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Video: Sheriff Joe's Obama Investigator Mike Zullo; There Never Was A Birth In Hawaii

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  • Video: Sheriff Joe's Obama Investigator Mike Zullo; There Never Was A Birth In Hawaii

    Video: Sheriff Joe's Obama Investigator Mike Zullo; There Never Was A Birth In Hawaii

    Birther Report



    Mike Zullo: Report: “There Never Was a Birth in Hawaii”
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Sep. 17, 2013) — In an interview on Monday with Infowars’ GiGi Emeta, Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo stated that a well-placed individual “in a position to know” told him that “there never was a birth in Hawaii” in regard to Barack Hussein Obama (9:44 in the video).

    Over the last two years, Zullo has been conducting a criminal investigation into the image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 purported to be Obama’s long-form birth certificate. On March 1, 2012, Zullo declared at a press conference that the image was a “computer-generated forgery.”

    In a second press conference on July 17, 2012, Zullo stated that the posse had found that the forgery surpassed the standard of probable cause.

    Zullo told Emeta that passport and INS microfilm records from August 1 to August 10, 1961 which would have shown the arrivals of travelers from foreign countries are missing. Obama’s purported birth date is August 4, 1961. Previously, Zullo has stated that there is no evidence that Obama spent any time in the state of Hawaii before the age of five.

    Obama’s school records have never been released. A purported registration form from a school in Indonesia which Obama reportedly attended while he lived there states that he was an Indonesian citizen.

    An entry in the Hawaii Department of Health 1960-64 Birth Index contains Obama’s name but has the word “Duplicate” directly above it, which appeared to a researcher to be an anomaly.

    Aullo also said that he spoke with Rep. Steve Stockman for two hours at CPAC in mid-March about the forgery. Zullo told Emeta that Stockman indicated that he will assist in pushing for a congressional investigation into the crime. “I think Mr. Stockman is going to help us tremendously,” Zullo said.

    Zullo and Emeta discussed the “blackout” imposed by the corporate media. In 2007 and 2008, the media failed to properly vet Obama’s experience, background, and qualifications for the presidency. “The mainstream media doesn’t want it out there because they know when these stories get out there, cops get phone calls. They know the public starts to engage…”

    Last week The New York Times reported that 37-year-old White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, who vouches for the birth certificate’s authenticity, was hospitalized twice two weeks ago for “stroke-like symptoms” which reportedly were diagnosed as high blood pressure.

    Pfeiffer also stated that the Certification of Live Birth, or short-form birth certificate, which appears on the White House website in a different color scheme than originally presented by The Daily KOS from an unknown source, was “posted on the internet” as soon as it was received from the state of Hawaii. However, no formal announcement by the White House was ever made about the short-form certification.

    There are several versions of Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate included in a case at the Alabama Supreme Court which claims that Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman failed in her constitutional duties to vet presidential candidates for the 2012 election. Zullo submitted a 57-page affidavit in the same case containing some of the information he has collected regarding Obama’s documentation.

    Two Secretaries of State who did perform some vetting of Obama’s credentials in 2012 by asking for a Verification letter from the Hawaii Department of Health were satisfied with the responses they ultimately received, although Zullo expressed doubt that the Verification letters were sufficient to prove Obama’s birth in Hawaii.

    The U.S. Constitution requires that the president be a “natural born Citizen.” While most Americans believe that the terms refers to being born in the United States, attorneys, political parties and potential candidates have argued that birth outside the country to one citizen parent or birth in the country to two foreign parents meets the Article II, Section 1 definition put in place by the Founders at the insistence of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

    In recent weeks, Zullo has divulged that the investigation has broadened to other issues besides the birth certificate involving “persons of interest.” He told Emeta that the “spying” of the NSA might deter members of Congress from pursuing an investigation into the birth certificate forgery because of the possibility of “blackmail” which could be used by the Obama regime against them.

    The Cold Case Posse operates from donations from the public so as not to incur to Maricopa County taxpayers.

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    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman