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More Power: Obama In His Own Words: How Can Obots Keep Defending Obama?

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  • More Power: Obama In His Own Words: How Can Obots Keep Defending Obama?

    More Power: Obama In His Own Words: How Can Obots Keep Defending Obama?

    Birther Report



    WE: A look at how times have changed: In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama held a town hall event in Lancaster, Pa., where he criticized President George W. Bush's use of executive power.

    "You know I taught constitutional law for 10 years, I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we're facing right now had to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States of America," he said. [.] Washington Examiner.

    VIDEO ...:
    ( Flashback Video via American Commitment @ Washington Examiner )

    ( Video via The Young Turks @ Liberty Unyielding. )

    Samuel L. Jackson admits he voted for Obama based on skin color
    By Howard Portnoy | Liberty Unyielding

    When will actor Samuel L. Jackson learn to keep his yap shut unless he’s reciting lines prepared for him by a Hollywood script writer? When he shares his own heartfelt opinion, he creates uncomfortable situations for his fellow liberals, who are then forced to explain why what he said wasn’t so bad. For example, When he weighed in on not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial last August by announcing that it’s “open season” on young black men, the liberal media spent days mopping up after him.

    Recently, he was at it again. In an interview appearing in February’s Ebony Magazine:
    [...] More @ Liberty Unyielding.

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    They are!

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    B. Steadman