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Obama to Assert Unilateral Agenda -- Wall Street Journal

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  • Obama to Assert Unilateral Agenda -- Wall Street Journal

    Obama to Assert Unilateral Agenda

    President to Seek to Use State of the Union Address to Shift Souring View of Leadership

    Wall Street Journal

    Carol E. Lee and Damian Paletta

    WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night will seek to shift the public's souring view of his leadership, a challenge the White House sees as critical to shaping the nation's policy direction over the next three years.

    Mr. Obama will emphasize his intention to use unilateral presidential authority—bypassing Congress when necessary—to an extent not seen in his previous State of the Union speeches, White House officials said.
    - (bold, underline and color emphasis added)

    He also is expected to announce that some of the nation's largest employers, including Xerox Corp., AT&T Inc., Lockheed Martin Corp. and Procter & Gamble Co., have signed a White House pledge agreeing not to discriminate against the long-term unemployed when making hiring decisions, according to a draft of the policy and interviews with several people familiar with the matter.
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    White House officials are urging a number of companies to sign a "best practices" memo aimed at helping the long-term unemployed find jobs. The Wall Street Journal has obtained a draft of the memo.

    Mr. Obama will stress that he intends to take unilateral action on a host of other issues: infrastructure development, job training, climate change and education. Administration officials hinted broadly at the assertive new direction Sunday.

    "We need to show the American people that we can get something done," Dan Pfeiffer, a senior White House adviser, told CNN as part of a round of interviews previewing the speech.


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    B. Steadman