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No one Crueler to Black Americans than America’s First Black President

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  • No one Crueler to Black Americans than America’s First Black President

    No one Crueler to Black Americans than America’s First Black President

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    It would be the irony of all time if the 71 percent of disenfranchised black African American youths trying to survive under President Barack Obama forced him out of office before his time is up.

    This is one group Obama cannot silence with the racist smear he levies against any who dare criticize his destructive policies. And there is no way to throw a whopping 71 percent of American youths who are Rush Limbaugh-described as “disappointed”, “mad” and “frustrated” by the first black president, under the bus.

    They see clearly through Obama’s Feb. 27th announced “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative that they have been as blatantly Obama-ignored as Obama’s brother still living in abject poverty in a hut.

    They see clearly that Obama’s race war which only divides a not-so-long-ago thriving country has done absolutely nothing to help them.

    They know, too, that were it not for the mainstream media and its talking heads, Obama would never have gotten away with it.

    No hero to the poor and the downtrodden, Obama, who hides in secret all other credentials to prove from whence he came, keeps first-black-president status as an ace in the hole only to brand his detractors as racists.

    Racist rhetoric does nothing to find jobs, lift the dejected or to feed hungry bellies.

    In short, Obama is doing zero for the country’s “disappointed”, “mad” and “frustrated” African American youth who on his watch go jobless, hungry and lost.

    It must be the most tragic fact of politics that Barack Obama gets to use his colour to remain untouchable while he spreads Marxist misery on the masses when a sizeable part of those masses entail a lost generation of African Americans.

    As they face yet another day against all odds, they would know at heart that his new “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative is as phony as the birth certificate uploaded on line the same week he took credit for ridding the world of Osama bin Laden.

    Amazing that even with the race card being tossed over the head of an entire nation, with the mainstream media always looking the other way, the truth is still there shining as brightly as the Florida sunshine.

    “President Obama is going to have to do a whole lot more than promise to make things better for young blacks under his new “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, because in a new poll, 71 percent of voters say life for the group is the same or worse than before he came into office. (Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, March 4, 2014) “Among blacks, some of the results are worse, with just 11 percent believing life has gotten better for African American youths.”

    That’s just the tragic state of affairs for young blacks who remain jobless and hopeless while Obama travels the world giving unlistened-to speeches, playing golf and shooting hoops.

    This is the hard life Obama is imposing on young black youth who made it to school and university age.

    The ones who didn’t make it through childbirth dominate appalling statistics.

    More than any other race, Black babies do not make it past abortion. Shamefully, there are now more Black babies aborted than born in New York City, and New York isn’t the only place following the evil trend started a century ago by Planned Parenthood founder/ bigot Margaret Sanger.

    In Georgia, 53.5 percent of the babies aborted are black; 63 percent of babies aborted in Texas are Black or Hispanics, and the annual total of aborted minority babies in Texas is greater than the population of Galveston. (Rush Limbaugh)

    Yet the NAACP is out there marching with Planned Parenthood’s so-called ‘Moral Mondays’.

    What Obama has done for Black America was aptly put by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show yesterday: “The black population is being aborted into further minority status with the assistance of Planned Parenthood”.

    But the bold lies of Obama and the Democrats continue.

    Only yesterday Democrat African American Rep. Alvin Holmes stated white Republicans would force their kids to abort babies with Black fathers. (, March 5, 2014)

    The statement came during a debate over an anti-abortion bill in Alabama.

    “During his inflammatory speech, Holmes turned to an unnamed female representative, asking he if she would be okay with her child having an interracial baby.

    “When she answers positively, he says, “Well, I need to commend you then. There’s not one in 100,000 who would do that.”

    The bill, now headed to the Senate, passed the House shorty after the debate.

    Only weeks before Holmes announced that he did not like Judge Clarence Thomas “because he’s married to a white woman”.


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    B. Steadman