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Democrat Congressman Says “Obama” Released Birth Certificate Image Declared a Forgery

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  • Democrat Congressman Says “Obama” Released Birth Certificate Image Declared a Forgery

    Democrat Congressman Says “Obama” Released Birth Certificate Image Declared a Forgery

    Birther Report



    Congressman Says “Obama” Released Birth Certificate Image Declared a Forgery
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Sep. 14, 2013) — On Thursday, The Post & Email Editor Sharon Rondeau called her congressman, Rep. Joseph Courtney (D-CT2) on three items, one of which was the reported forgery of the birth certificate image bearing Obama’s name and posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011.

    Two years ago, the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse began an investigation at the request of approximately 250 constituents who had read reports that the birth certificate image was deemed a forgery. On March 1, 2012, the posse, along with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, held a formal press conference during which lead investigator Mike Zullo and Arpaio announced that the posse had found the image to be a “computer-generated forgery.”

    Zullo has said publicly that the results of his investigation demonstrate that the birth certificate forgery “strikes at the heart of everything that is being done to this constitutional republic.”

    The posse additionally found that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was a forgery based on a two-digit year-stamp rather than the customary four-digit year-stamp found on all other registration forms of the era obtained from the Selective Service Administration (SSA) under Director Lawrence Romo.

    On Friday, The Post & Email reported that Private Investigator Susan Daniels had located in her files a Selective Service registration acknowledgement obtained from an intermediary source with the name “Barack Hussein Obama” and containing the apparent stamped signature of Romo, who is an Obama appointee.

    Documentation from the SSA previously received by FOIA requesters, including The Post & Email, indicated that Obama’s registration for the Selective Service was processed on September 4, 1980 in Honolulu, HI. Romo was not SSA Director at that time, as his biography indicates that he did not begin his career until 1987.

    In March 2010, The Sonoran News obtained copies of original Selective Service registration forms from deceased applicants who had registered at the same time as Obama purportedly had. The same agent who released the information to The Sonoran News, Richard Flavahan, told Zullo last year that the paper copy of Obama’s registration no longer existed and that “access to both the master microfilm copy of the record and the working copy is not available to the public.”

    Courtney’s response is as follows:
    Dear Ms. Rondeau,

    Thank you for contacting me regarding President Barack Obama. I appreciate your comments and having the benefit of your views.

    Article II of the U.S. Constitution states that “no person except a natural born Citizen…shall be eligible to the Office of President.” During the 2008 election season, claims arose that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen, a Constitutional requirement to serve as President. Some alleged that his mother’s age or that his father’s citizenship would make the President ineligible to be a natural born citizen upon birth. Other rumors suggested that he was born in Kenya or England, the country and then place of citizenship of his father.

    The President rebutted the claims by attesting his birthplace as Hawaii. The State of Hawaii released a copy of the President’s birth certificate, confirming his birth as August 4, 1961 in the city of Honolulu. In April 2011, President Obama released a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth, or his long form birth certificate. A copy of the long form birth certificate is available on the White House’s website ( ).

    Should you have any additional comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future. For more information on my views on other issues or to see what I have been working on in Congress, please feel free to visit my official website at and sign up for my e-newsletter .


    Member of Congress
    Please do not respond to this email as this mailbox is not monitored. Please visit my contact page to share your thoughts with me.

    This writer received a letter from Courtney in 2009 containing the same quote referencing Obama’s “attesting his birthplace in Hawaii.”

    In order to obtain a passport or driver’s license, a citizen must do more than merely “attest” to his birthplace. However, in Hawaii, lax laws allow the statement of one Hawaii-resident relative to report a family birth and subsequently obtain a birth certificate for a child without corroboration.

    In order to apply for Social Security, a person is required to present only “original documents certified by the custodian of the original record.” An applicant must supply “at least two documents to prove age, identity, and U.S. citizenship or current lawful, work-authorized immigration status.”

    Obama is reportedly using a Social Security number from the state of Connecticut, where he never worked or lived. It is unknown when and to whom any “original documents” were presented in Connecticut to obtain a number.

    The state of Hawaii has not been proven to have released anything from its files on Obama, as state law prohibits the release of vital records data to anyone “without a direct and tangible interest in the record.” The origin of the short-form Certification of Live Birth which the White House initially claimed was Obama’s only “birth certificate” is unknown, although it appeared first on The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008.

    Courtney claimed in his letter that “President Obama” released the long-form image which Zullo and others have declared to be fraudulent.

    In recent weeks, Zullo has stated that “persons of interest” have been identified in his investigation, which has moved beyond the birth certificate issue. Zullo has been seeking a congressional investigation into the forgery for the past several months.

    Courtney voted in favor of the PPACA, known as “Obamacare,” but now opposes the “death panels” included in the legislation.

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-14-2013, 09:10 PM.
    B. Steadman