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Report: Barack Obama Lost His US Citizenship By Not Registering For Selective Service

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  • Report: Barack Obama Lost His US Citizenship By Not Registering For Selective Service

    Report: Barack Obama Lost His US Citizenship By Not Registering For Selective Service

    Birther Report



    Barack Obama LOST his citizenship by not registering for Selective Service
    By George Spelvin @ Coach is Right

    The matador’s bright red cape and his agile moves to anger and tire the animal are the outstanding metaphor used by Attorney W. L. Albert. Moore, Jr., who is bringing an Amicus Curiae in support of lead appellant L. Dean Johnson in the request for an Alabama Supreme Court oral argument in yet another case dismissed by lower courts in the Barack Obama eligibility saga.

    Moore, no relation to Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, is a nationally certified fraud attorney who has a completely new angle on the American political nightmare that just will not die. Moore told CiR in a very lengthy phone interview on September 3, that the “real issue is not the eligibility clause (2-1-5, US Constitution), but the fact that Obama would not or did not register for Selective Service, thereby signifying his LOSS of US CITIZENSHIP! The issue is not Obama’s status at birth–Obama probably is an NBC–but rather, his abrogation of US CITIZENSHIP, Moore said.

    The long time lawyer extended his metaphor by adding that Obama handlers are more than willing to let truth seekers twist in the wind by running at the false red flags of lack of natural born citizenship status and other sidebars of this unbelievable case. The crux of this case is a little known noun called fealty. Of Old French linguistic derivation, fealty asks does Obama have allegiance to serve the United States of America?

    Absent the impanelment of a grand jury with its subsequent subpoena powers, Moore doubts ability to obtain epithelial evidence of just who is father of Barack Obama nee Barry Soetoro! He, Moore, is of the opinion that the sitting president may just well have NBC status and that Obama very well could be the direct offspring of the man named as the Obama grandfather, Stanley Dunham. Other web commenters, also, have brought up this theory, i.e. that the grandfather is really the father, that the mother is really the 1/2 sister, and that Toots, Obama’s beloved grandmother who died shortly before her grandson’s first inauguration as U.S. President was the only true legacy grandparent!!

    Here is Attorney Moore’s outline of his Amicus Curiae: 1. Status at birth was verifiable by the statements of Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D., former director of Hawaii’s Department of Health. She said: “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics. . .have personally seen and verified that the (HDoH) has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record. . .” (2)

    Part 2 of the Amicus Curiae alleges for court deliberation that “by refusing to register for U.S. Selective Service, Barry Soetoro-Barack Obama relinquished his U.S. citizenship status! The original birth certificate allegedly was amended by a second birth certificate to reflect the young man’s adoption by Stanley Ann Dunham’s new husband Indonesian Lolo Soetoro.

    By the way, Soetoro-Obama had to be listed as an Indonesian citizen to be registered in the elementary school system in that Islamic country.

    Incidentally if epithelial evidence can ascertain that President Obama is not now, nor ever has been, an Afro-American, the blow done to the media, the Democrats, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Black Grievance Industry (BGI) will be palpable, to say the least!

    Now, Attorney Moore further alleges that not only did Soetoro-Obama fail to register for Selective Service, the now Commander in Chief allegedly entered the United States as Barry Soetoro under an Indonesian visa at or around 1983. This five year time frame, l980-l985, are called the “lost” years by researchers unable to tract this very cosmopolitan young man. “Obama admitted his loss of American citizenship when he failed to apply for Selective Service,” says Attorney Moore. No evidence of repatriation apparently has ever surfaced!

    A Part II analysis of the Moore interview will follow. ( )


    (1) phone interview, Monday, September 9, by CiR and Attorney W.L. Albert Moore, Jr.
    (2) affidavit of Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D. HI DoH

    Source link. Previous reports here:



    Penalties for failing to register for Selective Service may include fines up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to five years. These penalties are unlikely to be enforced, but failing to register could also make you ineligible for federal student financial aid, federal employment, job training, or U.S. naturalization. Certain states may also bar student aid or government employment for failure to register with Selective Service. - Source.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> BULL GRAVY <<< There has never been a time when obummer was a citizen of AMERICA .
    He was born in KENYA , moved to Hawai ' i , became a citizen of Indonesia, moved back to Hawai ' i and never was naturalized . This stinking liar has absolutely no claim to citizenship in AMERICA .

