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    Audio: Dr. Vuoto Questions Plane Crash That Killed Fuddy; Obama Fraud Key Player

    Birther Report



    Audio: Dr. Grace Vuoto Questions Official Story About Plane Crash That Killed Hawaii DOH Director Loretta Fuddy

    Audio includes commentary from Carl Gallups about Fuddy's connection to Sheriff Joe's Obama ID fraud case...

    FULL AUDIO ...:
    ( Full Audio via Freedom Friday @ WEBY. Part One. Part Two. )

    The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy
    Special to
    By Grace Vuoto

    The controversy swirling around President Obama’s birth certificate simply will not die. Take a recent plane crash in Hawaii.

    Some facts are so striking they require further examination. On Dec. 11, 2013 a small plane in Hawaii on a routine flight in the middle of the day, taking off amidst a clear blue sky, suddenly experienced “catastrophic engine failure,” according to the pilot Clyde Kawasaki.

    Shortly after the plane soared from Kalaupapa, Molokai, Mr. Kawasaki heard a bang and the engine died. At that moment, all nine passengers faced imminent and inexplicable death.

    Yet, due to the remarkable skill of the pilot — he had been flying since the age of 14 and had flown glider planes for many years — he was able to make mayday calls and also land the plane safely on the water.

    According to witnesses on the plane, none of the nine passengers suffered any life-threatening injuries during the emergency landing. And most stunning of all, the pilot was able to get each of the passengers into life vests as water flooded into the plane. Everyone made it out.

    All nine passengers at this point escaped death not once but twice: the landing had been smooth enough and they were not trapped in the beleaguered vessel as it was engulfed in the merciless sea that eventually claimed the aircraft. [...] - Continued @ World Tribune.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    More fraud and shenanigans . A waste of time for demonrats . We will expose the truth and kick the illegal criminal and his cronies out of our capitol and Whitehouse .


    • #3
      What are the chances? The mysterious death of Loretta Fuddy

      Canada Free Press

      Doug Hagmann


      What are the chances that the individual responsible for authenticating Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate, Loretta Fuddy, just happened to be the sole fatality out of nine on board a small plane that was forced to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii?

      What are the chances that the other passengers either walked away virtually unscathed (according to eyewitness reports) or had only minor injuries while Loretta Fuddy died?

      What are the chances that the engine failure just happened to occur over the Alenuihaha channel, recognized as one of the most treacherous channels in the world because of strong winds and high seas?

      What are the chances that the only incident to mar the otherwise stellar record of Makani Kai Air just happened to be the flight carrying Loretta Fuddy, a most controversial figure in the most controversial issue relating to Barack Hussein Obama’s Constitutional eligibility to hold office?

      What are the chances that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the federal agency in charge of investigating even the slightest incidents involving civil transportation, would not conduct a thorough, on-site investigation that involved a fatality, especially a fatality of a high-profile state employee?

      What are the chances that a passenger seated in the rear of the plane, publicly identified as Ferdinand Puentes (seen wearing a United States Federal Marshal cap) would not only have a GoPro video at the ready, but have the mental composure and clarity to record the “crash” and aftermath considering the unexpected, life-threatening circumstances?

      What are the chances that this video, or at least portions of it, is suddenly released from nowhere, nearly a month to the day after the “crash” when its existence was never before referenced or acknowledged by crash investigators or survivors?

      In my 25-plus years of experience as a career investigator, I’ve seen a lot of strange things that would give one pause and cry out for explanation. Odd things that at first blush seem to defy logical explanation, only to be answered through investigation as mere coincidence (yes, ‘stuff’ does happen) or indicative of something more nefarious. In my professional opinion, the strange death of Loretta Fuddy falls squarely into the latter category.

      As I noted in my initial report dated December 13, 2013, Loretta Fuddy’s place in history was forever memorialized when she authorized the release of Barack Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) at his request. On April 25, 2011, the month following her appointment as Hawaii’s Director of Health, she certified that she witnessed the copying of the original COLB. The document that was certified as a true copy by Ms. Fuddy was handed to Judith Corely, Barack Obama’s personal attorney, when Corely made a special trip to personally pick up the document instead of sending the document by a private courier, such as Federal Express.

