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Allen West: Obama Regime A Complete Fraud; What Is Fake; What Is Real?

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  • Allen West: Obama Regime A Complete Fraud; What Is Fake; What Is Real?

    Allen West: Obama Regime A Complete Fraud; What Is Fake; What Is Real?

    Birther Report



    Allen West: Obama Regime “a Complete Fraud”
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Nov. 22, 2013) — Former congressman Allen West has stated in a column published on Friday that “Every day we get more evidence that the Obama administration is a complete fraud and will go down as the largest fraud ever perpetrated against the American people.”

    West was reminding his readers that when the unemployment rate was reported to have dipped from 8.1% to 7.8% 30 days before the presidential election, he had said that the numbers could not be accurate. “There’s simply no way possible that unemployment numbers could have dropped that much in one month when the new jobs numbers were dismal and the workforce participation rate continued to drop,” West wrote, responding to an article in The New York Post earlier in the week which claimed that employees at the U.S. Census Bureau have manipulated employment statistics beginning at least in 2010 to include the report issued a month before the election.

    The mainstream media was quick to denounce the claim as inaccurate or vaguely-sourced. In a follow-up article, author John Crudele stood by his claim and stated that “The House Oversight Committee and the Inspector General of the Census Bureau are now looking into these charges.”

    In an interview with Megyn Kelly, Rep. Jason Chaffetz said that if the numbers were manipulated to show a lower unemployment rate than should have been reported, it could have impacted the results of the election, which Barack Obama allegedly won by about 3,000,000 votes over challenger Mitt Romney.

    When approached by Maricopa County Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in March about the forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form, West avoided the issue and walked away, saying that he could not involve himself in exposing the forgery to the American people because of “future political aspirations.”

    West has ignored questions about his knowledge of the forgery from The Post & Email and others.

    The Cold Case Posse is the only law enforcement entity which has investigated the birth certificate image and Selective Service form after numerous experts had performed analyses and determined them to be forgeries. On March 1, 2012, Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio held the first of two press conferences in which they affirmed that the “documents” were produced on a computer without authentic paper documentation.

    Since CPAC, Zullo has pressed Congress to launch its own investigation and reportedly received an assurance from Rep. Steve Stockman that he will assist in the effort to expose the forgery and fraud carried out against the public.

    On Friday evening, radio host Carl Gallups hosted Zullo on his “Freedom Friday” show briefly, during which Zullo announced that he has discovered, with paper documentation, “universe-shattering new information” in the investigation. Gallups stated that “mountains of evidence” have been found which have changed the direction of the probe.

    Zullo also announced that Arpaio has dedicated “resources” from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to the investigation, whereas until this time, the Cold Case Posse had conducted its work independently, without cost to taxpayers as a result of its tax-exempt status.

    West did not elaborate on why the Obama regime is the most fraudulent in history but added, “this fraud runs so deep it may be beyond rectifying.”

    Zullo told Gallups that “the day will come” when he can release the new information he has, which he claimed “will be universe-shattering.” “This is beyond the pale of anything you could imagine,” he said.

    Also on Friday, threats of lawsuits and financial ruin were made against Zullo, Arpaio and others investigating Obama’s fraudulent documentation and background.

    Some have speculated that Obama has been using a false identity, while others say that his parents and birthplace are other than what he has publicly claimed. Obama has changed details of his life story without explanation and withheld the release of his college transcripts and passport information. His short-form Certification of Live Birth, posted on the internet in June 2008, was also declared fraudulent by analysts and later, by the posse.

    West had called the unemployment rate report “fake” after its release in early October 2012 but to date has not discussed Obama’s “fake” documentation.

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