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Obama Convicted By Citizens' Court For Fraud -- Digital Journal

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  • Obama Convicted By Citizens' Court For Fraud -- Digital Journal

    Obama Convicted By Citizens' Court For Fraud

    Sentenced to 10 Years

    Digital Journal

    PR Newswire


    OCALA, Fla., Sept. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Yesterday, the Citizen's Court convicted President Barack Hussein Obama of lying to the American people about his birth certificate, which was alleged to be a forgery, after considerable investigation. This birth certificate, which was belatedly posted on the White House website after he was challenged about his eligibility to be president, since it was alleged that he is not a "natural born citizen" born in the United States to two American citizen parents, is not genuine but allegedly altered.

    Prior to yesterday's citizens' judge tried conviction (see to view the verdict), Obama was indicted by a citizens' grand jury in Ocala, Florida. He was served with the indictment at the White House but refused to respond and plead his innocence, leading to a non-jury trial in Ocala for his false statements over his birth certificate to the American people and the people of Florida. These alleged false statements fraudulently allowed him to be placed on the Florida presidential ballot in 2008 and 2012, ultimately leading to his election and reelection.

    While there are pending civil cases challenging Obama's eligibility, judges have refused to act and have sought to sidestep this "hot potato." As a result, a citizens' grand jury and court had to act. Indeed, this option is part of the American system of justice, as recognized in Supreme Court rulings. See Our Founding Fathers created this safeguard to use when the government-run court system becomes so beholden to the establishment that it fails to address the grievances of the people. It is a safety valve to violent revolution, as occurred in 1776.

    Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, who served as the citizens' prosecutor, had this to say upon obtaining Obama's conviction:

    "In this country no one is above the law, not even a president. If Obama had been innocent, he would have had the courage to come forward and defend the citizens' charges against him. His arrogance and deceit have been redressed, and he should, as the citizens' court ordered, surrender himself into the custody of the American people and the people of Florida. The time has come for the people of our great nation to legally take matters into their own hands and hold politicians truly accountable."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama's reckoning is here

    Exclusive: Larry Klayman calls for resignation of 'convicted' president


    Larry Klayman


    Last Wednesday, the great usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, after having been indicted by an Ocala, Fla.,citizens’ grand jury, was convicted by a people’s court of defrauding the American people and Floridians by proffering them with a fake birth certificate. See

    As readers of this column and WND know too well, Obama is not a natural-born citizen eligible to be president of the United States, as he was not born in this country to two American citizen parents. However, to justify his fraud and his elections to the highest office in the land, and after years of inquiry, in 2011 the Obama White House posted on its website a birth certificate purporting to show him having been born in Hawaii. The problem is, however, according to forensic experts, the birth certificate is altered and forged.

    The day of reckoning has come. Obama, having failed to plead in response to the indictment that was served upon him, waived his right to a jury trial. Thumbing his nose at We the People, as the citizens’ prosecutor, I appeared before a citizens’ court judge and presented evidence from Cold Case Posse investigator Michael Zullo showing that Obama tricked voters into electing him in 2008 and 2012. As a result, the citizens’ judge found him guilty on two counts of falsifying information to federal and state election officials. He was thus sentenced to the maximum prison term for these offenses of 10 years and ordered to immediately surrender himself into the custody of the citizens of the United States and Florida.

    Of course, Obama will not willingly obey the law of the people. He will attempt to hide behind the iron fences of the White House, perhaps cowering under his desk for fear that the people will rise up and demand his ouster.

    On Nov. 19, 2013, a day that will hopefully live on in the history of our once great republic, I call upon millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda – among other outrages, to descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office.

    I further propose that we borrow the techniques perfected and used by such epic crusaders such as Mahatma Gandhi to show Obama and his enablers that the American people are more than fed up and will not take it anymore. The millions who are being summoned to our nation’s capital should mass in front of the White House, chanting for Obama to get out of our nation’s capital. In addition, I propose bringing the victims of his reign of terror to a podium across from the White House in Lafayette Park to give their testimony on how he has singularly severely harmed and in some instances even killed their loved ones through his actions.

