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Exposed: Mainstream Newspaper Reports But Misinforms On Obama Birth Certificate

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  • Exposed: Mainstream Newspaper Reports But Misinforms On Obama Birth Certificate

    Exposed: Mainstream Newspaper Reports But Misinforms On Obama Birth Certificate

    Birther Report



    Mainstream Newspaper Reports but Misinforms on Obama Birth Certificate
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Aug. 27, 2013) — In a video report produced by The Texas Tribune presented at ORYR, the presidential eligibility of both Sen. Ted Cruz and Barack Hussein Obama is discussed, but the report misrepresents the facts about Obama’s birth certificates.


    Cruz’s father fled Cuba for Texas in 1957, two years before Fidel Castro established a communist regime on the island, nationalizing health care, education, and imposing one-party rule. Rafael Bienvenido Cruz did not speak English but was hired as a dishwasher, making $.50/hour, with which he paid his way through college. He became a Christian pastor and naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 2005.

    The Texas Tribune reported that Cruz is considered a possible candidate for president for 2016 but that questions about his constitutional eligibility have arisen from his birth in Canada to a U.S.-citizen mother and Cuban father. In the video, Cruz stated that the concerns about his citizenship are “silly.” He believes that because he was born to an “American mother,” he is “an American.”

    While Cruz possesses both U.S. and Canadian citizenship, he may not be a “natural born Citizen,” as the Constitution requires of the nation’s chief executive.

    Canadian legal scholars who were asked about Cruz’s status based on his birthplace stated last week that anyone born in Canada automatically becomes a citizen of that country. The United States, by misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, awards citizenship to anyone born within its confines with the exception of children of diplomats from foreign countries. The applicable section of the 14th Amendment states:

    Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    The Dallas Morning News, to which Cruz released his birth certificate prior to its August 18 report, stated that “The Constitution says nothing about would-be presidents born with dual citizenship.” However, Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution states that only a “natural born Citizen” can be president, and the history behind the inclusion of the phrase indicates that foreign influence or allegiance were of concern to the Framers.

    Following the release of the news report, Cruz said he did not know he was considered a Canadian citizen and that he would renounce his Canadian citizenship. However, no formal announcement has been reported as of this writing.

    Various news outlets discussed Cruz’s questionable eligibility, with “The Five” co-anchor Eric Bolling opining that Cruz and Obama had similar situations by virtue of having been born to one citizen parent “inside or outside of the country; we don’t know which.”

    Some constitutional attorneys and scholars in the U.S. have stated that a “natural born Citizen” means a person born in the U.S. to two parents who are U.S. citizens at the time of the birth. Nearly 100 years ago, former ambassador to Italy, Breckinridge Long, questioned the presidential eligibility of Charles Evans Hughes, Woodrow Wilson’s opponent in 1916, because Hughes was born on U.S. soil to parents who were British citizens.

    Historical events tell us that the citizenship of the parents was considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in cases such as Minor v. Happersett, Perkins v. Elg, and Steinkauler, as related by Atty. Joseph DeMaio in a series of scholarly essays at The Post & Email. In Minor, the Supreme Court stated that there “was no doubt” that Virginia Minor was a “natural born Citizen” because she was born in the United States to two U.S.-citizen parents, although the point of the case was a voting rights issue.

    In his treatise “The Law of Nations,” Swiss philosopher Emmerich de Vattel wrote that “The natives, or natural born citizens are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.” DeMaio stated in his most recent essay that the U.S. Supreme Court in Minor opined that a natural born Citizen was a person “born in a country of parents who were its citizens” and that doubt existed as to the status of persons born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents. DeMaio further stated:

    The significance of the Court’s statement is that it underscores the fact that, at the inception of the republic, the Founders had the choice of selecting and setting an eligibility standard as to which there has “never” been a doubt, or a standard as to which “there have been doubts.”

    However, Jack Maskell, writing for the Congressional Research Service (CRS), attempted to obliterate the facts of such cases by omitting the phrases which referenced the parents’ citizenship, thereby giving members of Congress the false impression that anyone born on U.S. soil has historically been considered a “natural born Citizen.”

    Obama claims he was born in Hawaii to a U.S.-citizen mother. A mainstream media blackout on his background, formative years and political affiliations by probable intimidation allowed him to ascend to the White House without proper vetting. Anyone raising the question of Obama’s allegiance, birthplace, history or political beginnings was ridiculed, marginalized, defamed, harassed, threatened with his or her career or worse, including death threats.

    Today, the U.S. Supreme Court is “evading the issue” of presidential eligibility. Numerous challenges to the eligibility of Sen. John McCain, who was born in Panama to two U.S.-citizen parents, and Barack Obama, whose father was a citizen of Great Britain, have been rejected.

    On or around June 12, 2008, an image appeared at The Daily KOS and later, at the St. Petersburg Times and other sites, of a “Certification of Live Birth” bearing Obama’s name. However, the image has been declared a forgery and was never confirmed as having come from the Obama campaign. Hawaii law prohibits the release of vital records unless the requester possesses a “direct and tangible interest in the record,” which raises the question as to how The Daily KOS and other outlets acquired the document, if in fact they did.

    The Hawaii Department of Health has refused to corroborate the Certification of Live Birth, with spokeswoman Janice Okubo having stated that she “didn’t know that it’s possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents.”

    No hospital in Hawaii or anywhere in the U.S. has claimed that Obama was born there, and early reports from 2007 and 2008 stated that he was born in Indonesia. Several African newspapers declared him born in Kenya, and the Kenyan Parliament affirmed that in its official minutes of March 25, 2010.

    Within 24 hours, the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website was declared a forgery by experts. In September 2011, a criminal investigation was launched by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse at the request of 250 Maricopa County Tea Party members.

    On March 1, 2012, lead investigator Michael Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that there was probable cause to believe the image was a “computer-generated forgery.” The team also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was fraudulent.

    The Selective Service Administration was not responsive to the posse’s requests to view a certified copy of Obama’s original Selective Service registration form and claimed that the microfilm had been destroyed.

    On July 17, 2012, following a second press conference by the posse during which the birth certificate was deemed “definitely fraudulent,” the Associated Press stated that it contacted the Obama campaign for comment on the report of forgery but that it “declined to comment.” Other news outlets failed to investigate the forgery claims at all.

    The Texas Tribune confused the two birth certificate images and failed to report that both have been deemed forgeries. It did not report that the Cold Case Posse is endeavoring to compel Congress to launch its own investigation to determine the perpetrator(s) and motive. To date, three congressmen have indicated an interest in investigating, with proposed legislation reportedly being authored by Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas.

    The forgery of a government document is a federal felony.

    Zullo has stated on various radio shows in recent months that there is no evidence of Obama having been present in Hawaii from birth to the age of five. When Zullo and a deputy traveled to Hawaii during the course of their investigation, they were prevented from seeking out Registrar Dr. Alvin Onaka with the excuse that he “does not speak with the public.”

    The posse’s further investigation and conversation with former Health Department Registrar Verna K. Lee confirmed that there are anomalies on the long-form image which have not been explained. -

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    B. Steadman