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Valerie Jarrett Confirms Obama Going Rogue -- American Thinker, M. Catherine Evans

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  • Valerie Jarrett Confirms Obama Going Rogue -- American Thinker, M. Catherine Evans

    Valerie Jarrett Confirms Obama Going Rogue

    American Thinker

    M. Catherine Evans


    On Thursday, Obama’s senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, told Bill O’Reilly that the president’s abuse of power via executive orders will continue into 2014.

    After politely listening to O’Reilly encourage her to get Michelle Obama to come on his show and tell black teenagers not to have sex, the composed, slick and smiling Jarrett didn’t hold back.

    When O’Reilly shifted the conversation and asked if Obama’s “bad numbers” from a recent CBS poll were due to ObamaCare, Jarrett replied:

    "I think that as a result of what the President did at the State of the Union he changed the paradigm. We're going to have a year of action. He's going to be doing a lot of things that don't necessarily involve Congress.

    Jarrett not only speaks as one with Obama, but she drives his agenda as many in the press have stated. In June of 2012, the New York Times reported that Jarrett was at the helm when it came to Obama’s “boldest moves” in the areas of immigration, gay rights, the contraception mandate, Supreme Court appointments, and the war on women.

    Jarrett wields a lot of power. She has been called “Mr. Obama’s spine,” “the gatekeeper,” “the night stalker,” and “the other power in the White House” by liberals and the de facto president by the right. Considering Jarrett’s reputation, her “pen and phone” remark during the O’Reilly interview is chilling.

    For six years Jarrett and this administration have flouted the law; treated patriotic, taxpaying Americans as domestic terrorists; targeted conservative groups as enemies of the State; put more people on government welfare; bribed states in order to indoctrinate our kids with anti-American, anti-capitalism propaganda; set up operations to take away our guns; left Americans to die while they watched; and tried to shut down freedom of speech by calling people “racist” and “right wing extremists.”

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    B. Steadman