      Given her role in the authentication of the controversial document, Ms. Fuddy was named in two affidavits (one public, one sealed) filed in the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington on October 18, 2013, by Douglas Vogt, citing twenty points of forgery that comprise misprision of treason and misprision of felony. Vogt, with researcher and document expert Paul Irey, investigated the intricacies of the forgery. Mr. Vogt’s affidavit and Ms. Fuddy’s involvement gained national attention when he was interviewed on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report on December 4, 2013, exactly one week to the day before her tragic death on December 11, 2013. The detailed three-hour audio testimony of Douglas Vogt can be heard here, and the report detailing Ms. Fuddy’s possible role here.

      Follow the money

      Since her death, portions related to Loretta Fuddy in the sealed affidavit filed in U.S. Federal Court have been made public. Of particular interest are her financial reports detailing her income and expenses in 2011 and 2012. Each report is filed in January for the previous year.

      According to Mr. Vogt, a large and as yet unanswered income disparity was found between the two reports. In short, during her first year as Hawaii’s Director of Health, which is also the time she authenticated Obama’s COLB, Ms. Fuddy’s gross income was reportedly less than $100,000. Nonetheless, her financials show that she apparently paid down her mortgage and decreased her liabilities by at least $50,000 and perhaps as much as $75,000 more than what she grossed that year. Where did that money come from? While there may well be a legitimate explanation for this disparity, it was not disclosed on the financial forms she filed with the Hawaii State Ethics Commission.

      The crash & NTSB

      Loretta Fuddy was one of nine people aboard the Cessna 208B traveling between the islands of Hawaii on December 11, 2013. She was making a much publicized, well known, annual trip to Kalaupapa, where the state exiled leprosy patients until 1969. That area is accessible only by plane or mule. By plane, the travel would require travel over the Alenuihaha channel, also known as the “I’ll-end-you, ha-ha” channel. Out of all the places around the Hawaiian Islands for a water landing, it is the worst of all possible locations due to the “wind funnel” effect in the channel. The channel is more than a mile in depth at its deepest point and is generally regarded as one of the most treacherous channels in the world by the United States Coast Guard.

      Were it not for another aircraft flying in the vicinity of the water landing, it is possible that the passengers of the plane would not have been found until they failed to arrive at their destination. Josh Lang and Jaimee Thomson witnessed the Cessna making the water landing and were able to call for help. Within 90 minutes, a C130, two U.S. Coastguard rescue helicopters, one U.S. navy rescue helicopter, and one fire department rescue helicopter were on the scene.

      As I noted in my initial report, initial accounts of the crash were conflicting and inconsistent. Such inconsistencies remain, despite the investigation conducted by the NTSB. Based on a review of the NTSB report (ID #WPR14FA068), no on-scene investigation was performed. The NTSB report pertaining to this incident was one of the most incomplete and un-sourced reports published when compared to other reports. Why?

      The NTSB admits as much by a disclaimer that prefaces the narrative. This begs the question why, given that the crash resulted in a fatality, especially the fatality of a person at the center of a significant national controversy, investigators didn’t conduct a more thorough, on-site investigation?

      The NTSB narrative also conflicts with eyewitness accounts. According to the NTSB investigative report, “[T]he airline transport pilot and two passengers were seriously injured, one passenger was fatally injured, and five passengers received minor injuries. [Emphasis mine]. This is inconsistent with initial and subsequent eyewitness and passenger reports, and now, the video.


      View the complete article, including links and video, at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Plane crashes, woman dies, survivor films and takes selfie', which was started 1/10/2014 by 'The Sons of Liberty'

        The thread references a 1/10/2014 CNET article written by Chris Matyszczyk -

        View the complete Free Republic thread at:

        Excerpt from the original article:

        A month after a small plane crash in Hawaii, a surviving passenger shows GoPro footage and even a selfie taken during the ordeal.

        Would you have done the same? Ferdinand Puentes was one of nine passengers in a 2002 Cessna Grand Caravan which suddenly suffered engine failure off Kalaupapa, Molokai in Hawaii last month. As he heard the engine fail and saw the plane heading for the water, one of his first instincts was to turn on his GoPro camera and film what might have been his own demise. As KHON-TV reports, Puentes knew the danger he was in, yet the decision to film as much as possible might perplex a few. He managed to get out of the plane alive and survived the crash. However, while he was floating on a seat cushion and wearing his life raft, he took a selfie.
        Was the impulse to record just a natural reaction? After all, any bystander or news organization would have likely done the same thing. And these days everyone is using their phones to film just about everything they see. But wouldn't one's first instinct be to try to contact family and friends to say goodbye? Perhaps that did happen. The footage reflects a quite stunning lack of panic. The passengers behave in an orderly manner. There is no screaming or pushing. No one seems frantic at all. Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii's 65-year-old state director of health, died in the crash, despite managing to leave the plane. In watching Puentes talk to KHON-TV, though, it's evident that the footage brings back painful memories. Would everyone want to have such ready access to a reminder? Or would some prefer to forget? "You could have died," Puentes told KHON-TV. "There's so much variations that could have happened for the worse."

