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Obama ID Fraud Investigation: Huge Strides Have Been Made; Persons Of Interest

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  • Obama ID Fraud Investigation: Huge Strides Have Been Made; Persons Of Interest

    P&E Report: Obama ID Fraud Investigation: Huge Strides Have Been Made; Persons Of Interest

    Birther Report



    Carl Gallups on Cold Case Posse Investigation: “We Have Persons of Interest Now”
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Sep. 12, 2013) — A caller to the Blog Talk Radio show hosted by Mike Volin of asked why the investigation conducted by the Cold Case Posse over the last two years does not appear to be making progress.

    The forgery was formally presented to the public on March 1, 2012, by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, a volunteer group commissioned to perform investigative or law enforcement work for the community. In August 2011, approximately 250 members of two Tea Party groups approached Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and asked his office to investigate the claims that the image purported to be Obama’s hospital-generated birth certificate was a forgery.

    Volin’s guest was Carl Gallups, host of “Freedom Friday” on WEBY 1330 each week from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT. Gallups also is a host of the PPSimmons Radio Network and is senior pastor at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, FL.

    The criminal investigation was led by Mike Zullo, who has been a frequent guest on Gallups’s show and many others.

    Gallups thanked the caller for asking the question and responded that originally, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio had commissioned the posse’s work to “clear the president,” not launch a lengthy investigation. To Arpaio’s surprise, the posse members found within several days that the birth certificate image posted on the White House website was, in fact, a “computer-generated forgery.”

    The national press has refused to report on the investigation or to launch its own into the forgery. “The news media shut it down,” Gallups said, stating that Arpaio was “dumbfounded” at the media’s inaction.

    Gallups said that as the investigation proceeded, the posse learned that the forgery and cover-up were “deep and dark and dirty.”

    As has been suggested in other broadcasts, Gallups said, “We have persons of interest now” (4:36).

    The congressional August break, Syria, Benghazi and other matters have competed for the attention of members of Congress, Gallups reported.

    “Mike Zullo has been meeting with VIPs…He’s been meeting with people who are power brokers who have money and can make some things happen…” Gallups reported. “We’re talking about the presidency of the United States. We’re talking about the White House. We’re talking about [a] Supreme Court that won’t look at it. We’re talking about a Congress that heretofore has not even looked at this. We’re talking about a media that has shut it down…”

    Gallups then said that “huge strides” have been made in the last few months despite the absence of any announcement. He stated that Rep. Steve Stockman has committed to moving the issue forward in Congress. At least two other congressmen have indicated an interest in a congressional action.

    On Thursday, this writer contacted her congressman, Rep. Joseph Courtney, on three subjects, one of which was the forgery of the birth certificate, which, as a government document, is a felony. Gallups’s congressman, Jeff Miller, had requested a meeting to review the evidence, later pretending that he did not.

    If a Congressional investigation occurs, Gallups said, “it will blow this thing wide open.” Should Congress ultimately fail to act, Gallups said that Zullo and others “have a Plan B” to make public “every piece of evidence” “in a multi-faceted-releasing fashion.”

    “I’m sure the outrage will be just tremendous,” Gallups said of the totality of information amassed by the posse.

    He advised the caller, “Just hang in there…”

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    B. Steadman