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Obama's Lies Defile the Worth of a President and Imperil the World - TPATH

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  • Obama's Lies Defile the Worth of a President and Imperil the World - TPATH


    Dwight Kehoe


    This incompetent, dishonest, deceitful narcissist who has illegally usurped the Presidency of this once great country had no credentials for taking on the job of leader of the free world. He knew it, his socialist supporters knew it and we the people knew it. Now, we as well as the rest of the world, are and will be paying for it.

    Posterity, if there will be posterity, and they are able to ask, "My God, how did they ever let this happen?"; we can only pray they will understand enough to avoid its recurrence.

    Let us look back now at how this inexperienced, unqualified amateur was allowed to take this country and the world to the brink of war and economic collapse:
    1. He was allowed to hide his academic records, from grammar school through college.
    2. He was allowed to fabricate a life history which included made up girlfriends and authorship of books.
    3. He was allowed to forge Selective Service documents.
    4. He was allowed to use a Social Security number not issued to him.
    5. He was allowed to hide the fact that all his mentors were communists and haters of America.
    6. He was allowed to hide his passport records and his travel to Islamic countries.
    7. He was allowed to forge a birth certificate in order to prove the un-provable.
    8. He was allowed to run for the office of the Presidency despite his Constitutional ineligibility.
    9. He was allowed to run for the most difficult, important job in the world without a bit of experience.
    10. And most important of all, he was supported by the media and his political party even though they knew he was a compulsive and habitual liar incapable of uttering the truth about his past or his intentions.

    At the end of this article we have listed his lies and deceptions, not quite in chronological order but in two parts. The first part enumerates lies known before he was elected. The second part, after. We understand that most of us know of these and don't need to read them again. But for those who may not, they are there in all their glory. We have also made a document which can be downloaded and presented to your Obot friends.

    Facts of human nature and life:

    The one time presentation of information for the purpose of education or in support of a position or an idea which has been proffered without due diligence regarding the facts, would direct the recipient of such deficient data to future skepticism. That purveyor, if such carelessness or errors were not repeated, and if it was believed not to have been an intentional deception, could recover and regain the respect of those he must convey information to or communicate with.

    Not so with an intentional lie. The liar possesses a deep character flaw, one that shouts to the universe and travels for infinity through space and time, never to dissipate. Once deceived, never again believed.

    If he lies about something, he will lie about anything.

    In one's personal life, involving family and friends, a known liar disrupts his small environment with minor consequences. He may in fact pass through his existence oblivious to how he is perceived. In the business world the distrust one earns with dishonesty has deeper ramifications, but again, without any significance outside his or her localized domain.

    However.....When a liar leads a country and that country is looked up to and relied upon by other countries, his character flaw imperils not just his own nation but all other nations as well. If anyone should doubt that peril, just have them look anywhere, home here in America or abroad. In just six short years the world has begun to deteriorate round us. No world leader, good, bad or the very bad, either respects today's American leader or believes a single word read from his teleprompter. How could they?

    President G. W. Bush for example, found himself relentlessly under attack and called a liar by the Socialist Democratic Party and their propaganda ministry, better known as the Main Stream Media. This onslaught resulted because no significant discoveries of weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. Some may say Bush was wrong. Bush did not lie, he told the people what he was told by various intelligence organizations around the world.

    It now appears he neither lied nor was he wrong. The truth is now coming out. There were plenty of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But that is another story. While George Bush may have disappointed many of us with his watered down conservatism and his failure to stay in the fight his last few years, he will always be respected for his honesty and integrity. History will treat President Bush well.

    Not so, the impostor now mis-leading the planet into economic destruction and a possible world war. A little edification for the Obots who will be emailing. There is a big difference between an error and a lie.

    Webster's Dictionary describes a lie like this:

    1. A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

    Obama has a certified history of lies, falsehoods and deceptions. One might forgive the Socialist Democratic Party and the news media for supporting this leftist darling of theirs if his character was not known or if it was hidden prior to them giving him their support. Unfortunately his lying ways were not hidden.

    Download the list of OBAMA LIES at:
    B. Steadman