        Excerpts from comments in the thread:

        To: EEGator

        My computer is giving me difficulties. I’ve got 100 pages of information, looking at a lot of sources and sorting a lot of data, and now I’m getting security warnings on Word, Word crashed and when I retrieved the document with the information Word said they “repaired” it (how’d it get “broken” in the first place?), the computer is really slow, etc. This always happens when I’m preparing to post a big project and gathering my documentation.

        But I’ll give you the basic gist of why I suspect foul play, which I will flesh out as I am able:

        REASON NUMBER ONE: Two Cessna engine failures in close proximity that the NTSB broke protocols on by failing to secure the evidence.

        In 34 years of NTSB investigations they had 2 Cessna 208 engine failures - both due to operational issues such as water in the fuel and the flight conditions. Then within 50 days and 25 miles of each other there were 2 engine failures, both of which required NTSB investigations as if a crime had been committed and yet the NTSB allowed the involved air company free access to tamper with the evidence. In the Fuddy crash Makani Kai Air was left totally in charge of finding and retrieving the wreckage, and within 5 days at a depth below the effect of waves the fully-intact plane somehow managed to have its engine dismantled from the rest of the fuselage. And the Makani Kai mechanic - the prime suspect if there was sabotage - will be on the NTSB’s team taking the engine apart and deciding whether there was sabotage.

        The first of those engine failures occurred exactly 3 days after Doug Vogt filed a case naming Loretta Fuddy as defendant. The second, in which Fuddy was killed, was exactly 2 weeks after Vogt filed another lawsuit implicating Bob Bauer, Robert Gibbs, Obama, etc in criminal activity related to the eligibility issue - and one day after Orly Taitz made public comments about the Johanna Ah Nee birth certificate being fabricated by someone at the HDOH, which I had noted earlier when I also showed that the Virginia Sunahara death certificate was clearly fabricated by someone at the HDOH.

        The pilot for the first engine failure was loudly praised but never named - just like Schuman loudly praised Kawasaki but wouldn’t name him until after Hollstein went public with the name. Kawasaki is said to have been flying for Makani Kai Air for a year, but within the last year Makani Kai has updated their online pilots list at least 3 times and never listed Kawasaki. Kawasaki did fly for Aloha Air whose majority owners went in on a joint effort to start Mokulele Express after Aloha went bankrupt a few years ago. Mokulele Express is the company involved in the first engine failure. I can’t find out who Kawasaki was really flying for, but it is altogether possible that when Aloha Air went under he went to the fledgeling offshoot of Aloha, Mokulele Express. If that was the case he could have been the pilot for both of those engine failures, each one of them strategically timed with new pressure regarding Fuddy’s potential crimes.

        REASON NUMBER TWO: There are critical discrepancies in the timelines mentioned by Mark Miller (DOH administrator in Kalaupapa) and by Josh Lang and the NTSB. If Miller is right, then the Coast Guard took 2 hours to make a 15-minute flight back to Honolulu, keeping 2 patients from medical care. If Josh Lang and the NTSB are right, then the Coast Guard took an hour to make a 15-minute flight to the crash site AND a death was reported in the media before anybody could have known there was a fatality.

        REASON NUMBER THREE: Janice Okubo, communications director for the HDOH, told the media that they were notified that Fuddy was alive. The day AFTER the crash, Lt. William Juan, the spokesperson for the Maui County Police Chief, said that Fuddy’s body had been retrieved from the wreckage. The Maui County Police and Fire Depts are in charge of all of Maui County, which includes Molokai and Lanai as well as Maui. There are fire and police stations on Molokai, but they are under the headship of the chiefs in Maui. Maui County does not have a coroner; the police chief is to assume that role. So the spokesman for the acting coroner in Fuddy’s case - the one who is supposed to collect the information from the primary sources - said, the day after the death, that Fuddy’s body had been recovered from the wreckage. That’s in major conflict with what all of the witnesses said.

