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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “Barack Obama A Weak Ass Fool” -- The Ulsterman Report

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “Barack Obama A Weak Ass Fool” -- The Ulsterman Report

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “Barack Obama A Weak Ass Fool”

    The Ulsterman Report


    This is Part One of a 2 part interview. Part Two is continued as a reply.


    “It’s all money and influence for them now, nothing more. These last eight years is all about setting up the next thirty, and Jarrett is going to be right in the middle of all of it.” -WHI

    “Makes him look like the weak ass fool those of us who’ve seen him up close know he is.”


    After months of periodic, yet for the most part, friendly contact, the figure tens of thousands of readers have come to know and either hate or love, as White House Insider, suggested I take a trip to see them and “shoot the shit for a spell.” Perhaps it was kismet, because my own schedule allowed a window of opportunity to do just that, so after getting the ok from the Little General (my wife), I was off for a seventy-two hour journey “there and back”. Unlike the intensity of the months prior to the 2012 Election, this was a far more relaxed and perhaps, even more introspective conversation between two people who now comfortably call themselves friends. Myself, an unapologetic libertarian-conservative, and White House Insider, an old-school Democrat who has felt for some time the political party of his once “big show’ political days is now a long gone and likely never to return remnant of the past. That said, this former political operative still holds out hope for a better United States, regardless of whether or not the politicians of the day are calling themselves Democrats or Republicans, or something else - he most of all wants our nation’s leaders to simply be good, honest, and decent Americans.

    Their record of accuracy in pinpointing political machinations is well documented by regular readers of this blog. White House Insider was the first to suggest there would be a myriad of scandals surrounding the Obama Department of Justice that would lead to the Attorney General himself. Weeks and months later, those scandals played out across the Mainstream Media. He indicated very specific staff departures that then took place. He painted what was then, a very shocking portrait of a distant, shallow, and largely indifferent Barack Obama – a portrait that subsequent media reports then substantiated.

    And perhaps most significant of all, was White House Insider’s insistence that it was Valerie Jarrett who wielded the power within the Obama West Wing, circumventing the Oval Office from her own second story White House office. This portrayal too was later supported and documented by Mainstream Media reports.

    Here now is part one of this conversation, which took place after nearly three hours of fishing together, and over several cold beers. I didn’t catch a damn thing, but the discussion and the beer that followed more than made up for it…


    UM: Can we start here?

    WHI: You the boss. Ask away.

    UM: Looking back, what were you most right about, and what were you most wrong about?

    WHI: About what? Obama? The election? What do you mean?

    UM: Start with…start at the place shortly after you first let me publish our conversations. You pointed out trouble at the DOJ, and were laying hints about Valerie Jarrett. Go ahead and start there.

    WHI: Son, I can’t remember what I had for breakfast this morning, and the most important thing on my mind is when my next real good bowel movement might be. I can’t remember any of that sh*t. Sorry.

    UM: You were right about the DOJ, right about Jarrett. Do you agree with that?

    WHI: Yeah – sure, but I could give a sh*t about being right, because in the end, they f*cking won, and that’s all that matters, right?

    UM: Before we get to the election, go back to your warnings about the DOJ and Jarrett. You were right on there. That has to feel good, to have your information substantiated like that.

    (A little aside here reader – when WHI hears something that really annoys or angers them, they have this habit of scrunching their face up like they just got a whiff of something awful. While funny to behold, it also lets me know that I’ve managed to once again pose a question they find completely idiotic. This last question had me receiving that very same look.)

    WHI: Let me say it reeeaaaaaaal slow for you, ok? They won – we lost. That’s all that matters. This ain’t some “everybody’s a winner” bullsh*t. I got my ass kicked, and there it is. What you gonna do?

    UM: I understand, but…I won’t go back to re-wording that question, but for the purpose of…of getting us some updated perspective here. There will be readers reading this who have been with us since the beginning. I especially want to give them a reference point of your frame of mind between then and now.

    WHI: (nodding head and laughing) Oh – like letting them know how much of a loser I am, right? Yeah – g0t it. Yeah, sure thing.

    UM: Let me give you a word, or a phrase, or a name, and you tell me what comes to mind.

    WHI: That word association bullsh*t, right? Not that…don’t mean it’s bullsh*t. Sorry, being an assh*le. You know, what I do. Go ahead then, get on with it.

    UM: Eric Holder

    WHI: (Repeats scrunched face look, leans back) Ouch. Right to it, huh? Didn’t I tell you he’d be gone?

    UM: You did.

    WHI: And is he gone?

    UM: No – he’s still the Attorney General.

    WHI: Well there you go – kicked my ass good then. Thanks for the reminder, son.

