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Conspiracy Of Silence: Candidate Talks Obama Origins and Birth Certificate Challenge

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  • Conspiracy Of Silence: Candidate Talks Obama Origins and Birth Certificate Challenge

    Conspiracy Of Silence: Candidate Talks Obama Origins and Birth Certificate Challenge

    Birther Report



    Gubernatorial Candidate Talks Campaign Strategy, Obama Origins and Birth Certificate Challenge
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Feb. 11, 2014) — Last week, The Post & Email published two reports conducted after an interview with Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mark McFarlin, who is challenging Gov. Rick Snyder.

    On January 28, McFarlin held a press conference at which he received a certified copy of his long-form birth certificate from the Michigan Vital Records Department. One week prior, McFarlin had announced his intention to hold the presser on the WheresObamasBirthCertificate radio show, where he has appeared several times to discuss the findings of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse, which determined nearly two years ago that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”

    Upon the February 3 publication of The Post & Email’s initial report on the press conference, McFarlin officially issued a challenge to Barack Hussein Obama to “duplicate the process” by obtaining a certified copy of his long-form birth certificate from the Hawaii Department of Health.

    On April 27, 2011, the White House released what it said was a certified copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate, although McFarlin said it lacks a raised seal which renders it “useless.” Further, McFarlin wants Obama to obtain the certified copy directly from an official at the Hawaii Department of Health, as according to news reports, his personal attorney flew to Hawaii to obtain it and it was then handled by unknown persons for posting on the White House server.

    In part 2 of the interview, McFarlin wondered why Donald Trump did not continue to press for answers about the origins of the White House image and said that Trump had been told by his own investigators that it was fraudulent. The interview prompted Jeff Lichter, who attended a face-to-face meeting with Trump on April 8, 2011 in New York following Trump’s then-strident calls for Obama to produce his long-form birth record, to recall that Trump had predicted at the meeting that a “fake” Obama birth document would be released in the near future.

    Nineteen days after the meeting with Trump, the Obama regime released the image on the White House server and Obama gave a short press conference announcing it.

    In the following final segment, McFarlin expounded on his platform in challenging sitting Gov. Rick Snyder (R) after beginning in the race as a Democrat. He also revealed a bit of unique historical and anecdotal information regarding Kenya’s traditions as it pertained to childbirth during the era of Obama’s alleged birth in 1961.

    McFarlin pointed out to The Post & Email that at the press conference, there was a security guard exercising “open carry,” which is legal in Michigan without a permit. “We also open-carried in the Capitol. You don’t have to have a permit to open carry; if you conceal, you do. We feel that it is our constitutional right to open carry and we’re not trying to conceal anything from anyone; we’re showing them what we have.”

    In response to The Post & Email’s observation that school and workplace shootings are occurring frequently, McFarlin responded, “People are so afraid of guns, but if there were people within schools who were open-carrying guns, if someone were to rush in, maybe they could save some lives.”

    McFarlin said that he supports changing the open-carry law in Michigan. He explained that the states of Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona and Vermont have “constitutional carry,” which allows a person to open- or conceal-carry without having to obtain a permit. “And you can carry it in your car. In Michigan, I have to unload the gun, put the gun in the box, and put the ammo in the glove compartment. Why should I have to do that?” McFarlin said. “In those states, you can carry it in your car; they consider your car an extension of your home. We’re pushing for that. If I become governor, we want to have constitutional carry, including in your car, without a permit.”

    McFarlin must win the primary over Snyder, and currently he is facing an April 22 deadline to gather 15,000 signatures. “The state actually says 20,000 in case some are bad, but 15,000 is a minimum,” he said.

    When we asked McFarlin how the drive for signatures was proceeding, he responded, “Good. Right now we’re sending out to major donors who had contributed to a committee to recall Snyder, who was elected in 2010. The contributors are all over the country, although most are in Michigan. They contributed to the committee, and they had to gather something like 620,000 signatures. They had gathered between 300,000 and 400,000 and finally had to dissolve the committee. We went through public records, and now we’re going to send a letter to every one of those donors, because you know those donors want him gone.”

    He continued:

    Our argument is that the Democrats are running a very weak campaign with the guy that I was running against, Mark Schauer. They expect him to win his primary, because no one is challenging him. So what we’re doing is we will get a very core conservative base of the Republican Party because we feel that Snyder has leaned away from the conservative side. He even adopted Obamacare with open hands; he said, “This is a federal mandate” and didn’t even try to fight it. So he really lost the conservatives.

