pictured) at the Hwy 280 Birmingham Rally. Met some wonderful people whom are now friends! Many cars honked for us, a few middle-finger salutes, but, we will continue until we drop!”
    • “Guys [please] go to the Jasper Daily Mountain Eagle page and like it. They’re attempting to reach 10,000 likes by the end of the month. They did an excellent article for our movement, and I’ve gotten a fantastic response. Let’s return the kindness. Thx!”
    • “Tina has stepped up to lead and organize Dothan and surrounding areas. Tina came to the Birmingham rally and was very excited. She drove from Dothan to Birmingham to attend then drove home alone in horrible weather. Now Tina wants to lead her area. Please comment below if you live in Dothan and surrounding areas and can attend rallies or help Tina. UNITED WE STAND.”
    • “[K]idding around with the Memphis local boys and girls in blue as they frequently check in on our safety! She hugged me before they left and the rest just shook my hand! Way to go, Blue!”
    • “Excellent write up in Daily Mountain Eagle this morning on Jasper protest. Started on front page and continued on another page. Lonnie, I was especially proud of your comments. Excellent!”
    • “My husband and I have been so frustrated for the past 5 years and felt so helpless to really do anything. Thank God somebody finally got the guts to really stand up. We cannot be nice and expect results. If we ever needed something to give ourselves to, this is it. We can be strong and make America strong again by demanding that the people be heard and not just heard, but action taken to stop this train wreck. We will not be intimidated by their bullying and socialist agenda; it’s now or never people. Thank you, Ann. I know you are a true patriot.”

    There’s even advice on how to make a quick do-it-yourself sign.

    “Signs are here: Just copy to a flash drive and take to Staples or other print store. A 2′ x 3′ is only $3.25.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Reasons for Impeachment

    Impeach Obama - Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment


    “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    1. President Obama has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution. These individuals are given extraordinary power and independent funding, and are not under the scrutiny of Congress. The fact that Obama calls them Czars does not make them legal. He has also made illegal recess appointments of other members of his cabinet that required Senate approval. He simply declared that the U.S. Senate was in recess despite the fact that no such declaration had been made by the Senate. The President has no Constitutional authority to do this.
    2. The push by Pres. Obama to pass healthcare legislation in the Congress of the United States that he was fully aware was unconstitutional. He has continued to use his powers and executive branch of government to implement this legislation despite the fact that a federal judge had declared the entire law unconstitutional, and ordered that it not be implemented. In addition, Obama has directed members of his administration to violate the right to freedom of religion protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. Religious institutions such as churches and schools have been ordered to provide contraceptives and abortion inducing morning after pills to employees as part of the health care bill requirements. The fact that this is a direct violation of their religious teaching is of no concern to Obama.
    3. Despite the fact that the United States Senate refused to pass the Cap and Trade bill, the President has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases. Obama himself has acknowledged that this will force energy prices in this country to skyrocket. He is taking these actions in direct defiance of the will of the people of the United States, the will of Congress, and the Constitution. The actions of the EPA include regulations that will force many coal burning power plants to close.
    4. Through the Department of the Interior (DOI) Obama has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans, Louisiana declaring that the department had no authority to issue such a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. In fact, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) has been held in contempt by the same judge. The administration has claimed to be complying, but has tied up the drilling permits in so much red tape that the effect is the same.
    5. Instead of allowing American companies to drill for oil domestically, Obama has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States. This will dramatically increase our dependence on foreign nations including Venezuela, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and even Libya that do not serve the interest of America or the American people. Obama has also refused to approve the keystone pipeline from Canada to the United States that would not only lessen our dependence on oil from countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, but create thousands of new jobs in the United States. The decision on the pipeline is one that belongs in the hands of the members of Congress, not the President.
    6. President Obama has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration. He has virtually declared our southern border an open border by declaring certain areas of federal land in states like Arizona as off-limits to federal, state, and local authorities. This is despite the fact that these areas are being used to bring in thousands of illegal immigrants, massive amounts of drugs, and also being used by foreign terrorists to infiltrate the United States. He has also ordered the border patrol not to arrest most illegal immigrants entering the country, and has stopped deportation proceedings against thousands of people in this country illegally. He is in effect instituting the so-called “dream act” bypassing the Congress of the United States which has sole authority over immigration matters.


    View the entire 12 listed reasons for impeachment at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Video: Impeach Obama Protests Erupt Across America

      B. Steadman


      • #4
        The Story Behind the ‘Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment’ Movement

        New York Magazine

        Adam K. Raymond


        If you find yourself driving on an American interstate this weekend, there’s a chance you’ll become acquainted with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment, a loosely organized coalition of fed-up conservatives using homemade signs to show their support for removing the president from office. Overpasses began two months ago when 46-year-old Oklahoman James Neighbors created a Facebook page encouraging Obama detractors to hit the streets above the streets. And even though Republican congressmen say impeachment is an impossibility and Fox News’ Brit Hume called the idea “stupid,” the group’s ranks have already swelled to 43,000 members in 50 state-specific Facebook groups (and D.C. too!).

        All of that passion has won Overpasses some attention. Earlier this week, BuzzFeed said the movement is “taking the country by storm,” while the rabid World Net Daily wrote 3,500 words about how it’s “sweeping the nation.” Either characterization is fine with Neighbors, who told Daily Intelligencer that Overpasses has exploded because “America is fed up. We've watched our freedoms get chipped away and gnawed at and chewed at. I wasn't the only one out there looking for a way to express themselves.”

        The decision to settle on the location favored by Bart and Milhouse (when they’re squirting condiments) was easy, Neighbors said, because “everybody drives to work at some point or another.” More important, though, it allows protesters a chance to “bypass the liberal media” to spread messages such as “No Hope” and “Honk to Impeach.” By Neighbors’s inexact calculations, those reading the signs like what they see. “We’ve seen honking, thumbs up, cheering out windows. Eighty to 90 percent of the people who respond, respond positively, and at least 50 percent of people actually respond.”

        The issues driving the movement can be found on an page titled "Reasons to Impeach." It reads like a condensed version of a Hannity transcript, with complaints about boogey-man czars and the unconstitutionality of Obamacare and claims that “Obama, Eric Holder, and numerous other members of his administration” have engaged in “the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.” But if there’s one issue that stands out at these protests, Neighbors said, it’s “Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.”

        “I hope people go home and they look up Benghazi [after seeing it on a sign],” he said. “I hope they feel rage, and I hope they want to do something about it. I hope they demand their congressmen do something about it.”

        That something, ideally, would be to impeach the president. But there are obvious hurdles preventing that dream from becoming reality, including a Democrat-controlled Senate. Neighbors sees a way around that: “We all saw Clinton's impeachment and how long that took,” he said. “If they were to start impeachment proceedings today, by the time they got finished investigating all of those scandals, the 2014 elections will have come and gone.” Neighbors believes the GOP can retake the Senate next year if candidates link their opponents to Obama and his “list of scandals.” The problem with that strategy, of course, is that these ginned-up controversies existed last year and didn’t stop the president from winning reelection. Neighbors said that’s because people didn’t know about them. He’s counting on Republicans to hold a “mud-slinging festival” in 2014 to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

        As everyone driving under the overpasses knows, though, even if the GOP retakes the Senate, the chances of Congress impeaching President Obama are virtually nil. Neighbors acknowledged that possibility and said they have a goal beyond impeachment — to reform Congress and fill it with “honest and decent people, at least as close as we can get in the political arena.”


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman

