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Breaking Report: British Barrister’s Claim Not Part Of Cold Case Posse Investigation

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  • Breaking Report: British Barrister’s Claim Not Part Of Cold Case Posse Investigation

    Breaking Report: British Barrister’s Claim Not Part Of Cold Case Posse Investigation

    Birther Report



    Breaking: Report: British Barrister’s Claim Not Part of Cold Case Posse Investigation
    by Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Feb. 26, 2014) — A video which has gone viral on the internet depicting British Barrister Michael Shrimpton stating that Obama was born in Kenya contains separate and distinct information from that which will be released in the near future by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, The Post & Email has been told.

    Earlier on Wednesday, The Post & Email asked “Freedom Friday” host Carl Gallups, who has been close to the Cold Case Posse’s investigation, if the information imparted by Shrimpton is part of that which will be released next month, to which Gallups responded, “As far as I know this is not a part of the March announcement.”

    In September 2011, the posse began investigating the authenticity of the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website on April 27 of that year after businessman Donald Trump and others pressed Obama to show his detailed birth certificate to prove his birth in Hawaii. Until that time, a “short-form” Certification of Live Birth had been posted by an unknown source at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008, for which former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took credit in 2009. At the time, Gibbs claimed that the short-form “document” was the only birth certificate available for Obama.

    Obama’s presumed birth in Hawaii allegedly proves his eligibility to serve as president under Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that the chief executive be a “natural born Citizen.” However, controversy has arisen over the meaning of the term used by the Founders after John Jay urged them to elevate the requirement from “Citizen” to “natural born Citizen.” Many scholars understand it to mean “born in the country to two parents who are citizens,” although others have argued that a simple birth on U.S. soil suffices.

    The posse publicly stated nearly two years ago that the long-form birth certificate image and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.” Rather than investigating themselves, the media attacked lead investigator Mike Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, particularly after their second press conference given on July 17, 2012, during which more details about their findings were revealed.

    Zullo has stated that a “universe-shattering” announcement will be made soon, most likely next month. Radio show host and founder of has stated that members of Congress are now “working with” those seeking to expose the truth about the man occupying the White House.

    In the video, Shrimpton claims that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960, which contradicts Obama’s narrative of an August 4, 1961 birth at Kapiolani Children’s Medical Center in Honolulu, HI. The hospital has declined to confirm Obama’s claim, and no other U.S. hospital has claimed to be Obama’s birthplace.

    In 2010, Lucas Daniel Smith claimed that when he traveled to Africa the year before, he detoured to Kenya, bribed several hospital personnel at the Mombasa Coast Province General Hospital and obtained a certified copy of Barack Hussein Obama II’s birth certificate. Smith operates a website,, and in September 2010 sent certified copies of a letter to every member of Congress which included copies of the birth certificate document. -
    (bold and color emphasis added)

    Obama’s official biography published by his literary agent, Dystel & Goderich, had stated that he was born in Kenya until it was changed in 2007 to say that he was born in Hawaii. In February of that year, Obama announced that he would seek the presidency.

    Although The Blaze has been unwilling to discuss the findings of forgery and fraud in regard to Obama’s scant documentation, it reported last June that Yahoo! News stated that Obama was born in Kenya. The writer, Madeleine Morgenstern, pointed out that Yahoo! “revised” its article to then call Kenya Obama’s “ancestral homeland.”

    Prior to Obama’s run for the presidency, various online African newspapers claimed that he was “Kenyan-born,” as have members of the Kenyan Parliament more recently.

    Letters to members of Congress written questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility before the electoral votes were certified in December 2008 were either ignored or responded to in template-like form letters restating Obama’s claim that he was born in Hawaii.

    PPSimmons, which Gallups founded in 2008, reports of Shrimpton:

    Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11…

    Nearly five years ago, on March 17, 2009, CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) filed a complaint of treason against Obama, naming him as a “foreign born domestic enemy.” Fitzpatrick has been targeted by Obama’s IRS by a two-thirds garnishment of his military pension for more than two years without explanation.

    Those who have questioned the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate have been called “birthers” in the pejorative and harassed, threatened, and intimidated online.

    Obama has been described as “anti-American” and has “fundamentally transformed the United States of America” with his health care bill, Rules of Engagement which have resulted in the deaths of nearly five times the number of troops in war theaters overseas than under his predecessor; and recognizing Islam and Muslims while marginalizing Christians and Israel.

    His “Common Core” educational curriculum is teaching children inappropriate material which many have described as “Marxist.”

    “Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.” — John Jay, later first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The video was made pre-convention 2008 and probably also pre-Edwards-dropout from the primary race. It's obvious that Shrimpton believed Obama would be eliminated from consideration for the POTUS nomination largely because of the revelation that HE WAS BORN IN KENYA and would be judged ineligible.

    Shrimpton delivered the BOMBSHELL about OBAMA'S KENYAN BIRTH in the video and stated further that many powerful and important individuals were already aware of this.

    So WHY did this eminently well qualified and well connected PROFESSIONAL then proceed to falsely (IMO) state that Obama was born in August 1960 and that there was no DNA connection to his assumed maternal grandparents, Stanley Armour Dunham and Madelyn Payne Dunham?

    The answer to this puzzle I think is explained by reference to the following Inforwars article regarding OBAMA BEING A CIA CREATION!

    Shrimpton has had very strong ties to the international intelligence community, most certainly including the CIA. I believe he meant well in delivering his story and I can understand his thinking in wanting to protect those ties:
    • Get out the main point - OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA and is NOT ELIGIBLE for POTUS. Everyone in a position of authority ALREADY KNOWS THIS.
    • Obama is NOT going to be the Democratic POTUS nominee and he will now be deservedly relegated to the dustbin of history. Thus, what's the harm of telling a few 'little white lies' to protect his CIA-connected grandparents and fuzzy-up the actual date this fraud was born. The main thing is - OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA, and that's all anyone really needs to know. There is NO NEED TO EXPOSE THE CIA to matters involving Obama.

    It is also possible that Shrimpton was simply repeating lies he was told by the CIA about Obama's true date of birth in Kenya and the claimed mismatch between Obama's DNA and that of his maternal grandparents. The CIA certainly would have wanted to distance themselves as far as possible from any connection with BHO-II.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      P&E: Why Did Wikipedia Remove Page For Michael Shrimpton; Truth Emerged?

      Birther Report



      Why Did Wikipedia Remove Page for Michael Shrimpton?
      By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

      (Feb. 26, 2014) — As noted by ORYR, Wikipedia has deleted its entry for Barrister and British Intelligence operative Michael Shrimpton after videos of his declaration that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya surfaced and were widely circulated on the internet on Tuesday and Wednesday.

      Shrimpton is seen in the videos stating that British intelligence had known that Obama was born in Kenya since at least 2008, given the events described at the time, and shared that information with both Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain, both of whom were seeking the presidency along with Obama.

      Shrimpton is a writer at Veterans Today and lists his contact information where his work is published. The Post & Email has contacted him using the email address he provided to request an interview.

      In following the link Shrimpton provided to his former Wikipedia entry, one finds that it is now defunct.

      In an undated interview, Alex Jones spoke with Shrimpton about the death of a Dr. David Kelly in the U.K.

      For five years, The Post & Email has asked why members of Congress have battled Obama on his policies when his legitimacy was the real question.

      If Obama is foreign born, has there really ever been a “President Obama?”

      If true, what will Michelle Malkin, National Review Online, Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, CNN, Twitchy, MSNBC, NBC, ABC News, Glenn Beck, Jim Vicevich, Ann Coulter, Hugh Hewitt, Mark Levin, and all of the other “conservative” pundits have to say for themselves after refusing to vet Obama themselves?

      Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

      EXTENDED CUT ...:

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Hat tip to Gary Willmott at Give Us Liberty for the reference to the 11/9/2012 Michael Shrimpton post


        Veterans Today

        Michael Shrimpton


        That rather silly woman, with respect, Anne Applebaum, has had another go at the so-called ‘birthers’ in her typically ill-informed column in today’s Daily Telegraph. She regards the views of those who believe that Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States as rational. By implication she also criticises the many Republicans who consider that Obama was born in what is now Kenya for rejecting the legitimacy of his claim to the presidency.

        For a view to be rational it must be based on the evidence. Like most pro-Obama commentators Applebaum does not condescend to consider the evidence, indeed I have not seen rational discussion of the issue anywhere in the mainstream media. For a serious consideration of the issue you have to go online, onto reputable websites like Veterans Today.

        The competing theories may be shortly stated. President Obama and the Democratic Party claim that he was born in Honolulu in the State of Hawai’i on August 4th 1961. They have been consistent about the date but not the place. Two different hospitals were put forward at different times in the 2008 election (I have been tracking this issue since Obama first came on my radar, as a state senator in Illinois, about ten years ago). The President and the Democrats have now settled on the Kapio’lani Maternity Hospital in Honolulu. Mainstream media commentators like Anne Applebaum are seemingly unaware that two different US birthplaces have been put forward by the President and his supporters. They tend to take the latest White House position as fact.

        The Kenya theory, supported by many Republicans, a broad swathe of the international intelligence community (behind the scenes) and, in the public domain, by the entrepreneur Donald Trump, asserts that the President was born in or near Mombasa in what is now Kenya. Within this group there are five main sub-groups – those who say that the date of birth is correct but not the place, those who put the birth in 1960, those who say that the claimed maternal relationship is true but not the paternal relationship, those who put it the other way round and those who accept the claimed parentage but not place of birth. There is of course cross-over between these groups on the date of birth.
        - (Bold and color emphasis added)

        The CIA, semi-publicly, accepted maternity but challenged paternity. Two names for the father, including the radical black activist ‘Malcolm X,’ were privately circulated by ‘sources close to the CIA’ in 2010 and 2011. The CIA’s true position, supported I am told by a DNA test, is that the claimed paternity is correct but not maternity. Their official position is of course the White House line, i.e. that President Obama is eligible to be sworn in as President on January 21st. The CIA were actually quite slow to get to grips with the issue. So far as I know no work was done on it until I briefed them in, in 2007. Both MI5 and MI6 held out on them for some months afterwards, indeed I don’t think MI6 made full disclosure of their position until CIA had the DNA test done (I am told they used wine and water glasses, with the DNA swabs verified by fingerprints). Homeland Security are said to agree with the CIA’s internal assessment. They of course have access to the immigration and passport records, which have never been disclosed publicly and are apparently troubling for the Democrats.

