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New Analysis: Site Safe But Obama Birth Certificate Numbers Don't Match

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  • New Analysis: Site Safe But Obama Birth Certificate Numbers Don't Match

    New Analysis: Site Safe But Obama Birth Certificate Numbers Don't Match

    Birther Report



    If Obama’s Numbers Don’t Match There’s a Problem
    By Linda Jordan
    Birther Report

    "Obama's original certificate of live birth is bound with one ledger containing 499 other certificates of people born in Hawaii in 1961, according to [Chiyome]Fukino. [former Director of Hawaii Department of Health] There are 500 sheets per book, and 35 volumes of 1961 birth records. The last series of digits in the registration number found on Hawaiian long form and current computerized-format birth certificates indicate which number volume the original document can be found inside the health department first-floor vault."

    Let’s look at those numbers.

    Here are the Certificate numbers on Obama’s Short & Long Form Birth records.
    Short Form computer generated ‘Certification of Live Birth’ No. 151 1961 010641
    Original Long Form ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ No. 151 61 10641

    The numbers don’t match. The ‘Certification of Live Birth’ has 3 more numbers than the ‘Certificate of Live Birth’. On the original birth certificate the number is called a File Number instead of a Certificate No. which makes sense because, as Fukino stated, that number also tells DOH employees in what file, what bound book or ledger they will find the original birth certificate in.

    Will the original ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ please stand up? What file or ledger or bound book is it in? 010641 OR 10641 ? How can one original birth certificate be located in two different addresses?

    Now let’s look at Public Health Regulation Chapter 8B 2.4 (B. 2d.) Limitations of issuance. An abbreviated copy will not be prepared unless all the information called for on the form has been entered on the original vital record on file with the Department of Health.

    You can see that the abbreviated ‘Certification of Live Birth’ form calls for a Certificate No.

    And you can see on Obama’s alleged original ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ there is a File Number.

    But Hawaii law makes it plain: If its information the abbreviated certification form requires, but it is not on the original certificate, you can not put it on the abbreviated form. If “1961” is not on the original, and it is not, it can’t be put on the abbreviated. If “010641” is not on the original, and it is not, it can’t be put on the abbreviated.

    It makes sense that the identifying Certificate No. or File Number, the one assigned at birth to the original certificate, should be unchanging no matter how the birth record is re-produced or copied.

    As to form. In 1961 and today Hawaii closely follows the guidelines outlined by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the creation of their ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ form. And they are required to, with some flexibility.

    Janice Okubo, Hawaii DOH spokeswoman, reiterated this, “Our Certificate of Live Birth is the standard form, which was modeled after national standards that are acceptable by federal agencies and organizations.” Okubo said.”

    The Social Security Administration relies on this uniformity when tracking down Social Security Number fraud. Let’s look at RM 10210.305 Reviewing a Birth Certificate Birth Area Code. This is from the Social Security Administration POMS employee handbook.

    A. Information about the birth area code. Since 1948, most State registrars use a uniform numbering system. Birth certificates (BCs) issued by the States generally include an 11-digit number in a xxx xx xxxxxx format. The number begins with a 3-digit birth area code number followed by a 2-digit year of registration (almost always the year of birth) and lastly a 6-digit serial registration number (assigned sequentially to each birth as it is filed).

    So Hawaii does not follow this number sequence to the T but on the original certificates it’s close. Let’s look at Obama’s alleged original, long form certificate again. File Number: 151 61 10641. (151) the geographical area code for Hawaii. (61) the alleged year of Obama’s birth. (10641) the sequential order of his birth and the file where Obama’s original birth record can be found.

    The SSA notes that the last six numbers are registration numbers “assigned sequentially to each birth as it is filed”.

    Obama is out of order. Of course the registration numbers would be sequential to each birth as it is filed. The SSA agrees. And it makes sense that Hawaii DOH would use those same numbers to file the birth record. But, once again, Obama is out of order. Take the Nordyke Twins. Born in the same hospital Obama says he was born in, Kapi’olani, on August 5, 1961, just one day after Obama. The first two sets of their file numbers match Obamas, 151 (geographical area code for Hawaii) 61 (the year of birth). The last series of numbers on the birth certificates, the registration numbers which denote the sequential order of births and in what file or bound book DOH employees will find their original birth certificates is 10637 and 10638. Obama’s is 10641.

    In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu. This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned. The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record. The number was stamped with a rubber stamp that automatically increased by one each time a birth certificate was stamped.

    Obama’s birth record was accepted by the registrar on August 8, 1961. Three days BEFORE the twin’s birth records were accepted on August 11, 1961. He would have received a stamped registration number three days before the Nordyke Twins and yet his registration number looks like he got there three days after the twins.

    Let the Obots and defenders of the imposter in the White House explain away the conflicting file numbers and out of sequence birth numbers. Lord knows they’ve had plenty of practice. But any excuse offered will be unsatisfactory.

    After reviewing the facts detailed above and the evidence compiled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Private Investigator Susan Daniels, there is no doubt that Obama’s birth certificate was forged and his social security number is phony.

    Barack Obama used fake ID to get on the ballot and into the White House.
    .................................................. ......

    (On the short form ‘Certification of Live Birth’ Hawaii has re-named the File Number a Certificate No.)

    Linda Jordan is a researcher out of Seattle Washington. In 2011 she ran the SSN Barack Obama used on his 2010 tax return through the government run E-Verify system and discovered that the SSN had been flagged with a Special Indicator Code for fraud. It was not Obama's SSN. Since then she has continued to work to expose Obama's use of forged identity documents. Fake ID he used to get on the ballot and in to the White House. She is the owner of We The People T.V. at

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    UNNECESSARY RHETORIC and B . S . There is only one authentic birth document for obummer .
    Anyone can see it right here on this blog and forum .

