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IMO - Michael Shrimpton's ramblings are largely LOCUTIONARY BOVINE FECAL MATTER

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  • IMO - Michael Shrimpton's ramblings are largely LOCUTIONARY BOVINE FECAL MATTER

    Scoop: British Intel Advisor; Dr. Corsi Preparing Argument Obama Father Indonesian

    Birther Report



    British Intel Advisor Michael Shrimpton: Dr. Corsi Preparing Argument Obama Father Indonesian

    Second Installment: British Intel Advisor Michael Shrimpton talks Kenya, Indonesia, Clinton, Obama DNA...

    VIDEO ONE ...:
    ( Video via Birther Report )

    Part One Highlights:

    Obama's real mother was a mistress of BHO Sr. living in Kenya and was a Muslim of Arabic(?)stature...

    When Obama was born he was born a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar, not a subject of the Queen...

    The CIA put forth the narratives that Malcolm X and Frank Marshall Davis were Obama's real father...

    Dr. Corsi preparing argument Obama's real father is Indonesian (name inaudible)...

    Position on who Obama's real father has changed in light of recent information...


    VIDEO TWO ...:
    ( Video via Birther Report )

    Video Two Highlights:

    Briefed-in Bill Clinton's people that Obama was not eligible, Bill sat on it, initially kept it from Hillary...

    Clintons have a trail of dead bodies going from Little Rock to Washington, Bill sanctioned Ron Brown hit...

    Obama cut a deal with Hillary whereby she became SoS, agreed not to use the DNA report...

    Hillary ratted on Michael Hayden for holding back DNA, Hillary got back by getting Leon Panetta in as CIA head...

    Rudy Giuliani sat on information due to his own marital issues(mistress), Gov. Pataki also mentioned...

    Obama is not even an American citizen, says Germany pulling Obama's strings...

    Says Pentagon sitting on DNA report, Obama's Fulbright Scholarship, his time at Occidental, born in Kenya...

    Obama born in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1960, mother Muslim, possibly Asian, certainly Arab blood...

    You be the judge!

    RELATED: British Intel Advisor: Barack Obama Not Eligible; Message To Republicans - DETAILS HERE.


    The interview with Barrister Michael Shrimpton, a British Intelligence Advisor; was recorded on March 7th, 2014. does not endorse nor can substantiate the claims made by Mr. Shrimpton.

    This interview along with previous commentary by Mr. Shrimpton only further demonstrates the national security implications which warrant an immediate Congressional investigation to once and for all vet Barack Obama / Soetoro / Soebarkah who is now tied to fraudulent identity documents by an official law enforcement investigation.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2


    The LOCUTIONARY BOVINE FECAL MATTER hit the proverbial fan in the largely inconsistent, non-substantiated ramblings of Michael Shrimpton in his interview with Birther Report.

    Previously, as I recall, Shrimpton was claiming that BHO-I WAS Obama's father. However, he is now espousing the opinion-de-jour, that Obama's father was Indonesian. But he is also saying, virtually simultaneously, that Obama's real mother was a mistress of BHO-I in Kenya!

    Was Obama born in 1960 or 1961? Which is it? These details are IMPORTANT!

    Is Shrimpton intentionally spouting disinformation and sowing confusion? His statements all seem to conveniently exonerate the RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS from any involvement in the rise of Obama. According to him, there is no connection of Obama with the Communist, Frank Marshall Davis. We must conclude that the credible, stated claims of Tom Fife must be ignored. --- IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT OBAMA IS DOING TO THE COUNTRY, BLAME THE GERMANS!

    The CIA is also excused from any responsibility in this entire, shameful tragedy. How very convenient! See Obama's CIA connections at -

    He does throw in a little factual information from time to time, such as 'OBAMA WAS BORN IN MOMBASA, KENYA' just to lend credence to the entire charade.

    Alternatively, perhaps Shrimpton is just a self-aggrandizing opportunist looking for some attention!

    However, he seems like a smart, well-connected professional, and I strongly lean toward the 'intentional disinformation' explanation for his statements.

    Regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time or mental effort trying understand Shrimpton's inconsistent, rambling, undocumented statements or his motives.

    PROVEN, DOCUMENTED FACT: Barack Hussein Obama II was born August 4, 1961 at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. Lucas Daniel Smith proved it by showing the world a certified copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate which he obtained directly from the birth hospital on February 19, 2009. He has successfully defended the authenticity of this document against the counter-claims of all challengers -,%20Copy.pdf

    Furthermore, I believe, based on the preponderance of the evidence, that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's bio-father -!

    IMO - Shrimpton and Company are now putting forth all this confusing, ridiculous stuff in an attempt to sow confusion and take the edge off Sheriff Joe Arpaio's soon to be released 'Universe Shattering' revelations regarding Obama!
    B. Steadman

