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Obama arrest, Barrister Michael Shrimpton video timeline, Obama born in Mombasa Kenya

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  • Obama arrest, Barrister Michael Shrimpton video timeline, Obama born in Mombasa Kenya

    Obama arrest, Barrister Michael Shrimpton video timeline, Obama born in Mombasa Kenya?, CIA DNA testing?, Dunhams not grandparents?, Shrimpton testimony could lead to Obama arrest

    Citizen Wells News


    Obama arrest, Barrister Michael Shrimpton video timeline, Obama born in Mombasa Kenya?, CIA DNA testing?, Dunhams not grandparents?, Shrimpton testimony could lead to Obama

    “Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense, to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

    “Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

    “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
    –if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
    history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
    Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
    controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

    The Barrister Michael Shrimpton video is not a recent fabrication and is by all indications legitimate.

    Here is what we know.

    The video was produced circa February 2008. We know this by the context of Shrimpton’s statements.

    Barrister Michael Shrimpton provided the same info as stated in the video to Israel Insider in August 2008.

    “Reuven Koret, Israel Insider Publisher

    In August I received a curious email. As a magazine that covers international politics, with a focus on Mideast affairs, Israel Insider gets more from its fair share of baseless tips and phony rumors. I ignore most and delete them unread. This one was a bit different. It came from a national security lawyer with extensive credentials and intelligence connections that checked out, and a phone number.”

    The video was placed on Google Videos by at least February 11, 2010.

    The video was referenced on the following Google Group on February 11, 2010.!

    According to Google it was scheduled to be removed on April 29, 2011.

    “On April 29, 2011, videos that have been uploaded to Google Video will no longer be available for playback. We’ve added a Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content you want to save. If you don’t want to download your content, you don’t need to do anything. (The Download feature will be disabled after May 13, 2011.)

    We encourage you to move to your content to YouTube if you haven’t done so already.”

    Google videos shut down on August 20, 2012. The remaining videos were moved to Youtube.

    The video was rediscovered by Gaia Militia.

    “It isn’t that much of a story…I’ve been researching the German involvement in the European Union & the New World Order, I was listening to WW2 Codebreaker Dr Harry Beckhough in a playlist…the next video that came on was Shrimpton…who has never let me down yet…so I let it play…all of a sudden, I heard the name Obama mentioned and Kenya…it brought a big smile to my face, and I thought of America straight away…so I cut out the Obama parts, stuck them together and uploaded…I contact Carl Gallups straight away as I knew he was the person who would get this video where it needed to go…as far as I am aware it was from 2008…I got it from MRG – Michael Shrimpton – European Union – Legal & Legitimate? which is dated 2012…I care about the American people, and I want the best for your country…since Obama has come to power ‘watched America go down hill…I’ve watched him lie over and over and over…It all started 5 years ago when I stumbled across Dr Steven Greer…I’ve been on a roller coaster ride since then…Google deleted 5 years worth of research 3 times, I’ve been locked out of Facebook and banned from twitter 7 times…I’ve been gang stalked and had posts changed by sys admins…alot of things…all I wanted to know was if aliens are real and we ended up here”

    The video is important for a number of reasons.

    First, Barrister Michael Shrimpton has the credentials and apparent access to privileged and classified information.

    Second, Shrimpton’s statements were made matter of factly prior to Obama securing the Democrat nomination.

    We knew that the Clintons found out about Obama’s eligibility deficiencies by early 2008. Bettina Viviano has spoken of this. Shrimpton states that he informed them.

    Most of the information about Obama prior to and going into 2008 indicated that he was born in Kenya. This is further corroboration.

    Next step?

    Barrister Michael Shrimpton should be subpoenaed by Congress and perhaps the Alabama Supreme court which still has before it the Obama eligibility appeal.

    If the statements of Shrimpton are validated. Barack Hussein Obama should be arrested.


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    B. Steadman