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Dividing A Nation: The Republican Roll-Out As Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream

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  • Dividing A Nation: The Republican Roll-Out As Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream

    Dividing A Nation: The Republican Roll-Out As Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream

    Birther Report



    Dividing A Nation – The Republican Roll-Out as Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream
    by Cody Robert Judy, ©2014, blogging at CodyJudy

    (Feb. 16, 2014) — Defending what Obama is doing by not holding a hearing on Obama’s national security breach, or the standard of the natural born citizen qualification in the Constitution for the Office of the President, is essentially exactly what Republicans need to keep doing in order to lose. Rand Paul declared the Republican party may not win the Presidency again in his lifetime.

    I said one time that the Republican party was going into extinction, not because that is what I hoped for or anything, but because of the abandonment of the principles of the Constitution I saw happening in the Republican party by a lack of defense for it. Jan 26th, 2012 I wrote with this commercial:

    [“It is time to jump into the life boats, and begin representing a clear and Constitutional choice in my candidacy, which is clearly a clean message compared to the mainstream Republican Candidates who we see are very willing to sweep the dirt under the carpet, as well as our Constitution, and that’s not the President’s job or oath!”]

    Glenn Beck today related he had spoke to a big GOP elected leader who was concerned about the #defundtheGOP verbrato over the air the last four months. What Glenn said made a lot of sense today here.

    So many Republican leaders looked at me and scoffed, “How could the qualification of Obama for the Office of the President held in the demands of the Constitution even compare to the importance of “health-care”, or “Our National Debt”, or “The Arab Springs”?

    Tyrannical dictatorial power is unleashed in ways Rush Limbaugh says today he has never seen with Obama stepping and hopping to the tunes of the 2014 and 2016 election in regards to what parts of the law are enforceable and what parts he decides not to enforce. The impeding play is certainly wrecking Republican strategy to let the law play out and let people see what a disaster Obamacare is.

    How can people see what a disaster it is unless its allowed to hit them behind the barn?

    What could leaving the Constitution behind bring financially? What is the Birther’s Barrage?

    Birther’s Barrage

    Essentially the BIRTHER BARRAGE is indeed more and more people going Birther as the Constitution is going ‘main-stream’ instead of becoming a dead-stream as so many in Washington perceive it to be going.

    Is it safe to say now that if Obamacare had indeed been allowed to unfold as it was intended, without all these exclusions, that the United States would be in open revolt right now against Obama and all Washington Insiders?

    You better believe if the people with money were made to tow the line of Obamacare in the big corporations, small businesses, and even federal agencies now, without the decrees of exemptions handed down from Obama by personal executive order, that they would be demanding their elected leaders in the House and Senate begin disability impeachment proceedings immediately.

    Read the rest here.

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report at:
    B. Steadman