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Report: Team Arpaio Trace Obots To White House; Arpaio’s Got Stuff On DOD & Obama?

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  • Report: Team Arpaio Trace Obots To White House; Arpaio’s Got Stuff On DOD & Obama?

    Report: Team Arpaio Trace Obots To White House; Arpaio’s Got Stuff On DOD & Obama?

    Birther Report



    Mike Zullo Traces Obots to White House and They All Disappear Overnight
    By Geir Smith, ©2014, blogging at

    (Feb. 16, 2014) — [Editor's Note: On Sunday afternoon, founder of and radio show host Mike Volin told The Post & Email exclusively that Geir Smith has joined WOBC as a writer on the Cold Case Posse's investigation of Obama's long-form birth certificate.

    Smith is a writer at the popular website and also uses the alias King of Shambhala.

    Smith will be a guest on Volin's next WOBC radio show, which will take place on either Monday, February 24 or Tuesday, February 25. The Post & Email will announce a firm date as soon as it is scheduled and has agreed to appear as a guest on the show at Smith's request.

    "He's under attack by the Obots," Volin told us of Smith. Now he's written an article about the Obots and the fact that it's been so quiet. It's a short article, but it gets right to the point." "Obots" are ideological Obama supporters who have trolled the internet for at least five years to silence criticism of and investigation into the background of Barack Hussein Obama, often spreading disinformation.

    Volin was referring to a declaration made by Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo on Carl Gallups' radio show, "Freedom Friday," in which Zullo said that at least one of the Obots, identified in Smith's piece today as "RC," has an IP number which has been identified as "DOD’s DARPA disinformation department."

    "RC" hosts a radio show on Tuesday evenings entitled "RC Radio" which has the same apparent goals as the internet-trolling Obots: to silence those reporting on the forgery of the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website since April 27, 2011.

    On March 1, 2012, Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that the birth certificate image and Obama's Selective Service registration form are "computer-generated forgeries" which did not have their origins in real paper documents. A second press conference on July 17, 2012 detailed how the posse arrived at its conclusions regarding the birth certificate image, including Zullo's trip to Hawaii to interview former Hawaii Department of Health registrar, Verna K. Lee.

    Volin said he will have two more breaking stories in the near future to be published by The Post & Email at the proper time.

    Zullo has stated that a "universe-shattering" announcement is expected next month, with a possible second press conference following at an as-yet undetermined time.

    The following is Smith's article:]

    Obama’s Obots have disappeared overnight. Where are they?

    On Carl Gallup’s Freedom Friday radio show, Mike Zullo said they’ve traced the IP address of “RC” to DOD’s DARPA disinformation department.

    The Obots have gone eerily silent ever since. Why?

    Mike Zullo’s intent in revealing that information was not to silence the Obots but to tell the public that a concrete step had been made in the investigation and even more than that.

    He said that a second criminal investigation surrounding Obama’s birth certificate has been started. That’s an explosive, hair-raising piece of news.

    Maybe it was that, a concrete step to track the IP addresses of Obots and that had led them to the Army and DOD, which had set them fleeing for the exits.

    I’ve met up with the same thing in my writing on Internet. I’m a long-time reporter at BeforeItsNews under the aliases of “Geir Smith” and now “King of Shambhala”. I’ve been a target for Obots since Day One, because I’m convinced Obama’s a great evil hiding under a sheep’s clothing. I think Obama’s got some horrid reality brewing which he wants to avoid us discovering.

    Obots have trolled me since the beginning because I say things like that a “The Guardian” survey showed that one in eight think Obama’s the Antichrist and that 666 was drawn in Illinois’ Lottery, in Obama’s hometown in Chicago, on the day after his election.

    Obots have been determined to troll me to stop me from speaking out. But recently Mike Volin of booked me for a radio show and immediately when I announced it, I also saw the Obots go strangely silent.

    They’re like night creatures. They fly for safety as soon as the light of day breaks. Likewise, the Obots flee in panic when the heavy hand of justice rams them.

    Joe Arpaio is releasing all his investigation’s results in less than a month, during the month of March. The heavy hand of the law is clamping down on them and they just have a few days left till the curtain comes down for them.

    The rats are scuttling for the exits. Or are they regrouping for a last stand?

    The problem is that Mike Zullo’s got “proof, proof, proof” as he said on the radio show. Joe Arpaio’s got “stuff” on DOD and Obama.

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    B. Steadman