        REASON NUMBER FOUR: The Coast Guard violated their protocols when they passed Fuddy by, and lied about their protocols to the media. (The only reason I can think for a person to publicly lie about protocols is if they know they won’t be canned for it - specifically, if they’ve been TOLD to break protocols). And once they got her into a helicopter their task was to do CPR on her while transporting her to a critical-care facility, unless and until a doctor told them to stop. As it is, we don’t even know whether they picked up Fuddy at all.

        B. Steadman


        • #5

          REASON NUMBER FIVE: The most injured person on the plane - the pilot - declined medical care so he could instead be whisked away by a Makani Kai plane, along with Yamamoto, who did NOT return to work and is not going to replace Fuddy; Abercrombie says he is worried about Yamamoto’s “health”. The Coast Guard took 2 injured passengers to the Makani Kai Honolulu airport rather than transporting them directly to the hospital in stable condition. They flew the big plane (HC-130) directly to Queens Hospital for another patient, who is NOT any of the 9 people on the plane that we knew about, because we know each of their outcomes and it wasn’t a direct flight to Queens).

          REASON NUMBER SIX: All the reports - including the Coast Guard officials - claimed 9 people were on board the plane, at the same time as saying that 3 were picked up alive by the Coast Guard and 5 were picked up alive by the Maui Fire/Rescue Crew. Hollstein wasn’t retrieved from the water; he swam to shore on his own. So we’ve got 8 people picked up alive, one who swam to shore, and Fuddy, for a total of 10. There is a female passenger who appears in the image in post 45 of this thread who is not Fuddy (has the wrong color shirt and Fuddy’s distinctive hair is visible closer to the door), nor Rosa Key, nor the 74-year-old woman who is pictured in Puentes’ photo wrapped up in blankets. So there is a 4th female passenger, in addition to the 5 male passengers (Yamamoto, Jacob Key, Puentes, Hollstein, and the 70-ish-year-old guy) and the pilot, Kawasaki. Ten people on board. And that 10th person - the 4th female - has to be the person who was flown directly to Queens Hospital on a big Coast Guard plane. Who was she? Why was she Medevaced directly to Queens when the NTSB said there were no serious injuries? And why did the Coast Guard, Schuman, and everybody else let the whole world think that she didn’t exist?

          REASON NUMBER SEVEN: Somebody is targeting me in the last couple days, once the suspicious nature of this crash was solid in my mind. My computer has been doing weird stuff like suddenly closing out of all my web pages for no reason. But something blatant has happened as well. A friend who has been helping me find information on this subject gave me his hushmail address in Freepmail after signing into his account on the 7th. When I went to email him less than an hour later I was told his account was deactivated. I told him I thought it was a message to me, that I was being watched - in an attempt to intimidate me. He said somebody could have just hacked his account and deactivated it, though he thought it odd also.

          Two days later, on the 9th, my hushmail address was deactivated also. I contacted hushmail and they denied that it had ever been deactivated - said I must have had a typo in the address so then the password didn’t match up. But I use a drop-down box so I can’t have misspelled it, and I tested using a wrong password on my newly-restored account and it gave a totally different message. The message I received about my account being deactivated was also different than what my friend received, so these actions were not automated events. Either it was a hacker or it was somebody at hushmail, but hushmail was denying that anything had even happened. And it all started less than one hour after my friend gave me his hushmail address in Freepmail.

          I also spoke to somebody at one of the Hawaii state offices who accidentally said he would have to talk to the “Office of Government Affairs” before he could have somebody reply to an email request I had made, because “they monitor that email address” (meaning my email address). It sounded like he knew immediately after saying it that he shouldn’t have said it. I don’t want him to get in trouble for it; nobody should have to worry about getting into trouble for simply telling the truth. I’ve known all along that they’ve been monitoring my email address, but somebody finally accidentally came out and told me so. I have never done business with this department, and after looking around I think he may have been talking about the HI Senate’s intergovernmental affairs committee. If so, then I’d be interested to know what makes the HI Senate think they need to watch out for me.

          REASON NUMBER EIGHT (although this is more intuitive than actually proof of anything): Nobody panicked. When the first (possibly practice) engine failure occurred off of Maui on Oct 21, the description was that people were screaming and crying. This was more like a fire drill. Almost like it was expected.

