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CPAC: Trump Talks Obama Birthplace; The Truth Will Come Out; Smear Merchant Attacks

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  • CPAC: Trump Talks Obama Birthplace; The Truth Will Come Out; Smear Merchant Attacks

    CPAC: Trump Talks Obama Birthplace; The Truth Will Come Out; Smear Merchant Attacks

    Birther Report



    Dem. smear merchant David Weigel attacks Donald Trump for addressing Obama's eligibility at CPAC...

    Excerpt via David Weigel @ Slate: CPAC2014: Donald Trump, Birther Till Death

    I reached the reception long after the "crudites shooters" and mini-bratwursts were gone, but right in time for Trump to answer a question about Barack Obama's citizenship. The mogul/laughingstock insisted that "an ABC reporter, who I respect" had totally been bested by him when the question came up.

    "Where do you think he was born?" said Trump, quoting himself. "Do you think he was born here? He was like, 'I don't know, I'm not sure.' When I walk down the street, I have more people screaming at me—'Don't forget the birth certificate. It's the craziest thing! I have more people that shout out their car windows—that is not an issue that has not resonated.

    He went on, recalling how he'd demanded Obama's college records, offering a cash prize for them. "To me, it's one of the most interesting things that none of these colleges have turned [his records] in. I hope it's positive, because if not, we have a sham president. It could be a way of collecting $50 million and giving it to charity. Why does somebody spend $3.5 million on legal fees? Why, when he was a very young man, did he do a book and on the cover of the book, it said 'a young man from Kenya.' The next day he said it was a typo." [...] Continued @ Slate.

    Trump should've asked David Weasel if he's a real American or if he is a communist spy... I'd bet the latter...


    Donald Trump's Full Speech At CPAC-2014

    ( Video via ACU )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman