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Major Media Heavily Involved In Sheriff Joe's Obama Criminal Investigation

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  • Major Media Heavily Involved In Sheriff Joe's Obama Criminal Investigation

    Team Arpaio: Major Media Heavily Involved In Sheriff Joe's Obama Criminal Investigation

    Birther Report



    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Carl Gallups @ WEBY. )

    Free Republic's Seizethecarp transcribed the relevant parts: Carl Gallups @ 0:10: I talked with Mike Zullo yesterday and he assures me...that major media is heavily involved...they are involved in this criminal case for certain...and will be released very soon. It was good to get confirmation of the names of the people involved in the media...big, big, big names.

    This is going to be huge. So this is not going to go unnoticed. It is not going to go unreported like the last couple of conferences that Sheriff Arpaio did on the birth certificate where major media knew about it and showed up but would not report it. But now they're coming to Arpaio and Zullo. They know what's going on. They know some of it. They know bits and pieces of it and they're chomping at the bit and making their promises and lining up the ducks.

    We don't have a date in March but they're still shooting for a late March conference and release of the criminal investigation and information...of the Universe Shattering information. The date of late March is still fluid. Don't panic!...Just hang on.

    Now that major media is involved they're gonna want to time it with other events. They're gonna want to do some film footage and some interviews. The hard copy information that they have of this criminal activity that they have traced to the White House continues to pour in...continues to mount and so they're still in this huge investigation process... [.] Free Republic.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Report: Major Media Readying To Report Sheriff Joe's Obama Investigation Findings

    Birther Report



    Carl Gallups: “Major Media” Readying to Report on Criminal Investigation of Obama Regime
    By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

    (Feb. 28, 2014) — On “Freedom Friday” this evening, host Carl Gallups revealed that “major media” are now participating in the criminal investigation launched by Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio as an adjunct to the probe launched by the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse into the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website nearly three years ago.

    The posse declared that the image was a “computer-generated forgery” two years ago tomorrow, on March 1, 2012, along with Obama’s Selective Service registration form, which has been sent to those filing FOIA requests for it, including The Post & Email.

    Several weeks ago, lead investigator Mike Zullo told Gallups on Freedom Friday that the internet activity of certain Obama sycophants called “Obots” has been traced to IP numbers emanating from the White House, with at least one employed by the federal government at DARPA, a division of the Department of Defense. The revelation stems from the second investigation opened by Arpaio on which detectives are reportedly working full-time.

    Gallups has been investigating Obama’s eligibility and identity since 2008 as a citizen investigator with a decade of law enforcement experience. Zullo has worked unpaid for more than two and a half years probing the birth certificate image and possibly other connected matters.

    In June 2008, a short-form Certification of Live Birth appeared at The Daily KOS from an unknown source and was said by then-White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to have been the only “birth certificate” available for Obama. However, after mounting pressure from Donald Trump and the public to release the “long-form,” the White House posted what it said was a certified copy from the Hawaii Department of Health on April 27, 2011. However, the image was quickly declared a forgery by experts, and in September, 250 members of two Tea Party groups asked Arpaio to launch an investigation in order to protect the integrity of their votes in the upcoming 2012 election.

    In 2007 and 2008, the media either refused or failed to investigate Obama’s background and life story. Anyone attempting to mention on air Obama’s lack of documentation and later, the declared forgeries, was precluded from doing so. CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News have all run notably positive coverage of the Obama regime and ridiculed anyone questioning Obama’s eligibility or integrity.

    Now, of “major media,” Gallups said, “They’re coming to Arpaio and Zullo” and “making their promises” to report to the public Zullo and Arpaio’s discoveries.

    Both Arpaio and Zullo have received death threats as a result of their work, as have bloggers and online reporters who continued to investigate Obama’s background. Zullo has stated that he possesses statements from media employees who said they were threatened with their jobs or that they felt their “safety” was at risk because they had begun to probe the birth certificate issue.

    Gallups and others have affirmed that the information Zullo is preparing to release is supported by “hard-copy documentation” and is “universe-shattering.” According to Gallups, the information is tentatively scheduled for release in “late March,” although he said it could be later if developments and coordination with major media necessitates a delay.

    Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural born Citizen.” A video which surfaced on Wednesday of Barrister Michael Shrimpton appears to show the British attorney and intelligence expert stating that “Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya in 1960,” which contradicts Obama’s claim of a birth in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

    It is generally understood by most Americans that a “natural born Citizen” is one born in the United States. Historically, the citizenship of the parents was at least equally important to the person’s birthplace to assign “natural born” status. Zullo and Gallups have previously stated that the question regarding Obama is whether or not he is even a U.S. citizen at all.

    Citizens who petitioned their elected representatives since 2007 to look into Obama’s credentials and eligibility were ignored or told that since Obama claimed he was born in Hawaii, he was eligible to serve as president. Mike Volin of has recently reported, however, that “members of Congress” are now cooperating with the investigators, although none has spoken publicly about the matter to date.

    In July 2010, a researcher funded by The Post & Email and a private citizen traveled to the Hawaii Department of Health to gather information from the 1961-64 Birth Index, where Obama’s name and birth date were listed with an anomaly showing directly above it. A researcher who made the same trip in 2009 stated in a sworn affidavit that at that time, Obama’s name did not appear in the Birth Index.

    Mark Gillar of the Tea Party Power Hour, who has been close to Zullo’s investigation, stated in a video released in December that “prosecutions are coming” in regard to the birth certificate forgery. Two days later, Hawaii Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy died as a result of a water landing of the small airplane in which she and eight others were traveling, with the cause of death ultimately having been declared as “cardiac arrhythmia.” Her brother said she had no heart condition, and she was the only person to lose her life.

    Gallups said he is privy to the information which will be made public in the near future.

    Arpaio has been termed “America’s toughest sheriff.”

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Team Arpaio: Major Media Heavily Involved In Sheriff Joe's Obama Criminal Investigation', which was started 2/28/2014 by 'Seizethecarp'

      The thread references a 2/28/2014 Birther Report article reporting on Carl Gallups comments -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:

      Excerpts from comments in the thread:

      To: Red Steel; LucyT; null and void; Cold Case Posse Supporter; Flotsam_Jetsome; circumbendibus; ...

      “They have something very solid against Obama, and we will see it before the year is out.”

      I am thinking that some whistle-blower in the DOJ got disgusted with the White House/Holder persecutorial prosecution of Sheriff Arpaio and availed themselves of the semi-autonomous status of the FBI director to investigate corruption involving the POTUS and his cabinet acting illegally on his behalf.

      Arpaio has deep contacts in the FBI and DOJ and at least some of them must have been enraged by the false charges made against Arpaio designed to cause him to lose his re-election or get rail-roaded for “abusing” illegals.

      The FBI is tasked to “Combat public corruption at all levels”...ALL levels, presumably including the POTUS:

      Criminal Priorities

      4. Combat public corruption at all levels

      Public corruption is a breach of the public’s trust by government officials—whether elected, appointed, or under contract—and/or private individuals who use their public office for personal gain.

      It is a violation of federal law for any federal or state government official to ask for or receive anything of value for or because of any official act. Under federal law, the person who offers or pays a bribe is also guilty. These crimes are the result of deals sealed with whispered conversations, quick handshakes, and “under-the-table” money. Because of the secretive nature of bribes, such crimes are often difficult to detect and even more difficult to prove without the assistance of concerned citizens. As a result, we have set up a public corruption hotline for public tips at (877) 628-2533.

      48 posted on Friday, February 28, 2014 11:50:12 PM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Red Steel

      I’ve listen to it several times. He seems to be saying that the media is bringing evidence to a—z

      It does not take long to either arrange interviews or film them. We had a local cabel news program. An incident would happen in early after noon. Cameras were rolling almost immediately for the evening news. At worst for the late night.

      To do early interviews would just tip off the Obots to what was going on and material/evidence would start disappearing

      We know FOX And AP were upset over Rosen etc. but Arpio’s would not have jurisdiction over national misconduct. He only has the power to bring charges in his county.

      Scratching my head on this one

      51 posted on Friday, February 28, 2014 11:54:41 PM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)

      To: hoosiermama

      Sheriff Arpaio may not have jurisdiction over some of the stuff, but he surely can pass on evidence to whoever does. And Arpaio has assigned at least 2 detectives to a criminal investigation where Zullo has said they do have jurisdiction.

      Listen here.

      53 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2014 12:18:31 AM by Red Steel

      To: Seizethecarp

      More details from the same FBI link up-thread. Arpaio may be investigating any of the following types of public corruption in coordination with the FBI which emanated from the White House: Types of public corruption include: ◾Law Enforcement corruption at the state or local level typically involves the payment of bribes or kickbacks in exchange for official actions or inaction. It also includes any violation of law not necessarily connected to the official duties of law enforcement personnel, such as stealing drugs; tipping criminals to investigations; escorting deliveries of drugs or other contraband; protecting criminal enterprises, including drug organizations; embezzling funds; and releasing law enforcement records without authorization. ◾Legislative corruption at the state or local level usually involves payment of bribes or kickbacks in exchange for official action or inaction. These bribes or kickbacks can be received by the legislators themselves, by aides, by staff persons, and/or by outside parties doing business with the government. ◾Municipal corruption involves illegal activities similar to legislative corruption. Common corruption schemes at a local level include bribes or kickbacks in exchange for: supporting local ordinances, approving local government bond issuance, reducing taxes unlawfully, fraudulently manipulating probate assets, and conspiring with others to rezone property or to influence land-use proposals. ◾Judicial corruption typically arises out of the corrupt influencing of state or local judges, juries, or court personnel (clerks, bailiffs, probation officials, and other administrative staff). Common corrupt schemes include: payments to judiciary personnel in exchange for dismissal of charges; reduction of charges, bonds, or sentences; waiver of fines; return of forfeitable property; and favorable probation conditions. ◾Contract corruption usually involves the payment of bribes or kickbacks to local or state officials in exchange for favorable treatment on government contracts. Potential subjects are private contractors, anyone acting on their behalf, and public officials involved in the contracting process (procurement officers, purchasing agents, city councilpersons, and county commissioners). Favorable treatment includes: improper disclosure of bid information; narrow tailoring of contracts to benefit a certain company (sole source contracts); improper disqualification of competitors from the bid process; support or voting for the bribing contractor; and approval of false invoices, improper change orders, or cost overruns on behalf of the bribing contractor. ◾Regulatory corruption involves payment to local, state, or federal officials in exchange for favorable action or inaction pertaining to identification documents, licensing, and inspection and zoning variances. Unlawful payments (bribes and kickbacks) can be paid to: inspectors for non-enforcement of violations or extortion for false violations; planning and zoning officials for improperly reclassifying property; public officials for fraudulent documents, such as driver’s licenses and passports; and licensing officials for fraudulent issuance of licenses to construction contractors, subcontractors, and other regulated industries. ◾Prison corruption involves corrections officers taking unlawful payment for acts directly or indirectly related to their job. Common schemes include: smuggling contraband into the facility, granting unlawful privileges, and prematurely releasing inmates.

      55 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2014 12:28:09 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: Private_Sector_Does_It_Better

      “Blah blah blah... Call me when you get a vote on articles of impeachment.”

      I’m expecting a replay of Nixon, not Clinton:

      Resignation followed by pardon by President Biden.

      66 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2014 1:36:04 AM by Seizethecarp (Defend aircraft from "runway kill zone" mini-drone helicopter swarm attacks:

      To: hoosiermama

      Arpaio doesn’t need jurisdiction to report a crime to America, on a news feed. We are the people, the owners of the constitution. We prosecute.

      Think of it this way. Arpaio videotapes a Federal crime. He can’t report it to Holder, because he destroys the evidence. So, you hand it to the people. Let the people decide what the punishment will be. If the people like being abused, let them enjoy it. His job is done.

      84 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2014 7:44:59 AM by PA-RIVER

      To: PA-RIVER

      That makes sense. So if he exposes it before all material is collected he know that material will be destroyed
      He would have jurisdiction if it was a federal law.bsing broken which included repercussion in his county.

      98 posted on Saturday, March 01, 2014 9:17:09 AM by hoosiermama (Obama: "Born in Kenya" Lying now or then or now)
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        HALLELUJAH ! IT IS LONG PAST the time when " lamestream enemedia " becomes involved , informed and honest with the public on info they have been aware of since 2008 . " WE THE PEOPLE " anxiously await the public announcement and arrest of the worst asshole to ever live in AMERICA .

