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WOBC Heads To DC To Put Officials Back On Obama ID Fraud Notice -- Birther Report

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  • WOBC Heads To DC To Put Officials Back On Obama ID Fraud Notice -- Birther Report

    WOBC Heads To DC To Put Officials Back On Obama ID Fraud Notice

    Birther Report



    WheresObamasBirthCertificate Heads to Washington
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Nov. 3, 2013) — Mike Volin, founder of and a “Sheriff’s Kit” detailing the evidence that Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a forgery, is organizing an event in Washington, DC on November 18 and 19 in which the information will be taken to members of Congress.

    Volin produced the kit several months ago to make available information gathered by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse over a nearly two-year period to law enforcers, elected officials and others for possible action. Beginning in September 2011, the posse investigated the authenticity of the birth certificate image which was first posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 and Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form.

    On March 1, 2012, lead investigator Michael Zullo and Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio declared in a formal press conference that the birth certificate image and the Selective Service registration card were “computer-generated forgeries.” A second press conference on July 17, 2012 stated that the investigation found that the evidence surpassed the standard of “probable cause.”

    Volin met with his congressman, Lou Barletta, on July 31 with two other constituents in Barletta’s office to reveal the information on the Sheriff’s Kit, during which Zullo was available by telephone to answer any questions Barletta or his staff might have had. Others met with their respective congressmen over the August 2013 congressional recess.

    Volin also hosts a radio program on BlogTalkRadio to discuss developments in exposing the forgery to the American people, about which the mainstream media has been completely silent. This fall, The Post & Email has been both a guest and guest host on the show.

    The White House has not addressed the claims of fraud and forgery in regard to Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration form. Zullo has been seeking a congressional investigation since March of this year, when he traveled to the CPAC conference in Washington, DC to meet with numerous “VIPs” who might be in a position to take action on the crimes committed. Zullo has reported that Rep. Steve Stockman pledged to assist. As of this writing, Stockman has publicly stated that investigations into the Fast & Furious, IRS, Benghazi and other Obama regime scandals should be launched by select committees with special prosecutors. Stockman has also distributed a copy of Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott’s book Impeachable Offenses: The Case For Removing Barack Obama From Office to every member of the House of Representatives and Senate.

    On October 18,, an image analyst and former typesetter filed a petition for the convening of a special federal grand jury to examine evidence he compiled of the birth certificate forgery along with a sealed affidavit which presumably names the individuals suspected of creating the forgery and perpetrating the falsehoods to the public about Obama’s past.

    Volin announced on his website that Dr. James David Manning, who hosts a radio show Monday-Thursday on the internet, and Pastor Wiley Drake, who was a plaintiff on one of the first court challenges to Obama’s constitutional eligibility in 2008, will be present in Washington on the 18th and 19th.

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    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman