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Stay planted for the battles ahead and the Conservative WINS

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  • Stay planted for the battles ahead and the Conservative WINS

    Stay planted for the battles ahead and the Conservative WINS

    Canada Free Press

    Dr. Laurie Roth


    What will conservatives do with the wins in 2014? Will they load their guns with real bullets and destroy ObamaCare or keep shooting on the 50-yard line with their Obama provided cap guns? I believe they will win big in the 2014 elections but that will only put Conservatives and the GOP in the ‘big boys’ ring to enact real change and fix things, or blow it…again.

    Political games and power tricks be damned. This is a WAR for our country’s very survival. Conservatives MUST destroy ObamaCare. Conservatives MUST restore our Constitutional freedoms and Conservatives MUST lead and represent the people not their careers and egos! Bring America back.

    We have faced tyrants hiding in all kinds of costumes before – tyrants who hide in the political, financial and spiritual realms, who seduce the desperate and needy masses. The desperation and neediness Obama has created, as with all dictators so they can ride in on their tyrannical white horse to ‘save’ the day.

    Obama has joined the long list of other wanna be Gods who have made their mark in history on their way to hell. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Idi Amin never appeared at first as dangerous, narcissistic and deadly, but passionate, desperate to help the poor and motivational.

    The critical goal to pay attention to regardless of your political precaution

    If you like freedom of speech, buying stuff at malls and doing the work you want you had better listen up. New players MUST be allowed in the ring and we must move in close enough that the GOP can smell our bad breath and see the steam coming out of our nostrils. We must help the conservatives take over the Senate and build up the House, then demand that they are accountable, not suggest but demand. We must demand the newly elected GO crush and repeal ObamaCare then demand real justice and accountability regarding all of Obama’s crimes and treachery.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman