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Team Arpaio At WND: New Earth-Shattering Developments Will Soon Be Announced

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  • Team Arpaio At WND: New Earth-Shattering Developments Will Soon Be Announced

    Team Arpaio At WND: New Earth-Shattering Developments Will Soon Be Announced

    Birther Report



    Is the biggest Obama scandal yet about to hit?
    Major new development in eligibility case promised by investigators
    WND Email

    Every day brings a new shocking headline:
    The Obama administration states it can launch a strike on Syria without congressional approval.

    The Obama administration provided U.S. firearms to the drug cartels in Mexico, resulting in the deaths of two U.S. law enforcement agents and countless American and Mexican citizens, apparently in an effort to make a political case for gun control.

    The Obama administration covered up a debacle in Benghazi that cost the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and other Americans.

    The Obama administration used the Internal Revenue Service as an attack dog against its political adversaries, including, but not limited to, the tea party movement.

    The Obama administration even targeted its friends in the media by spying on journalists at the largest news-gathering operation in the world, the Associated Press, along with a reporter from Fox News.

    Could this be just the tip of the iceberg?

    Have the media begun to turn?

    Why are even some of Barack Obama's most loyal supporters beginning to have their doubts?

    Why did the first post-scandal poll show some 50 percent of Americans supporting impeachment of Obama?

    What would happen, in this climate, if Obama's biggest secret ever were blown wide open for the public to see?

    What is that biggest secret? It's that Obama's Hawaii "birth certificate" is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, a forgery – a fraud.

    That scandal, too, is about to break wide open, according to investigators working within Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse. They say some new earth-shattering developments will soon be announced.

    ***But the Cold Case Posse investigation, headed by Mike Zullo, desperately needs financial support to complete its work. ***

    "To the public, it may appear that we dropped off the radar screen – that we went silent," said Zullo. "It's true that we did. But we did this out of strategic necessity. We went silent because the investigation needed silence to continue its work."

    Zullo says that work has progressed to the point that the investigation believes it can prove to any unbiased authority that Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent – which suggests he may not even be constitutionally eligible to serve in the White House.

    Would that be the ultimate shocker?

    Would that not send a shockwave through Washington and the rest of the country?[...] Excerpted via WND Email.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman