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National Security Scandal Rocks the Glenn Beck Show on Labor Day Obama State Ballot

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  • National Security Scandal Rocks the Glenn Beck Show on Labor Day Obama State Ballot

    National Security Scandal Rocks the Glenn Beck Show on Labor Day

    Obama State Ballot Challenge



    If you’ve ever called into a radio program with a controversial subject they don’t want to touch (Gary Wilmott comes to mind as the Dean of this class), you will empathize with former presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy. He has pursued “Obama” eligibility issues as aggressively as anyone- and he’s a Democrat! Cody demolishes Obama, as well as the cowardice and corruption of Cngres and courts, especially SCOTUS, in this essay while describing his experiences on the Labor Day Glenn Beck show, sans Glen Beck.

    National Security Scandal Rocks the Glenn Beck Show on Labor Day

    Today’s Labor Day – last big summer hooray – celebration of work period – and Obama has summoned Congress back to work to find support for a scourge in Syria. I surprisingly got through on a long and heated live- line to The Glenn Beck Show this morning hosted by Joe Pags. ( My comments were handled in a very interesting way, but before I get to that let me just say two different points of few have been brought up regarding Syria on the same show between Joe and Mike who hosted the show yesterday.

    Many American civilian people as well as enlisted personal have begun questioning the “national security interest” or ‘vital threat’ that Syria has in respect to the United States. While we hope ‘common scents’ is called a strike and the lack thereof is called a ball, in theory it all depends on who’s behind home plate, on a radio show it’s the Host, in the United States it should be Congress that should be able to tell when something’s not working.

    To many people the fog is hiding home-plate and it’s very difficult to tell wither Congress is smoking crack or there is a genuine hazing happening when it comes to exactly what Congress is doing to protect our National Security Interest, as they pass-the-pipe on the White House spying on every Verizon wireless account, pass-the-pipe on the IRS profiling conservative individuals influencing politics, as well as conservative groups, pass-the-pipe on gun running to Mexico, pass-the-pipe on 400 lost stinger missiles to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda as well as the deaths of many in respects to the outlined high profile scandals.

    Congress passes-the-pipe with the executive Branch when it comes to anything remotely to do with National Security Interest because in a perfect world the executive branch is the enforcer of the law and the legislative branch is indeed the writer of the law while the judicial branch is the interpreter of the law. On occasion however the rules call for a switch in duty and this was the context of my calling into the Glenn Beck Show as an assist to the problems we are having.

    Through every hearing Congress has ever had on the scandals rocking the White House all boiling up and over in the first year of the 2nd term of Obama, we have heard that National Security Interest formulated the decisions that justified the scandals, which are in Obama’s own words “Phony” and in some respects when you demand security and safety you may be surprised to hear me say, he’s right.

    Most elected officials know in politics negligence in security doesn’t set well with most Americans who after a crisis look around for heads to roll. It’s like the Warden of a prison sitting in front of Congress telling them he will personally be forced to release violent offenders back into society unless he gets his demand of a 30% increase on the budget.

    When you print that in the paper and every Citizen reads it and starts thinking of his children’s windows being broken into by a rapist, or his mother being car-jacked, or business’s being robbed, you quickly begin to assess a 30% raise as reasonable rather than understanding its blackmail at the political table, which is kind of what I think is going on.

    Blackmailing a personal individual is illegal and blackmailing an entire society doesn’t make it legal or any better. The problem is elected officials now days are setting dangerous precedent in thinking “if it happens to everyone” there is no discrimination and it’s legal.

    That’s how ALL OF THESE scandals are being legitimized. “ We are profiling dangerous terrorist”, “We are not recording all your phone calls”, “We are not targeting anyone particularly on their taxes”, “We were trying to find the bad guys by giving the weapons away”, “We didn’t see a need for security at that embassy even though we’ve been at war in the region for 5-10 years.”

    The American People are thinking their government elected officials have literally started smoking crack and become paranoid, delusional, and have lost all credibility in regards to common sense with what’s going on, but they have no idea how to fix it! When the head is sick it is very difficult to have the body performing up to par.

    There is only one National Security Interest scandal that Obama cannot use as a defense, but that the American People and their elected officials can use to remove the iniquity acting as a disability and remove it from their heads and that is the qualification demand for the Office of the President.

    I don’t know about you, but when it comes to provoking the world to war, sending my children to war, as well as paying for a war with generational theft, I’m not so concerned with what color the acting President is, he better be qualified according to the Constitution. That’s where the line is drawn.

    It is well within the concerns of our national security interest to demand a qualified ‘natural born citizen’ which means born in the U.S. to Citizen parents. There is more demanded to being a Natural Born Citizen, then there is to being a Citizen and that is why it is exacted on only one office within our government- that of the President.

    I don’t care if Obama or his brother has done a good job so far, we cannot pick and choose what parts of the Constitution we can adhere to, and which parts we can decide to casual shuffle by the way side because they are inconvenient at the time. Construction laws prohibit doing that, even though Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity decided long ago to sell their souls to the Prison Warden for a job.

    Obama is a prison warden and he’s using your “stuff” as the ways and means to blackmail you all the while he’s marching you down to the hole in a maximum security prison. What else can you say when the whole of Congress refuses to officially hear the new evidence that has been brought to light by expert witnesses, professional investigators, Candidates with standing, and most importantly a Judicial Branch that has at the United States Supreme Court level stated in short its now Congress’s jobs and only Congress’s job, because they have washed their hands of Obama’s ineligibility.

    Now you might be saying it’s been 5 years Cody, it’s a dead issue. That’s not true. In fact in most cases that resemble this it takes at least 5 years to number one- make the investigation by qualified people, number 2- bring the evidence together, and number three – exhaust lower levels of remedies.

    How many times have we heard Congress say, “That an issue in the Courts is the Courts and not their problem?” In fact, they say as an excuse many times to avoid looking into a case that “it’s in the Courts”, in a matter of delegation to the Judicial Branch, and any good attorney would tell you that to get to through the United States Supreme Court is a good five year process and actually is pretty speedy.

    So, Obama’s Eligibility has been through the Courts and without exception the Courts without hearing facts of the cases, dismissed them because of a ‘lack of standing’ meaning the Plaintiff’s were not directly injured because they were not candidates themselves for the Office of the President, or, as in my case that the political doctrine question prevented them from hearing the case, which meant even though I was a candidate in the same party as Obama running for the same office suffering unfair advantage, that the Judicial Branch was not equipped to handle election questions on eligibility, even though Obama may be the exception to the rule because there is a long list of candidates who suffered the court’s rulings as ineligible.

    So why is Mr. Obama/Soetoro treated so differently? Why did the Courts duck and dodge on him hoping the Legislative Branch would have the courage to handle it in Hearings where there were more shoulders to carry the burden and retaliation couldn’t be pin-pointed so easily?

    This to was at Obama’s advantage as it’s a lot harder to get all the members of Congress to vote on something than it is to get any particular Court with a lot fewer members.

    This was the contextual reason for my calling the Glenn Beck program two days in a row. I was just astounded that I actually heard the phone ringing Friday and got through to the call-screener. It was pretty funny what happened.

    Friday I said “This is Cody Robert Judy” when I was asked by the call-screener who he was talking to. I kind of went through the jest of what was on my mind as he asked me to and I was treated as a definite “ball” coming across guest host Mike’s home plate as he was talking about like Obama will be to Congress trying to get them to send in the scourge upon Syria.

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    B. Steadman