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Distribute: WOBC Member Produces Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Flyer

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  • Distribute: WOBC Member Produces Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Flyer

    Distribute: WOBC Member Produces Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Flyer

    Birther Report



    WheresObamasBirthCertificate Team Member Produces Flyer Which All Citizens Can Distribute
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Dec. 30, 2013) — Jeff Harrison, who accompanied Mike Volin of (WOBC) to Washington, DC on November 18 and 19 and also mailed Sheriff’s Kits to nine congressmen for extra measure, has constructed a flyer he has been distributing to members of the public to raise awareness of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website. Mr. Harrison provided The Post & Email with the following information as to actions he is taking to expose the crime which has as yet not been officially recognized by Congress or investigated by the media.

    The Sheriff’s Kits were produced by Volin and contain a presentation given by Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo wherein Zullo explains how the posse concluded that the White House website’s birth certificate image and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”

    Harrison told us:
    I send hand-outs, by mail, e-mail, going door-to-door, and have them ready when I go shopping to people I meet. I have attempted to contact as many organizations as I can. If you consider it a news release, I guess that is what it is. I have sent them to many news agencies, Tea Parties, and any group that I think will possible support it.

    I work hard at this because I am trying to reach people to see action is needed.

    Harrison’s flyer reads:


    About five months ago Lt. Mike Zullo of the Cold Case Posse under the direction of Sheriff Joe Arpaio requested citizens to write and send “hand-written” letters to their Congressmen to request a Congressional Investigation of Obama’s Birth Certificate that was released by the White House.

    For the past 27 months Lt. Zullo and his team of investigators have been ( and still are ) investigating Mr. Obama’s birth certificate. This investigation started when 250 Arizona Citizens had voiced their concerns that there was a problem with the birth certificate. Sheriff Arpaio stated that he wanted to initially clear the president. However, after Lt. Zullo started the investigation, “there were problems…” .

    Several months ago, Lt. Zullo had submitted a 57 page AFFIDAVIT to the Supreme Court of Alabama (1120465) denoting the numerous problems and faults with the birth certificate that was released by the White House.

    Lt. Zullo has stated that the birth certificate is “fraudulent” because what was released is a fabricated “.pdf” and it was not a “hard paper certificate” that was initially scanned into a computer and then submitted to the internet. Further, Lt. Zullo has stated that the certificate was “manufactured” and “it is just something floating around in the net”.

    To view an excellent overview of Lt. Zullo’s investigation, see an article entitled: Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100% percent forgery, no doubt about it”

    To view or download Lt. Zullo’s Affidavit, or to obtain further information go to web sites: or

    The States and Congress did not vet Mr. Obama. A party may present a candidate to a state for an election and declare said candidate, but there are no laws against fraud, and candidates are not examined. Therefore, the courts can not hear nor rule on this matter.

    To view an article about the lack of the vetting process see article: CONGRESS REPORT CONCEDES OBAMA ELIGIBILITY UNVETTED

    Lt. Zullo has requested citizens to contact their Congressmen about this matter because a number of court cases have been dismissed for a number of reasons. The main reasons are a lack of standing and jurisdiction. Also, because of timing, Sheriff Arpaio feels this issue should be taken to Congress.

    Lt. Zullo, his team of investigators, and Sheriff Arpaio have done the hard work in presenting the evidence. Therefore, check this out for yourself. And then hopefully, you’ll contact your Congressmen to investigate this too.

    To find your U.S. Congressmen go to sites: Senators Representatives

    U.S. Congressmen in central/western P.A.


    Harrison told The Post & Email, “I have a personal saying, they (our elected officials) do not ”fear” us because they do not “hear” from us. For fear I mean “respect”. To turn the tide, regular citizens need to contact our Congressmen and raise their voices.

    Harrison has not limited his activity to distributing the flyer, going to Washington, and calling his members of Congress. He additionally told us:
    I also recently put two news ads in my local newspaper. I received feedback from fellow workers which was positive. One person called and only wanted to fight and said it all was a lie. In the Marines, we were taught to lead by example, that is what I am trying to do. However, we need those who read items about this to also take action.

    Mike Volin has been an outstanding leader too. He like me has spent thousands of dollars and hours of our own. He like me is not for sale. Some of us have led by example, but now we need backup. Now is time to charge and take the hill….

    Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-31-2013, 07:15 PM.
    B. Steadman