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Doc Expert Unloads: Obama Forgery Greatest Crime; Bloodless Coup By Communist Party

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  • Doc Expert Unloads: Obama Forgery Greatest Crime; Bloodless Coup By Communist Party

    Doc Expert Unloads: Obama Forgery Greatest Crime; Bloodless Coup By Communist Party

    Birther Report



    Exclusive: Interview with Doug Vogt, Petitioner for Birth Certificate Forgery Affidavits
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Oct. 29, 2013) — Following the submission of two affidavits at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on October 18, The Post & Email contacted the petitioner, Douglas Vogt, to ask him key questions about his claims that the short-form and long-form birth certificates of Barack Hussein Obama are forgeries and that the identity of the forger and other criminal assistants is known.

    Vogt is owner of Archive Index Systems, which markets scanners, copiers and document imaging systems. Previous to that, he owned and operated a typesetting business. An accountant by training, Vogt has also worked as a certified public accountant. Vogt has performed exhaustive research and published books on science and history.

    Vogt maintains that the two fraudulent birth certificates were produced by the Hawaii Department of Health in cooperation with several employees there, including the director, Loretta Fuddy.

    The public affidavit, or “Notice,” can be read here: Notice Doug Vogt 10-18-13

    A Memorandum of Law accompanying the Notice explaining the need for a second, sealed affidavit is here: Memo Doug Vogt 10-18-13

    On Monday, The Post & Email interviewed Montgomery Blair Sibley, who lent his legal expertise to producing the affidavits.

    In March, we had spoken with Vogt about his findings to date, at which time he had hinted that he would take action on the forgery in his home state of Washington.

    In June 2011, less than two months after it was posted on the White House website, Vogt submitted an affidavit and 28-page report to the FBI detailing why the long-form birth certificate was a forgery but received no response.

    THE POST & EMAIL: When did you conceive of the idea to file your conclusions with a federal court?

    MR. VOGT: Over a year ago. I had seen what was going on with cases being put into court by various lawyers and thought they were approaching it all wrong. My background is accounting. I have a degree in accounting and was a public accountant for a number of years. When I was reading Title 18 code regarding the section on forgery and other sections, there were two things that came out that I found very interesting: one was misprision of felony and the other was misprision of treason. These say that if you learn of a felony committed against the United States, you’re supposed to report it. Each one has a different reporting sequence, but both of them involve a United States judge, which today is called a U.S. federal judge.

    No one has ever used the statute. Usually a prosecutor uses it to force someone who has firsthand knowledge of a crime but never reported it; they use it to compel the person to confess or he would get three or seven years in prison. For misprision of felony, it is a fine or three years in prison, and misprision of treason is seven years in prison or a fine.

    When I read those two laws and thought about it, I said, “When they get it, they really don’t have much choice if the evidence I have is compelling; they have to give it to a federal grand jury. Montgomery Blair Sibley had come to the same conclusion when I met up with him through a mutual friend about six months ago.

    It took me about a year. I already had some of the points of forgery, but now it’s up to 20 points of forgery. Paul Irey and I did the research on this. As I’ve told Paul, it’s the gift that just keeps on giving. The last thing I found was that the registrar stamp was deliberately altered, with different variations of the alteration. For a forger, the easiest thing in the world to forge is a registrar’s stamp; you just take a legitimate one, scan it and copy it, and put it on your forgery. Then why was the forger altering it in ways of changing the line spacing, even the word spacing, on some of them? The size of the beginning of the line of the type is different from the text size at the end of the line.

    The affidavit and the book that Paul and I are writing could actually be used as a textbook for forensic examiners when you’re dealing with an electronic document for which there was never an original. You have to know quite a bit, unfortunately. We’ve been doing this for two years. Fortunately, with Paul’s experience of Photoshop – I have knowledge of Photoshop but not like him; Paul’s been doing it since the first version of it in the ’80s – our experience in typesetting and my knowledge of scanners and the technology and software, we knew we had so many ways to prove the birth certificate a forgery, and this is the culmination of it.

    THE POST & EMAIL: When will your book be published?

    MR. VOGT: Paul has to do two chapters and I have to do some also. I don’t have a big publisher yet and I am looking for one. I have 11 chapters done in a 17-chapter book. They are all easy chapters and short. The hard evidence is in the earlier chapters.

    THE POST & EMAIL: I recall when we spoke in March, you had intimated that you were contemplating an action in your home state containing the criminal evidence.

    MR. VOGT: Yes, I knew about misprision of felony and treason and pretty-much knew what I was going to do. What I think has made the Obots and the others nervous is they see the public affidavit, which is over 15,000 words with 21 exhibits, but they don’t know what’s in the sealed one. The sealed one is almost as big; it’s over 12,000 words and has at least 14 exhibits to it. This is major. When I say I have nailed them to the wall, I really did.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Are you 100% sure of who the forger was, the alleged financier and propagandists you mentioned in the affidavit?

    MR. VOGT: Yes, of the main characters. It’s not my job to investigate all of the Obots; a special prosecutor would do that, including pulling the phone records. The internet connections and everything like that is already there; the NSA has it. A federal grand jury can subpoena all of those records, and people cannot withhold it. They cannot withhold evidence subpoenaed by a federal grand jury. If [Hawaii Department of Health Registrar Dr. Alvin] Onaka refuses, the judge issues an arrest warrant. It’s obstruction of justice, a felony, and they can’t refuse it.

    It’s serious business. It’s the only way to get to this guy. It avoids the Justice Department and the FBI unless they come around.

    I want to say right now: I feel very bad and sorry for the leaders of the FBI; the CIA, a few of whom I know, and the good lawyers in the Justice Department. They must be extremely mad; I know that’s the case for the military, as friends of mine have told me. They’re as mad as all hell, but they can’t really do much; most of them are just good bureaucrats and don’t want to endanger their pensions and their salary. But somebody had to do it, and it looks as if Paul and I, with our backgrounds, were “stuck” having to do it. No one else came forward.

    I want to say one thing that is really important: whatever judge does this knows that he will go down in history. This is the worst crime in American history. There’s nothing worse than this. It’s on the same order but vastly larger than the Benedict Arnold trial. We can’t find this crime happening in any other country anyplace in history: a foreign enemy agent – this guy is a Muslim and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood – wound up becoming president by a conspiracy between communists and Islamists to install him in office so he can destroy the country from within. That’s what the crime is. These people better understand that if it gets to a grand jury and they find that the evidence I have is correct – and they’ll find more of the conspiracy – the penalty for treason is death. I can’t imagine these people escaping that particular penalty because of the nature of the crime and what Obama has done to the country in getting us to over $8 or $9 trillion more debt than Bush had when he left office. These people are going to hang. It’s the worst crime in American history; nothing comes close.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think Obama is a citizen of a foreign country? In our last interview, you said you believed that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s biological father.

    MR. VOGT: He admits to it. During the last campaign, there was a White House contest that if you contributed and you were drawn from a raffle, you could have lunch with the president. Obama is quoted saying in the ad, which I have, that “My father taught me the great love of jazz.” That wasn’t Barack Obama Sr.; that was Frank Marshall Davis, who used to teach classes in jazz in Chicago. There’s no question that’s who he is. And Obama knows it. That’s why Stanley Ann Dunham brought him over to Davis’s house two or three times a week: so that he would bond with his father. They knew it; they all know it.

    That’s why he was anointed by the Communist Party to become president. He was the one to be anointed. What this amounts to is a bloodless coup carried out by the Communist Party.

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Exclusive: Interview with Doug Vogt, Petitioner for Birth Certificate Forgery Affidavits', which was started 10/30/2013 by 'Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America'

    The thread references a 10/30/2013 Birther Report article written by Sharon Rondeau -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    (Oct. 29, 2013) — Following the submission of two affidavits at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on October 18, The Post & Email contacted the petitioner, Douglas Vogt, to ask him key questions about his claims that the short-form and long-form birth certificates of Barack Hussein Obama are forgeries and that the identity of the forger and other criminal assistants is known.

    Vogt is owner of Archive Index Systems, which markets scanners, copiers and document imaging systems. Previous to that, he owned and operated a typesetting business. An accountant by training, Vogt has also worked as a certified public accountant. Vogt has performed exhaustive research and published books on science and history.

    Vogt maintains that the two fraudulent birth certificates were produced by the Hawaii Department of Health in cooperation with several employees there, including the director, Loretta Fuddy.

    The public affidavit, or “Notice,” can be read here: Notice Doug Vogt 10-18-13

    A Memorandum of Law accompanying the Notice explaining the need for a second, sealed affidavit is here: Memo Doug Vogt 10-18-13

    To: 4Zoltan; butterdezillion; PhilDragoo

    There are TWO images of passports for the kenyan shown on the has his birth year as 1934, and the renewal in 1964 shows his birth year as 1936:

    22 posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:40:32 PM by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-31-2013, 01:45 AM.
    B. Steadman

