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Time Mag: Obama Info Not Accessible On Gov Databases Used For Identity Verification

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  • Time Mag: Obama Info Not Accessible On Gov Databases Used For Identity Verification

    Time Mag: Obama Info Not Accessible On Gov Databases Used For Identity Verification

    Birther Report



    Excerpt via Time Magazine: President Enrolls In Obamacare Exchange

    “Over the weekend and in advance of today’s deadline, the President enrolled in a health care plan made available by the Affordable Care Act on the DC marketplace,” the aide said. “As you all know, the President is one of the 85 percent of Americans who gets his health insurance through his employer and, like previous Presidents, is privileged to receive health care from the military. The act of the President signing up for insurance coverage through the DC exchange is symbolic since the President’s health care will continue to be provided by the military. But, he was pleased to participate in a plan as a show of support for these marketplaces which are providing quality, affordable health care options to more than a million people. The President selected a bronze plan.”

    The aide added that Obama only signed himself up, and not the rest of the First Family. Obama also did not enroll through the troubled or the D.C. exchange’s website. Aides signed him up in person over the weekend, due to the “complicated nature of the President’s case,” the White House aide said. Some of Obama’s personal information is not readily accessible on the government databases used by the website for identity verification.

    [...] - Time Magazine. Hat tip Guest.

    Daily Mail further reports: Even the president can't use the Obamacare website! Obama 'symbolically' enrolls but has to send aides to file papers in PERSON;

    A White House official confirmed Monday that Barack Obama simply dispatched his aides to the Washington, D.C. insurance exchange's office, where they filed his papers in person – while Obama himself luxuriated in his annual Hawaiian vacation with his family.

    'His situation is unique,' the official insisted. 'The president couldn't have used the DC exchange's website because the databases these sites use to confirm insurance eligibility wouldn't contain those sorts of records about him.'

    The Secret Service, the aide explained, typically scrubs personal records of U.S. presidents from credit, financial and historical databases when they take office, as part of a range of security precautions meant to protect the occupant of the Oval Office. [...] Daily Mail. Hat tip guest.

    Imagine that...

    Phony pResident, Phony Enrollment

    Twitchy Ridicules;

    As Twitchy reported, President Obama tapped his flunkies to symbolically “enroll” in Obamacare on his behalf. Because he’s far too busy and important with his Hawaiian vacay to pretend do it himself. [...]

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman