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Impeach “Obama” Movement Gains Strength, but Mainly on Overpasses So Far

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  • Impeach “Obama” Movement Gains Strength, but Mainly on Overpasses So Far

    Impeach “Obama” Movement Gains Strength, but Mainly on Overpasses So Far

    Obama Ballot Challenge



    By now, most of you have probably seen videos and stories about the many overpass impeach Obama protests.

    As a barometer of the left’s concern, look at the increasing level of harrassment, abuse and arrests of the protestors, but with no charges and unlikely convictions, as no real crimes have been committed. But, you might want to bring a lawyer and several videographers to your next overpass rally. (September 7 is a national coordinated protest date)

    Also note public statements by officials and political flacks. Some people regard David Axelrod as “Obama’s” Karl Rove. Did you hear what he had to say about “Obama” impeachment recently? He’s REAL upset. :-) . The left is forwarding this video to show how rabid they think Republicans are (Republican officials and party hacks have actually done little to nothing to move impeachment forward so far. Coburn made some lame statement about it recently, which prompted Axelrod to comment) . Conservative patriots are forwarding the video around to show how nervous the left is getting over the viral impeachment movement.

    How long will it take for officials to begin to heed the public? It depends on how many of the public are demanding change, how strongly and what they are doing to enforce their will. Short of a bloody revolution, which is not recommended, what can be done? Number one most effective things are votes and money. Remember how Obama ignored the huge Tea Party rally in DC in 2009? That didn’t work, but political action and support did. Many of his allies were voted out a year later. But the public didn’t sustain that outrage until the 2012 elections. The political class knows what a short memory the public has. They teach it in political science classes.

    We suggest that you demand that Republican officials/party hacks act. CUT OFF ALL MONEY TO ANY WHO WON’T TALK AND ACT TO REMOVE OBAMA. This includes the phonies who make comments on yotube videos, but do not actually introduce or support bills and resolutions to do so and do not force impeachment or eligibility hearings. Badmouth them to everyone, find other candidates to vote for, do not vote for ANY who do not support you. The Republicans’ favorite tactic for getting support from angry patriots for RINO’s is to lie about the RINO’s positions or tell them that they have nowhere else to go (these exact words have been used on me by CA Republican officials). Show them that there is, even if it is to just stay home. Horrors, that would let the Democrats seize power. Earth to GOP: they already have, with the help of Republicans, who seal “deals” for colossal spending, fail to defund Obamacare, voted a majority for the gun control bill in the Senate, passed “Patriot” Act/NDAA/HR347 by overwhelming margins. Don’t make me laugh. Until there are GOP worth voting for, vote for someone else, or save your time and money.

    Show them that they are wrong. Trust me, they WILL notice that donations from the public are drying up. In fact, many people have already done so and tell me that when they get frantic calls and letters from the party, they say why they are SICK of Republicans doing little to fight absurd spending, crimes in office, allowing an illegal faux “pResident.” etc, then hang up, or return the letters, to raise the GOP postage bill. Try it- it will lower your blood pressure, improve your sex life, increase your bank balance and help restore at least some self-respect, if nothing else.

    View the complete post, including video, at:
    B. Steadman