    We believe that the Democratic Party will come over and raid the Republican Party and see him as a weak candidate and nominate me. There’s a long history of the Democratic Party doing that in the state. Their candidate is going to win; they don’t even have to go vote for him. But they can cross over; it’s legal to do that in Michigan. So we are hoping that we will get Republican votes, which we will, and we’ll get the Democrats to come over. Why do they want to go against a sitting governor in November? It makes no sense. We’re challenging the Democratic Party, and we’re going to make that part of our campaign. We’re going to say, “Look, you’re going to get the ‘idiot’ award if Snyder wins his primary and then the Democrats end up losing to him in November. We’re basically saying, “Come on, let’s make this really an open election,” and they can do that by raiding the Republican Party.

    It’s a good strategy, and we’re going to explain to all of these donors that this is an opportunity. Why wait until the general election? This is a stop-gap thing where we can try to take him out in a primary where only about a million total votes are needed when you have about 3,000,000 in the general. So it certainly makes sense. That’s why we switched parties; I couldn’t remain in the Democrat Party; they’ve just become so liberal.

    .................................................. ........

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-13-2014, 03:10 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2

    THE POST & EMAIL: Have you ever approached Rick Snyder?

    MR. MCFARLIN: I’m glad you brought that up. We had sent him a certified, notarized letter on the 15th of June asking to meet with him. On the 27th, his office contacted us and said that he could not meet with me. The reason I wanted to meet was that I wanted to discuss contentious issues that we have. There’s a lot that we agree on, but there’s a lot that we disagree on. I felt that this would open up a line of communication within the party, and I wanted to see the role the Republican Party would play in this.

    This told me a lot about this man that I’m running against. It told me that this man is out of touch. This is a man who refuses to live on the governor’s mansion in Lansing, because his home is much more extravagant in Ann Arbor. So he has the state police protect him in travel back and forth from Ann Arbor to Lansing while they’re still maintaining the mansion. One of his excuses was that they didn’t want to take their daughter out of a private school in Ann Arbor. If you run for a job, live in the mansion that’s provided for you.

    The last governor, [Jennifer] Granholm, lived there. So did other governors. It shows that this man is out of touch. I’ll tell you where he made a mistake: if he had met with me, then possibly we could have come to some compromises in our ideas, if I had garnered a lot of votes but not beaten him, I could have thrown my support towards him. Now I won’t. So he really hurt himself. If I kick him out in the primary, then it’s all over. But if I lose to him, I’m not throwing my support to him.

    THE POST & EMAIL: In your letter, did you mention Obama’s birth certificate or just ask for a face-to-face meeting?

    MR. MCFARLIN: No, I just asked for a meeting. He signed the wolf hunt where you can hunt the wolves, and that’s a contentious issue we have. On the Right to Work, I’m more of a Democrat on that. He had the Right to Work passed where someone can join a union shop and not pay the dues, but get the benefits, and we want to repeal that Right to Work. So there are a lot of issues that we definitely differ on. We will fight him in the courts on Obamacare, and he embraced it, which was where he lost a lot of the Tea Party and conservative Republicans.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Some of the states have introduced legislation to nullify Obamacare.

    MR. MCFARLIN: What people forget in this country is that the states created the federal government, not the other way around. But the federal government is such a juggernaut that it’s always a long, drawn-out battle.

    THE POST & EMAIL: If there is no response from Obama, is there a next step you have in mind, or have you not thought this far at this point?

    MR. MCFARLIN: I think we’ll look at that when it comes. We’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt and the 30 days. At that point, I think public opinion will come into it. It will be interesting to see what the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse comes out with in March. I think that once it reaches critical mass, it could fall. It could fall pretty fast.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Is there a way to get the media to cover the birth certificate issue?

    MR. MCFARLIN: I think one of the main reasons why the major media doesn’t cover it is that they are concerned about their license. They’re concerned about possible harassment and non-renewal of their licensing. But that’s their job: to be journalists and seek the truth.

    THE POST & EMAIL: A few days ago, in discussing Obama’s executive orders, Fox & Friends finally admitted that Obama has signed an executive order sealing his records on January 20, 2009. I think the big media companies are afraid that when the truth comes out, they will be vulnerable because the public will be enraged that they didn’t research Obama’s background.

    MR. MCFARLIN: I think with senators and representatives, they don’t want to be the first ones to come out and say, “Look, this was really bungled.” They don’t want to admit to this.

    THE POST & EMAIL: They have to know that something is wrong.

