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Dr. Grace Unloads Details Related To Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; DARPA

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  • Dr. Grace Unloads Details Related To Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; DARPA

    Get Ready: Dr. Grace Unloads Details Related To Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; DARPA

    Birther Report



    Gallups reiterates that Zullo traced several DARPA operatives' IP addresses directly back to the White House...

    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Carl Gallups @ WEBY. )

    Dr. Grace Vuoto Website:

    Carl Gallups Website:

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Global Ministries of Disinformation confirmed

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    It was a year ago this month that I reported information revealed by my source within the Department of Homeland Security about the existence of “cyber warriors” working for the regime of Barack Hussein Obama. The initial report was published on 6 February 2013 titled DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse and detailed, according to this source, government operatives working on behalf of Obama.

    According to this source, paid operatives began targeting websites, blogs, forums and social media accounts at exactly 7:00 a.m. on January 23, [2013] under an operation called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project.” That report, which was met with a firestorm of skepticism despite the level of detail provided, noted the activation of government shills infiltrating and attacking “problem” web sites and forums, particularly Christian, conservative, “birther” and other similar sites. In one particularly disturbing characterization ostensibly included for motivational purposes, Obama was referred to as the “Pharaoh of the internet.”

    Now, over a year later, documents leaked by Edward Snowden and reported by Glenn Greenwald provide hard evidence that “Western governments” are indeed engaged in such activity. In his report dated 24 February 2014, Mr. Greenwald discloses the role of GCHQ, or Government Communication Headquarters based in the UK, from top secret, classified government documents. These documents describe the methods employed by Western intelligence agencies to “manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.”¬† In his revealing report based on the Snowden disclosures, Mr. Greenwald explains that the targets of such marginalization are not at the nation-state level, but those who post material online that is contrary to the political interests and agendas of government.

    While the revelations focus on the tactics of the UK based GCHQ, it is important to understand that intelligence between the UK and the U.S. is commonly shared to circumvent the laws that restrict U.S. intelligence agencies such as the CIA from operating domestically. The recently released authenticated documentation leaked by Snowden outlines very disturbing and controversial techniques to disseminate deception online, exactly as detailed in my report from a year ago.

    These recent revelations should provide a level of verification that this activity is not merely restricted to GCHQ, but also involves a “virtual army” deployed domestically for the advancement of certain political agendas. The objectives are as numerous as they are nefarious. As the classified documents outline, government operatives are systematically attempting “to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse.” The larger agenda is to control free speech online and to ultimately destroy any political dissent by vilifying the messengers and nullifying their messages in an Orwellian fashion.

    The recent verifications that paid government operatives are actively working to provide cover to the unlawful activities of the criminal elements within rogue governments as well as the globalists should concern everyone, if not cause righteous outrage. Not only are we are being lied to about the most serious issues, past and present, but those of us who are engaged in reporting the truth are the targets of a very sophisticated, highly organized, government backed campaign of nullification and vilification.

    Is it any wonder, then, why the issue of the background and Constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama has been such a magnet for marginalization? What about the numerous “conspiracy theories” that seem to attract the most aggressive and vocal opponents when various topics are presented for intellectual discussion?

    We are engaged in an information war. The truth and those who seek it exist on one side. Those who want to bury the truth, or those who are otherwise known as paid operatives employed by the intelligence communities of various Western countries, exist on the other side. The globalists have already captured and control the corporate media. Today, the battle is being waged on the internet, just as I reported one year ago this month.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Web Of Deceit Confirmed: Cyber-Warriors For Obama Project; Information War

      Birther Report



      Have Internet Operatives Used Intimidation to Pass Obama’s Agenda?
      By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email

      (Mar. 2, 2014) — On Friday evening, “Freedom Friday” host Carl Gallups interviewed Dr. Grace Vuoto, a frequent guest on the show, who commented on the newly-revealed “targeting” of “dissident” citizens on the part of the British government as reported by Glenn Greenwald.

      Last June, Greenwald began divulging information gleaned from former NSA employee Edward Snowden, who acquired large amounts of information about the U.S. spy agency’s activities, including its collection of virtually every telephone and internet communication in the country.

      Late last month, Greenwald reported that the GCHQ, the British surveillance agency, had collected images from individuals’ live communications on Yahoo! without their knowledge or that of Yahoo! in conjunction with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

      Vuoto described the British program as “getting involved in a debate to try to smear certain people, to try to discredit certain ideas, and to try to determine the outcome of a particular debate.” She added that if it is revealed that operatives have been conducting similar surveillance and disinformation activity in the United States, “I think the American people have to revolt in large numbers.”

