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Obama Admin. Alters Immigration Policy To Allow Terrorist Affiliates into U.S.

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  • Obama Admin. Alters Immigration Policy To Allow Terrorist Affiliates into U.S.

    BREAKING: Obama Administration Alters Immigration Policy To Allow Terrorist Affiliates Into U.S.

    The Ulsterman Report



    How many times have you read a headline, shook your head, and muttered, “that can’t be right”? Well, this is yet another of those times involving the Obama White House. In a move done via Executive Authority, the Obama administration has altered long standing anti-terrorism immigration requirements that would deny access to the United States for those with links to terrorists. In essence, the White House has decided that if you haven’t really been directly involved in terrorism, but rather, have secondary, or “unintended” relationships with known terrorists, it’s “Welcome to America” time.

    Obama admin unilaterally changes law to allow immigrants with ‘limited’ terror contact into US

    The Obama administration has issued new exemptions to a law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists who are believed to pose no threat from the U.S

    …While the administration says the rule change is reasonable, former State Department official and current director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies Jessica Vaughan questioned the administration’s right to unilaterally change the law.

    “[T]here is a very legitimate question as to whether the administration actually has the authority to change the law in this way,” Vaughan wrote in an email to The DC. “It seems to me that they are announcing that they will be disregarding yet another law written by Congress that they don’t like and are replacing it with their own guidelines, which in this case appear to be extremely broad and vague, and which are sure to be exploited by those seeking to game our generous refugee admissions program.” ...


    And in related news, as was covered here earlier this week, Barack Obama just met personally with leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Forty eight hours later, the Obama administration announces this change in immigration policy that eases restrictions on individuals with ties to anti-American terrorism.

    View the complete post, including photos, images and links, at:
    B. Steadman