          Anyway, that’s the basic outline of why I believe there is more to this story than meets the eye. I’ve got documentation for every point and want to nail down some more details and follow some more leads. There are facts and observations that are interesting, raise my eyebrows even though they don’t directly prove anything, and there is a lot of information about how easy it would be to cause something that looks like engine failure, in such a way to provide cover for a death by other means. IIRC, the NTSB has found that 8% of crashes are caused by deliberate sabotage, sometimes for insurance purposes and sometimes for assassination. The easiest method of sabotage would match what happened in this case and the evidence of the sabotage could easily be removed by tampering with the engine, as Makani Kai and Mokulele Express both had access to do in the 2 recent “engine failures”. The point of doing it this particular way is to have the crash occur soon after takeoff, to preserve the lives you want to survive. Having a very politically-connected pilot hovering overhead the whole time to make sure everybody was OK, as well as sending (eventually)a Navy H-60, 2 medium boats from Station Molokai, 2 cutters, and a Seahawk...

          Like I said, I will flesh this stuff out when my computer is not delaying on every move I make.

          262 posted on Sunday, January 12, 2014 4:15:15 AM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

          B. Steadman


          • #6

            To: Fred Nerks

            No, the gal with the bare arms isn’t his companion. His companion was a 74-year-old woman who PJ Ornot rescued right away; she didn’t move to get his attention until he was very close to her. I believe her photo is the last image at . She’s wrapped up in blankets and appears to be sleeping. She is a dark-skinned Asian woman who seems small of frame. It would make sense for her to get cold before any of the others, without the insulating effect of fat. She was in stable condition, like Puentes, when Honolulu EMS picked her up from the Makani Kai headquarters at the Honolulu airport.

            That’s why I say the woman with the bare arms is a 10th person on the plane. She’s not one of the 6 males (Puentes, Kawasaki, Yamamoto, Jacob Key, Phillip Holstein, or the 70-year-old who smiled at Mark Peer AFTER a man with a clear cut and bump on his head - probably Kawasaki since he’s the only one with a visible cut that I’ve seen) was picked up by PJ Ornot). And she’s not one of the 3 females (Fuddy, Rosa Key, and the 74-year-old woman who was taken to Honolulu).

            She’s somebody they don’t seem to want us to know about, and was apparently the one the Coast Guard flew directly to Queens Hospital, by the process of elimination, since we know the outcomes for the others:

            Kawasaki - Makani Kai flew him to Honolulu
            Yamamoto - Makani Kai flew him to Honolulu
            Puentes - Coast Guard flew him to Honolulu
            74-year-old female tourist - Coast Guard flew her to Honolulu
            70-ish male tourist - was fine when Mark Peer picked him up
            Rosa and Jacob Key - stayed in Molokai overnight and flew to Oahu the next day
            Hollstein - swam to shore and wasn’t rescued
            Fuddy - died and was taken to Molokai Memorial Medical center for an autopsy

            So who would be the person that the Coast Guard flew directly to Queens Hospital? And why did the NTSB say that there were only 3 injured victims, including Kawasaki, if this mystery woman was injured so badly that she was flown directly to Queens rather than flown to Makani Kai headquarters like the other 2 victims the Coast Guard transported?

            304 posted on Sunday, January 12, 2014 6:33:22 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

            To: Fred Nerks

            I’ve read the protocols which ARE in effect for US Coast Guard rescue swimmers. It’s at

            Dang it. I had this typed up and then my computer suddenly closed my internet pages. When I restarted and Firefox “recovered” the pages it had the above paragraph but not any of the rest of it. The computer has been going inhibitingly slow on everything today. Once I re-started Outlook Express, which had suddenly closed on its own, I sent myself some links I wanted to look at, to my newly-restored hushmail account, so I could look on one of the other computers in the house, but when I went to sign in to my hushmail account it said that my hushmail account doesn’t exist. sigh. More hope n change I guess. I wonder what hushmail will say when I contact them this time. The more flak I receive, the more I know I am over the target.

            Anyway, go look at that site and see that these are the protocols in effect and that a person is “obviously dead” if they are decapitated, charred, have brain, heart, lungs, or liver separated from the rest of their body, or have rigor mortis. In making the determination of whether there is a heartbeat and respiration (which has to be done if the victim is not obviously dead) they have to use a heart monitor and stethoscope if they’ve got one. I’m sure they had one in the helicopter, so to follow this protocol they had to get Fuddy into the helicopter and then make the determination. How confident would a medical person be that they could make an accurate determination with ocean spray, waves, and bobbing motion going on all around them?