      On February 3, Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo revealed that at least one “Obot,” or ideological Obama operative, is employed by the DARPA division of the Department of Defense and could be involved in disseminating propaganda and directing readers away from the truth, similar to the GCHG intent. Two years ago, Zullo announced that the posse had found that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 is a “computer-generated forgery.” Along with his divulging of the DARPA connection, Zullo stated that a second investigation had been launched by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio apparently focusing on the activity and origin of the internet Obot operatives.

      Gallups commented on Zullo’s declaration that the operatives are known to have attempted to steer “Birthers,” people seeking the truth about Barack Hussein Obama’s background, away from their investigations.

      Vuoto and Gallups discussed the findings that GCHQ has been inventing false victims and purposely attempting to defame people whose political opinions do not agree with the government’s. Since the controversy arose about Obama’s eligibility and life story, similar operatives, apparently from the U.S., have been attempting to ruin people’s reputations online. It has long been suspected that they were paid by the Obama regime, which has now been affirmed by Gallups and Zullo with the announcement that “several” Obots work for DARPA.

      Smear campaigns aimed at “birthers” include those published at The Fogbow, which has maintained a “Birther Gallery” of those seeking information about Obama; Oh, For Goodness Sake, which has not been updated since November 6, 2012, when Obama was proclaimed the winner of the 2012 election; Native Born Citizen, which closely follows Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III and developments in the Darren Huff case; BadFiction, which appears to not have been updated since December 2, 2013; and ObamaConspiracy, among others. BirtherThinkTank has not posted since last September after posting a letter attributed to this writer in August which was a complete fabrication.

      Gallups recapped to Vuoto that Zullo had stated that “several DARPA operatives” have been following the movements of “birthers” online using IP numbers which “trace back to the White House.” He said that Arpaio’s investigation has discovered the names, positions and “everything about them that one could possibly know.”

      Vuoto expressed outrage at the politically-motivated spying which has harassed and intimidated many Obama researchers online over the past five years, attempting to shape public discourse, particularly about the Obama eligibility issue. “I never thought I would see the day when I would come to the conclusion that our government is a monster,” she said.

      This writer has known that since at least December 2011, her phone calls were being tapped in real time. The Post & Email was hacked on innumerable occasions through January 26, 2012, when its hosting company shut it down, allegedly for posing a threat to other sites on the server. At the cost of more than $1,500, the site had to be backed up, migrated, and restored on a dedicated server which increased its operating costs exponentially. has recently announced a similar plan to protect the website.

      Others investigating Obama and proclaiming him a usurper to the presidency have lost their jobs, become targets of the IRS, or received visits from the U.S. Secret Service.

      After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obamacare as “constitutional” on June 28, 2012 by a 5-4 vote, CBS News reported that an inside source informed them that Roberts had been set to vote against the constitutionality of the bill until about 30 days prior to the announcement of the ruling, when he inexplicably and staunchly “changed his position.” Vuoto intimated that U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts may have been threatened by information gleaned from the NSA’s spying, to which Gallups responded, “They were compromised,” in a clearly declarative sentence.

      Gallups stated on air that “I know what they know,” meaning the information which will be released in the near future by Zullo, Arpaio or both.

      Vuoto hypothesized that certain people within the government have been victimized by intimidation perpetrated by the operatives and should come forward to expose the criminality despite their embarrassment and humiliation.

      In a video inexplicably appearing on the internet last Wednesday, British Barrister Michael Shrimpton appeared to be depicted telling an unknown audience that Obama was “born in Mombasa, Kenya” “about 1960,” supported by information held in British intelligence files. Shrimpton is known to have connections to both U.S. and British intelligence agencies, including, reportedly, the NSA.

      The event appears to have occurred in 2007 or 2008 before the U.S. presidential election and has Shrimpton stating that he either met or spoke with campaign personnel for presidential contenders about Obama’s hidden foreign origins, which he said included Sen. John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and John Edwards. Shrimpton concluded that as a result of his revelations, which he expected would be reported in the U.S. media, Obama would be forced to drop out of the presidential race, presumably for failing to qualify as a “natural born Citizen,” as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

      Instead, the media refused to raise the question of Obama’s origins and constitutional eligibility, banning or ridiculing anyone who wished to discuss it. “Birthers” were repeatedly referred to in the pejorative by Chris Matthews and others in left-wing media. In December 2007, Matthews himself stated on the air that Obama was “born in Indonesia,” questioning only whether or not Hillary Clinton would attempt to use that “fact” against Obama during the primaries.

      On Sunday morning, blogger Citizen Wells retrieved a 2008 article from the Wayback Machine written by Israel Insider which had suggested that Obama was not American-born. Wells made the presumption that the information imparted by a “national security lawyer with extensive credentials and intelligence connections” as reported by Israel Insider came from Shrimpton.

      Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman

