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Pittsburgh Press: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate & CT Social Security Number

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  • Pittsburgh Press: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate & CT Social Security Number

    Pittsburgh Press: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate & CT Social Security Number

    Birther Report



    Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word
    Jack Kelly | The Pittsburgh Press

    Onyango “Omar” Obama, 69, half-brother of Barack Obama Sr., came to the United States on a student visa in 1963, remained here illegally after it expired, was ordered to leave the U.S. in 1986, 1989 and 1992, but ignored the deportation orders.

    After Onyango Obama was arrested for drunken driving in 2011, President Barack Obama said he’d never met “Uncle Omar.”

    At a deportation hearing this month, Onyango Obama told the judge young Barack Obama lived with him for a few weeks while he was attending Harvard Law School. His landlord recalled seeing the future president in the Cambridge apartment.

    Compared to Mr. Obama’s frequent assertion that his mother, dying of cancer, had been denied health insurance, or his oft-repeated promise that “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period” — this was just an itty bitty lie.

    But it reminds us how little we really know about Barack Obama, and how much of what we think we know depends on what he’s told us.

    “Many of the details that Obama has related about his parents, his former girlfriends, his life in college, and his legal and legislative career are not just inexact but cannot be true,” said the military historian Victor Davis Hanson.

    Genuine documents confirm Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, said document expert Nick Chase. But the “long form” birth certificate the White House posted on the Internet April 27, 2011, is an obvious forgery, he said. Other document experts agree. [...]

    There could be an innocent reason for Mr. Obama’s reluctance to make public his college records. That it was an employee of a top adviser who fished around in his passport files may be a coincidence. But what innocent explanations might there be for the forged birth certificate and the Connecticut Social Security number?

    There’s nothing to see here, the president says. So far, the “mainstream” media have taken him at his word. But now that it’s clear what Mr. Obama’s word is worth, perhaps some will do the vetting they should have done long ago. [...] Continued @ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

    Glen S. asks, "Who the hell is Nick Chase, and what genuine documents is he referring to?"

    Nick Chase writes over at American Thinker. Not sure what documents he's referring to. Great question!

    View the complete Birther Report at:
    B. Steadman