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FO: Rep. Steve Stockman Blasts Obama Admin For Aiding And Abetting Voter Fraud

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  • FO: Rep. Steve Stockman Blasts Obama Admin For Aiding And Abetting Voter Fraud

    FO: Rep. Steve Stockman Blasts Obama Admin For Aiding And Abetting Voter Fraud

    Birther Report



    Rep. Steve Stockman Blasts Obama Admin for Aiding and Abetting Voter Fraud
    By Tim Brown @ Freedom Outpost

    In July, Attorney General Eric Holder decided to ignore the Supreme Court’s ruling with regard to the Voting Rights Act and set his sights on Texas’ voter ID laws, asking a federal court to act independently and illegally to make Texas “preclear” their laws with the Justice Department. When that failed, Holder filed suit against Texas. Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX) blasted Barack Obama and the Obama Justice Department over the issue in a statement, saying “The only people with an interest in preventing voter ID are people engaged in voter fraud.”

    “This is a clear attempt by a lawless White House to aid and abet voter fraud,” Stockman said. “Whether it is blocking the prosecution of voter intimidation in Philadelphia, illegally running guns to Mexican drug lords or assisting voter fraud in Texas Barack Obama has decided the rule of law takes a back seat to ‘Rules for Radicals.’”

    Stockman’s comments followed the news that the Obama DOJ announced that it would be suing Texas over voter ID laws.

    The Washington Post reported:

    The Justice Department on Thursday redoubled its efforts to challenge state voting laws, suing Texas over its new voter ID measure as part of a growing political showdown over electoral rights.

    The move marked the latest bid by the Obama administration to counter a Supreme Court ruling that officials have said threatens the voting rights of minorities. It also signaled that the administration will probably take legal action in voting rights cases in other states, including North Carolina, where the governor signed a voter ID law this month.

    The Supreme Court in June invalidated a key section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that had forced certain jurisdictions to receive approval from the Justice Department or a federal court before changing their voting laws. The ruling, however, did not preclude the Obama administration from using other sections of the law.

    On Thursday, the Justice Department said it will rely on another section of the act to contend that the Texas voter ID measure was “adopted with the purpose, and will have the result, of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group.”

    According to the Voting Rights Act, states with a history of discrimination are required to be granted approval by the Department of Justice or the courts before they can change their voting laws.

    Earlier in June, the Supreme Court ruled in the Shelby County v. Holder, essentially gutting the Voting Rights Act, and said that Congress would have to be the one to come up with a formula to determine which states should be subject to extra scrutiny.

    Stockman said, “A Marist poll conducted July 25 shows 83 percent of minority voters support voter ID laws. Obama’s actions what you see in Venezuela, a president falsely claiming to on behalf of people in order to cover up an unpopular political play.”

    “I encourage the federal courts to do their constitutional duty and thwart this latest attempt to abuse presidential power to pervert free and clean elections,” the Texas Congressman added. “The only people with an interest in preventing voter ID are people engaged in voter fraud.” [...] - Continued at Freedom Outpost. Hat tip Falcon.

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    B. Steadman