    In the words of Thomas Paine in the days leading up to the first American Revolution, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” The nation under Obama and even his inert and castrated political opponents, the Republican Party, have driven our country into the bowels of impending doom. The moral and ethical fabric, our economic underpinnings, and our national confidence and prestige are in the tank. Russia has become the leading world power, however evil and compromised under its communist KGB leader, Vladimir Putin. The United States is a mere shell of its prior self under real modern leaders like Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, to name just a few.

    We must act now. Our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor, fortunes, and lives to form a new nation under God. They knew that the odds of defeating the British were not great, save for His Divine grace and intervention. Now, 237 years after they signed the Declaration of Independence in my native city of Philadelphia, the nation has come full circle to the tyranny that has been imposed by a new despot, one far more evil than King George III. King George III may have been a greedy “control freak,” but at least he was a Christian. The United States is being run by a Muslim bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate who seeks to destroy our spirituality and the body politic of our Judeo-Christian roots.

    Life is not easy. It requires risk and sacrifice. If as a nation we want to restore our freedom, and we are on the verge of being enslaved under Obama’s socialist Muslim inclinations, we must take our fight to a new level. Tea partiers, bikers, construction workers, police officers, school teachers, farmers, truckers, clergy, housewives, husbands, students, doctors, lawyers and all elements of our society who see our nation slipping away into the abyss must now stand tall and descend on the capital.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Attorney: Obama Has No Legitimacy; Has Been Convicted Of Election Fraud; Seeks Removal

      Birther Report



      Occupy Washington on November 19 and demand that Obama resign
      Attorney Larry Klayman | Freedom Watch Email

      President Has No Legitimacy and Has Been Convicted of Election Fraud

      (Washington, D.C., September 21, 2013). On September 18, 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama was convicted of defrauding the American people with regard to his eligibility to be president by his having submitted a forged birth certificate to state and federal officials. This resulted in his being elected to the Office of the Presidency in 2008 and 2012. Simply put, Obama is not a natural born citizen born in the United States to two American parents and therefore he is ineligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution. He lied about his birth certificate and was sentenced by a citizens' court to ten years in prison for his false statements.

      In light of this conviction, and the many atrocities Obama has committed against the United States of America, as evidenced by what he terms as "phony scandals" ranging from Benghazi-gate, to NSA-gate, to IRS-gate, to Fast and Furious-gate, to Obamacare-gate, to Navy Seal-gate, and his allegiance to radical Islam over American interests, he must now be forced to leave office so that freedom can be restored to the nation.

      As a result, we are calling upon all patriots to Occupy Washington on November 19th and to peacefully shut the city down until Obama agrees to leave office. Construction workers, bikers, truckers, doctors, lawyers, students, clergy, and all persons who see our nation slipping away from us under this president are summoned to appear and give testimony to their grievances.

      Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, a former prosecutor for the Justice Department, and the organizer of this event, had this to say:

      "Under Obama, the nation has been raped by a president who is not only a Muslim at heart and who favors Islam over our Judeo-Christian heritage (illustrated by his cancellation of national prayer day in the White House, his encouragement for the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero, the ring on his finger that reads in Arabic 'There is no god but Allah,' and his conspicuous mission to win the hearts and minds of the enemy our brave soldiers are fighting against), but is also a racist, socialist, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian, and who has trashed our national prestige to the point that communist Russia is now the leading world power. It is time that We the People borrow a page from such historic figures as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela and use protest and civil disobedience to rid ourselves of the poison that occupies the White House. The court system no longer works and is polluted by individuals who favor political correctness over justice, and our Congress is run by impotent 'yes men' of both political parties who put their own interests ahead of the people's. It is thus time for all of us to rise up and reclaim the republic before all is lost. It is not optional that you come to Washington, D.C., on November 19. It is your duty if you believe in the vision of our Founding Fathers, who pledged their fortunes, sacred honor, and risked their lives to form the greatest nation the world has ever known."

      I look forward to seeing you on November 19 in our nation's capital. It's time to finally do what must be done to save the United States of America!"

      For more information contact Freedom Watch at (424) 274-2579. - Website:

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

      B. Steadman


      • #4
        BRAVO for Attorney Larry Klayman .