    UM: Can you elaborate on that? What do you think of now when you hear the name Eric Holder?

    WHI: I think I got my ass kicked on it. I think some Republican f*cks forgot what a set of real brass ones feel like. I think the American people are too f*cking pre-occupied with whatever crap it is they call livin’ to pay attention to high crimes that should have had these people run out on rails by now. I think the people that had the power to act, didn’t. And that is that, man. Those people…sh*t, we gave them the leads. We gave them the names. They gave us sh*t. Promises of doing something, attitude like they cared. But in the end…hell no. A bunch of posturing back slapping bullsh*t. Count ‘em up yourself! How many times we go at the DOJ? How many times we have to? I mean really, man? Who gets away with this much incoming? Before this White House, nobody. Nobody got away with this much sh*t. I blame Democrats and I blame Republicans, and I blame millions of Americans so dumb and stupid and lazy who have allowed this sh*t to go on like it has. F*ck ‘em. And I sincerely mean that, son. F*ck ‘em.

    UM: You don’t really mean that. Not entirely.

    WHI: You don’t think so? This country has gone to hell. You know it. I know it. The rest of ‘em – they don’t care. So I’ll say it again – f*ck ‘em.

    UM: Maybe it’s not so much they don’t care as much as it is self preservation. I believe almost half of the country is on some kind of federal government assistance, something the Obama administration continues to push for.

    WHI: Yeah, I see what you mean there. But some of those people, hell, a lot of those people, were looking for a way out of working all along, right? They were still part of the problem.

    UM: Right. What about Valerie Jarrett? Give me a first thing comes to mind description of her.

    WHI: Not gonna do that, but I’ll give you a heads up on something about her that came my way a few weeks ago.

    UM: What’s that?

    WHI: Now this ain’t me saying it, but what I heard. And that was that Jarrett is planning her exit from the White House. That it’s in the works.

    UM: Her choice I assume?

    WHI: Oh, hell yeah. And I doubt she’ll be giving up her influence one bit. Guessing it’s something to do with paving the road for her expanded role beyond the White House, which means what she’s really up to is setting up the public profiles of the president and First Lady. They are planning on something that will outshine the Clinton Initiative stuff by billions of dollars. It’s all money and influence for them now, nothing more. These last eight years is all about setting up the next thirty, and Jarrett is going to be right in the middle of all of it.

    UM: Did you read my report on how Obama was the one to go to Jarrett’s house in Martha’s Vineyard not once, but twice?

    WHI: I did, and you thinking that was odd was right. The President of the United States was openly acting like Jarrett’s b*tch. They ain’t even trying to pretend that isn’t the case anymore. It’s weird, but it’s what I saw, it’s what others saw, it’s what everyone inside the White House knows. She’s the president. Now you’ll have some people read that and think no way, that’s just not possible, and go back to sticking their heads up their asses. No, the real deal is Valerie Jarrett is and has always been swinging the biggest stick inside this administration. Anyone want to offer up proof otherwise, I’d love to see it.

    .................................................. ...

    View the complete post at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-29-2013, 03:51 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “Obama White House Putting Gas To The Flame”

    The Ulsterman Report



    Here is Part Two of what will likely be the last face to face interview ever published with the individual tens of thousands of you have come to know as White House Insider…

    “You can only push people against the wall so many times before they’ve had enough and up and push back.” -WHI




    UM: How about 2014 and 2016? Can we talk about the elections?

    WHI: Would love to. Ask away…

    UM: (Republican Insider) has often remarked at how important 2014 is. I have some readers who say elections don’t make a difference. That with all of the election fraud, corruption, money influence, etc., that it doesn’t matter anymore. Do you agree with (Republican Insider) about 2014, or do you side with that minority of my readers who feel that elections don’t mean anything?

    WHI: (Long pause) Hmmm…well, first off, are you sure it’s a minority of readers that think that way? The ones that do – I don’t blame them one bit for thinking like that. I was right there with them after 2012. The air was just let out of me. You remember that, how pissed and depressed…I went through all the stages on that one. Right? You remember that, right?

    UM: I do. So much so I was genuinely concerned for you.

    WHI: Thank you for that concern. Mean that. As for whether or not elections matter, I recall saying to you something along the lines that fraud has always occurred, right? Historically, it’s just a part of the deal.

    UM: Yes, I also remember you being very clear that it favored Democrats more than Republicans.

    WHI: (Nods head) Yes sir. That it does. Not that Republicans can’t play dirty – they can. Fact is, when it came to 2012, with as much as was on the line, I wish they had. That party of yours has gone soft. Spineless. Used to be a Democrat problem. Now it’s your boys who ain’t got the sense to stand up on two feet. They’d rather crawl on their bellies and beg for scraps. Weird-weird-weird, man.

    UM: So tell about 2014. Does it matter? Is it as important as (Republican Insider) says it is?

    WHI: Absolutely it is. You been keeping in contact with (Republican Insider) ?

    UM: Somewhat. It’s sporadic but for the most part, yes. They don’t want anything published right now though.

    WHI: See there, that’s smart. He’s sharp. Learning fast. Understands this…this new way. The technology…uh…messaging thing that is all part of a campaign. Republicans are way slow to the party on that stuff. Me too. I ain’t gonna bother with it. I’m done, but the Republicans best get up to speed. 2012 we were so far off the mark on that stuff…man!

    UM: So about 2014—

    WHI: (Unintelligible) —yeah. 2014 – yeah. Is it important? Hell yes it is! Lame duck the prick. Better do it! ‘Cause they got a whole slew of sh*t they wanna do next, and they need both houses of Congress to do it easy. See, I’m not saying they won’t try either way, right? You get that? Executive order the sh*t out of America either way. Difference is, if you got a Congress with some balls to say no, then it slows it down. Maybe pushes it back some, and that’s what the country needs. We all need it, a f*cking breather from this sh*t. Am I right?

    UM: I would say the country is in need of a lot more than just a breather. I would call it a full blown intervention.

    WHI: (laughs) Yeah! I hear that! Now (Republican Insider) had it right. He does. 2014, pick up a few more in the Senate, maybe another ten or so in the House, and push Obama the hell back. That’s what we need. And by then, we’re rolling onto 2016.

    UM: But what about the election fraud? Couldn’t the same thing happen in 2014 that you believe happened in 2012?

    WHI: No – too many races. See, 2012 was about Obama. It helped Obama, didn’t do shit for the Democrats. See? They can focus it on one race, or a few here and there, but not an entire Midterm Election. That’s why 2010 spooked them so much. That’s why 2012 was so corrupt. That’s why the IRS stuff. Not saying 2014 will be clean – hell no. But they cant’ steal it easy, and I don’t think they can steal it hard.

    UM: But you could be wrong.

    WHI: Yeah – you know that well enough, right? But (Republican Insider) isn’t focusing on election fraud is he? And for good reason – it ain’t the problem in 2014. Now when you say you got readers who are throwing up their hands and saying why bother? Ah, now that’s a whole different thing. THAT’s a big f*cking problem. That’s what Democrats have wanted for a long time. Make all of you just give up. Turn you all into a bunch of pathetic wimps. And by the looks of it, seems like it’s working, right?

    UM: But in 2010 Republicans won big. What if that helped set up Obama for 2012? Voters start to think they want balance – so they give the White House back to a Democrat. They give Obama a second term. So if Republicans win big in 2014, couldn’t that set up the same kind of…call it voter mentality? Republicans win in 2014, so voters will want balance again and give Democrats the White House in 2016?

    WHI: (Big smile) I thought you said you had trouble thinking like this? Son, that there is EXACTLY how people like me think. See, you’re drawing up all the angles right there. Contingency after contingency. Well done now. Not saying you’re right – but I like how you’re tackling it from that perspective.

    UM: Thanks – but can you tell me what I just laid out there is a valid concern or not?

    WHI: No, it isn’t.

    UM: Why not?

    WHI: Because Obama ain’t running in 2016. He’s an anomaly. I underestimated it before, how deep people’s guilt, fear, the whole skin color bullsh*t. I knew it would play a part, but after a couple years, figured people would be over it. Media didn’t let that happen though, and this White House played that card over and over again. It’s pretty much the only card they got left, right? But it works. I talked about it with you years back – White Guilt. Man, even when I was saying it to you then, had no idea how deep it went. This country is so damn obsessed with all that sh*t. Get over it, right? White, black, brown, red, grey, gay – who gives a f*ck?

    UM: 2016 will be about Hillary – instead of white guilt, it will be about how the country needs to finally elect a woman president, right? Basically the same thing as they used to promote and get Barack Obama elected, but instead it will be gender based instead of race based, right?

    WHI: (Pause) The student becomes the teacher. I ain’t buying anymore of your bullsh*t about how you have trouble thinking like me.

    UM: So I’m right?

    WHI: Yes, and no. They’ll try it. Media’s already pushing that. But will it work? Not quite. Whole different scenario. You’ve located the first layer, but you got to peal it back some.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      DAMN , DAMN , DAMN AND DOUBLE DAMN . Whitehouse Insider would be a true hero and patriot if he would just help to expose and depose the miserable bastard who illegally "occupies " our oval office and Whitehouse . Ulsterman could be hailed as the most recent Bob Woodward and he would also be a hero .