        The Mossad, DGSE, BND, SVR, MI5 and MI6 go with Mombasa, although there is some disagreement between the agencies about date of birth. SVR are rumored to favour 1961, e.g., whereas MI6 and Mossad are said to go with 1960. MI5 have a file because the colonial internal security files came over from Nairobi in 1963. Since Obama’s father and grandfather were both linked to the Mau-Mau terrorist organization they were very properly made the subjects of intelligence and police surveillance.
        - (Bold, underline and color emphasis added. SVR is the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service)

        There is actually very little evidential support for the Honolulu theory. The document the media refer to as a ‘birth certificate’ is nothing of the sort. It is an electronic facsimile, unsupported by matching Hawai’i file entries, which are sealed. I respectfully associate myself with the criticisms of this document by the forensic specialists who examined it at the behest of Arizona lawman Sheriff Joe Arpaio. It consists of multiple layers and appears to have been generated by software. It is not an original, nor even a photocopy of an original.

        It does not take the case very much further, save that its production is damaging to the White House’s credibility, as was the production of a shorter-form purported certificate in 2008, which was denounced at the time as a forgery by a Hawai’ian official, although the state then backtracked, under intense political pressure. The older fabrication was a two-dimensional computer file, which appeared to have been photo-shopped. The purported official seal lacked depth, a common mistake by forgers.

        There is a self-serving entry in the Honolulu Advertiser, which again takes the case no further, since it has always been clear that the ‘parents’ were claiming the birth of a baby boy named Barack in Honolulu on 4th August 1961. The address in that advertisement was not real however, an odd feature.

        There are some surprising lacunae in the evidence produced. The claimed mother’s medical records, e.g., have never been released. That calls for comment, since in the US there would have been an attending physician. One would expect to see some reference in the medical records for a teenage girl undergoing her first pregnancy. There are no photographs showing Ann Dunham whilst pregnant, and no evidence that she took ‘her’ child with her to Washington State, after she left school in Honolulu. There are no photographs of Barack Obama in the US before the age of about two.

        Neither of the alleged places of birth has a record of Ann Dunham being admitted in the first week of August 1961, hospital admission records being something investigators have been calling for over four years. There are no supporting records from the attending physician, whose name was suppressed for some three years after the issue started to gain traction. There are issues over the numbering of the long form birth certificate produced, which does not appear to be in sequence. The relevant immigration records are sealed, something which troubled Sheriff Arpaio, an experienced lawman, and his investigating posse. I know some have challenged the sheriff’s good faith, but I see no reason to question it. He is a man of the highest integrity - we are not talking Thames Valley Police here.

        The passport records are relevant, because President Obama cannot have visited Pakistan during the al-Huq dictatorship on a US passport. On what basis was he issued a passport by another state? If Indonesian what was said to the Indonesian authorities about his date and place of birth?

        The President’s college records are relevant because he appears to have received scholarship funding for which he would not have been eligible had he been born in the USA. It is also a valid point that he took no steps to correct a book-cover bio describing him as Kenyan-born, a fact of which Anne Applebaum seems to be unaware.

        Article 2 of the US Constitution seems to me to be clear enough. To be eligible for the presidency a candidate presented to the Electoral College has to be an American Citizen, born in the United States. It is a matter entirely for them but I see no reason why the Electors could not ask for evidence of Barack Obama’s eligibility. That applies to all candidates of all races from all parties by the way.

        I don’t accept that Senator McCain was eligible to be sworn-in, as in my opinion he was born in a hospital in downtown Colon, in Panama. It wouldn’t matter if he were born on Coco Solo Marine Corps Air Base, as he claims, as that was not in the United States. Quite where on the base he was born is a moot point, since the hospital was not built for another five years. I don’t accept that Senator Goldwater qualified for the presidency either – his eligibility was queried at the time, as he was born in a territory, not a state.

        If I am right in my conclusion that President Obama was born in what is now Kenya (it was then the Coastal Protectorate) he cannot have been born to Ann Dunham, as there is no evidence she was in Kenya in 1960 or 1961. Since she is his route to US citizenship (a somewhat doubtful route at best, since his father was already married and the form of ceremony of marriage between Ann and Barack Hussein Senior was bigamous) birth in the Protectorate would also take down his US Citizenship. He has never naturalized and is not in my opinion a US Citizen by birth (jus soli) or descent (jus sanguini).

        If those conclusions are right Vice-President’s Biden suitability to be President might be called into question, on the ground that he either knew or ought to have known that the President was ineligible, although that would more properly be a matter for Congress on impeachment, not the Electoral College, as I read the US Constitution, not least as some states bind their electors to follow the popular vote.

        9th November 2012[/I]

        View the complete post at:
        B. Steadman