    MR. MCFARLIN: It’s collective amnesia; a conspiracy of silence. It is a travesty that there would be such a huge denial.

    THE POST & EMAIL: What do you think someone in a governorship could have done over the last five years to investigate Obama’s eligibility, the fraudulent birth certificate, or questions about his life story? Could a governor have made a difference on this?

    MR. MCFARLIN: I think a governor could conduct an investigation through his secretary of state, who controls the elections. They would demand that laws be stated that in order for someone to appear on the ballot as a Democrat or Republican or any other party, the person be vetted through a process where a raised-seal birth certificate, Social Security card, etc., would have to be proven. That’s how a governor could change this, and by doing that, it would bring all of this into the open.

    THE POST & EMAIL: There was a U.S. senator who was removed from his position after it was discovered that he was not constitutionally eligible.

    MR. MCFARLIN: Even in this state, they’re trying to legislate that when you fill out the affidavit of identity to run for office that you state if you’ve committed a felony. It’s not on the paperwork now, but they want to pass that.

    We have a couple different entities: I think the Electoral College was incompetent with this, but also, it’s up to the states, because the states run federal elections. Every state has different laws concerning their elections. I think there should be a federal uniform law which mandates that “you must prove this.”

    THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think federal candidates should have to prove who their parents are also?

    MR. MCFARLIN: Yes, I think so. Even with Obama, even if he were to show that he was born in Hawaii, he still has a problem, because his father was a Kenyan, which fell under British rule, which now makes him a dual citizen. When you look at the Founding Fathers, I think at that time – and it’s not stated in the Constitution – they were expecting the parents to both be U.S. citizens.

    Before we go, I’m going to give you a little insight about Kenya at that time and its traditions. I am acquainted with someone whose stepfather is about 53 yearss old, the same age as Obama. he is originally from Kenya from that village.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Kogelo Villlage.

    MR. MCFARLIN: Yes. His stepdaughter stated to me that in 19691, Obama’s father would have demanded that his wife be in Kenya to have that child under their tradition. So that’s telling us a lot along with the elaboration of Obama’s paternal grandmother who says that she remembers his being born, and she never left Kenya. So it really adds up that this child was born in Kenya, and a couple of months afterward, they went back to the U.S.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Would you say that this conclusion is anecdotal or do you have other evidence that would back that up?

    MR. MCFARLIN: No, but I think that it’s interesting. If that had happened in 1961 – that there was a white mother and a Kenyan father – this would have been remembered in this village. So I think it would have been very memorable that this occurred. I think what happened is that he was born there, and shortly after, she went back to Hawaii and put the announcements in the paper that he was born because they were there, and then she went to the West Coast to go to school. I really think that’s how it occurred. That’s why I think he had a problem with the Social Security card and the birth certificate: because he didn’t have a proper Social Security number. If you don’t have that birth certificate, it’s very difficult to get a Social Security number. So that’s why he had to start fabricating all these documents.
    - (bold, underline and color emphasis added in the preceding paragraphs)

    THE POST & EMAIL: If his documents are all fabricated, I wonder how many people in the regime know about it?

    MR. MCFARLIN: According to Orly [Taitz], there’s a woman in the Social Security office to whom she is always referred, and it’s always a dead end, because she’s the gatekeeper. So there are people like that who would have to be involved.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Perhaps they’ve been bribed, threatened or paid off?

    MR. MCFARLIN: Sure. I think that’s what happened with Fuddy: that she knew that the hammer was coming down and maybe she started retracting.

    THE POST & EMAIL: Perhaps during questioning by law enforcement?

    MR. MCFARLIN: Right. I think the only way is to go to a grand jury on this.

    THE POST & EMAIL: The Post & Email has covered a lot of stories on the loss of the grand jury in the United States. If this could have gotten in to a federal grand jury years ago, the hypothetically, Obama would never have gotten into office without proper documentation.

    MR. MCFARLIN: Right. Impeachment is questionable too, because in order to impeach someone, I think they have to be a legal officeholder, and if he’s not, then I think that you have to go through the courts on the federal level and a federal grand jury. I think an investigation could be initiated by an independent special investigator, and then a grand jury could be convened. That’s what I think should happen.


    Editor’s Note: The McFarlin interview was conducted on February 3, and in closing, he told The Post & Email that Obama was expected to be in Lansing, MI that Friday, February 7, “helping other people campaign.” “And we just did this…I find it very interesting,” McFarlin said.

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-13-2014, 03:16 PM.
    B. Steadman