            If you read the part on hypothermia, they are required to keep suspected hypothermic victims horizontal - and yet we’ve got the photos of the rescuees being raised in sitting position. So they apparently didn’t suspect hypothermia. What, then, did they consider the emergency condition of the other victims, that kept them from obeying the protocols for Fuddy?

            If they have victims who are hypothermic they are supposed to get them to a medical facility ASAP. Not 2 hours later. But then, the Coast Guard was supposed to be airborne in a rescue helicopter 5 minutes after receiving the call. It’s a 15-minute flight from Honolulu in the slower aircraft, and yet it took over an hour for them to arrive at the scene of the crash, according to the NTSB timeline, which I would hope has been corroborated with all the sources.

            At it describes the rescue swimmer training. One of the first tests is to rescue a panicking “victim” - in this case 230 pounds worth - who grabs them and pulls them under, within 7 minutes. I’ve read most of the rescue swimmers training manual at , and this seems like the most difficult, time-consuming rescue there is in non-stormy waters, except perhaps putting somebody on a back board to lift them.

            The two Coast Guard helicopters lifted from the water 3 people total, and the other passengers had no injuries, were floating in life vests, and were not handled as if they were suspected to be hypothermic when they were lifted. The Coast Guard swimmers “didn’t have time” to lift Fuddy?

            336 posted on Sunday, January 12, 2014 8:58:14 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)
            B. Steadman


            • #7

              To: Natufian

              I’m saying PJ Ornot said that passing Fuddy by was in accordance with protocols, and it isn’t.

              I have my suspicions about why he did it, and I think he thought his actions were right.

              But the public deserves to know why he really did it. It’s not because the protocols say so, because the protocols actually say the opposite. He needs to tell us why he broke the protocols and then claimed publicly that the protocols say something they don’t - all without fear of punishment from the US Coast Guard.

              At the same time maybe somebody at the Coast Guard can tell us why it took them an hour to get there, and two hours to pick up 3 people and get 2 people back to Honolulu.

              And why they lied about the number of passengers on that plane. There was at least one extra person on that plane - either Mystery Woman #1 (the one holding onto the wing next to Rosa Key) or if that woman was the 74-year-old woman who was taken to Honolulu, then Mystery Woman #2, who was floating in a life jacket close to shore in the background of Puentes’ selfie. No matter how you slice it there was at least one extra woman on that plane, and the USCG, NTSB, Makani Kai owner Richard Schuman, and pilot Clyde Kawasaki all lied to us to hide that woman’s presence. The public deserves to know why they did that.

              That, among a bunch of other things, is what I’m saying.

              566 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:02:48 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

              To: Fred Nerks

              There’s a timeframe within which intervention can save a person’s life even after their heart has stopped.

              At this point I don’t really care whether Fuddy could have been saved or not. If things happened the way we were told (and that’s a big if), then the CG swimmer wouldn’t have been able to save her. BUT HE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT. He was supposed to act according to the protocols.

              We deserve to know why he didn’t follow the protocols, yet announced to the whole world that he actually had - knowing all the other folks in the Coast Guard would know that he didn’t.

              567 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:09:37 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

              To: Fred Nerks

              Ventricular fibrillation isn’t something that happens from stress. In most every case, a person is at risk for this if he or she has had a heart attack, has cardiomyopathy, has a congenital heart defect, has suffered an electrical shock, or abuses certain drugs. Her brother said she had no heart problems. Of course, only her physician knows for sure; but one would think the coroner would get her medical records in order to determine a cause of death. Prior cardiograms will tell the tale, if she had any heart problems or was on any medication for a heart condition. This is a diagnosis of “exclusion”, since they cannot do a cardiogram on a non-beating heart. They found no other cause, so settled on this as the explanation, imo. Examination of her body would have shown any preexisting condition that may have put her at risk factor for ventricular fibrillation. VP Cheney has an internal defibrillator for just this kind of situation—to shock his heart should it go into V-fib or V-tach. Of course, his prior heart attacks are what put him at risk.

              568 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:10:30 PM by Greenperson

              To: butterdezillion

              I suppose in a practical sense, it all depends if we believe the man was capable of telling if the woman was dead or not. I’m a little anti-protocols, in an emergency quite often common sense works a whole lot better.

              I’m also pretty sure he’s been grilled and asked to describe exactly what he found and why he acted the way he did.

              571 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:25:43 PM by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)

              To: butterdezillion

              Correction. I should have said it took 2 hours to get 3 people back to Honolulu. They took two people back to the Honolulu airport in a helicopter, and one person who is not listed as among the injured by either the USCG or the NTSB was flown in the HC-130 directly to Queens Hospital. That person was hidden by everybody official and got the luxury treatment even though she wasn’t even claimed as having any injuries. Why did they fly this woman directly to Queens Hospital without claiming her as a seriously-injured victim?

              If the photo of “the mummy” is either Puentes or the 74-year-old woman at the ER in Honolulu, they were being treated for hypothermia. The protocol for hypothermia says that once active warming is happening (the heavy wrapping), the following is to be done:

              “Notify receiving hospital ASAP; include Core Temp and Vital Signs, including pulse oximetry.

              Support Respiratory Effort

              Transport ASAP”

              It took them almost 2 hours from the time they arrived to get those 2 hypothermic patients to the Honolulu airport, when the flight itself would take no more than 30 minutes. These were the only injured people the Coast Guard transported; why did it take them 1 1/2 hours to get these hypothermic patients loaded up to go Honolulu?

              572 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:25:57 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

              To: Fred Nerks

              I’m not so sure he’s been grilled. Keep in mind that the Coast Guard transported a woman directly to Queens Hospital in their big military-transport plane and yet didn’t include that in their public report. They also claimed 9 people on board when we now know there were at least 10 on board. IOW, they are actively engaged in hiding the existence of this woman and flying her out of public view.

              575 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:33:53 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

              To: Fred Nerks

              The two taken by helicopter to Honolulu were Puentes and a 74-year-old woman, who were picked up by Honolulu EMS in stable condition at 6:30pm.

              The two who refused treatment were Yamamoto and Kawasaki. Makani Kai flew them to the Makani Kai headquarters at the Honolulu airport, from which Yamamoto was driven to his home and either Kawasaki or his son drove him to the hospital where he stayed 2 nights with a concussion.

              The 3 who were taken to Molokai General Hospital were apparently Jacob and Rosa Key, who flew back to Oahu the next day, and the 70-year-old guy who waved and smiled at Mark Peer.

              Other reports say that Fuddy’s body was taken to Molokai General Hospital (or one report said to Maui...) for an autopsy. And other reports also say that the Coast Guard HC-130 flew one patient directly to Queens Hospital in Honolulu. But the NTSB said that the pilot and 2 passengers were seriously injured, and 5 had minor injuries.

              So who was the person who was flown directly to Queens?

              580 posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:00:10 PM by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)

              To: Greenperson

              If Fuddy didn’t die as determined, we can only hope evidence emerges to that effect. Otoh, it’s a mistake to imagine that Hollywood’s version of panic is the only one there is. I.e.: ppl hysterically screaming they don’t want to die. A quiet panic can be just as hard on the heart, and is probably far more common.

              Take Flt 1549 which ditched in the Hudson. Based on the number of passengers screaming hysterically [0] everyone on it was “calm” as the plane neared the water. Except that interviews reveal otherwise. Most thought they were about to die. They truly believed they were living out their last few seconds of life on this planet.

              Now I don’t care who you are, that level of stress puts a strain on the heart. How can we know Fuddy didn’t assume the worst? We don’t know what thoughts were going through her mind, or how tense she may have gotten seconds before the plane connected w the ocean.

              From what I have read, death from this type of arrhythmia usually occurs w’in a half an hr of the “acute triggering event”, and almost always w’in one hr. The fact that she regained her calm after a safe landing wd not impact that scenario. The damage wd have been done in the moments leading up to the crash, and the only thing that wd have helped her subsequently wd be immediate medical care.

              Does anyone, apart from God, know exactly how & why she died? Only if, as some have speculated, it was outright murder. Barring that it’s just not definite. I believe she cd have died of untreated arrhythmia. I.e.: it’s possible. It is not knowable, however, as a fact. But I wd not want to be an obese, sedentary 65 yo facing a forced water landing. If the attendant stress put my heart into fatal arrhythmia, it wd not be a statistical improbability.

              623 posted on Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:27:20 PM by Fantasywriter

              B. Steadman

